

The Service resource represents a set of functionalities or support provided for a device within the digital customer platform. Services are typically associated with specific industrial assets, such as machines or industrial plants, that have been digitalized on the platform. Each service is uniquely identified by an 'id' and contains descriptive information such as its 'name' and 'content'. The 'device' relationship enables the Service to be directly associated with a Device, allowing for a clear connection between the service offered and the industrial asset it pertains to. With public visibility, these attributes and relationships are accessible for interaction through the platform's API, ensuring that services can be managed and queried effectively.


These are all attributes that can be read and updated through the API

Name Description Permissions
name The 'name' attribute represents the unique identifier or title of the service being described. READ ONLY
content The 'content' attribute holds detailed information, descriptions, or other pertinent data associated with the service. READ ONLY

Get Service by ID


Returns a specific Service by ID.


It is possible to get related objects from Services.


This table shows all available resources that can be queried

Relation Objecttype Relationtype
asset Asset many:many Show details

Update Service


Update fields of Service by ID. The fields must be sent as x-www-form-urlencoded parameter.

Create Service


Create a new Service.

Delete Service


Delete the resource Service by ID.

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