

The Account resource represents an individual account within the digital customer platform. It serves as the primary container for users, roles, permissions, and other related entities such as devices, gateways, and modules that are part of a user's environment. Accounts can be associated with various themes and have their own transaction records. They can also be arranged hierarchically, with the ability to have child and parent account relationships. This allows for sophisticated management and structuring of access levels and settings across different accounts within the platform. Additionally, each Account has its own distinct database name and can engage in conversations. The Account resource is a central element in orchestrating the digitalization of industrial assets and managing user access and customization of the platform experience.


These are all attributes that can be read and updated through the API

Name Description Permissions
id A unique identifier for the Account, typically represented by an integer or UUID. READ ONLY
name The name associated with the Account, often representing the account holder's name or username. READ AND UPDATE
description A brief summary or overview of the Account's purpose or characteristics. READ AND UPDATE

Get Account by ID


Returns a specific Account by ID.


It is possible to get related objects from Accounts.


This table shows all available resources that can be queried

Relation Objecttype Relationtype
users User Not available Show details
account Account 1:1
theme Theme Not available Show details
assets Asset 1:many Show details
roles Role many:1 Show details
permissions Permission 1:many Show details
gateways Gateway 1:many Show details
tags Tag 1:many Show details
integrations Integration 1:many Show details
metadatas Metadata many:many Show details
accounts Account 1:many

Update Account


Update fields of Account by ID. The fields must be sent as x-www-form-urlencoded parameter.

Create Account


Create a new Account.

Delete Account


Delete the resource Account by ID.

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