

The 'Decode' resource represents a mapping or translation layer used to decipher and interpret the signals or data points coming from devices within the digital customer platform. Each instance of 'Decode' holds information such as a unique code, a human-readable name, and an optional description. Furthermore, 'Decode' associates with one or more 'DeviceInput' resources, linking incoming device data with the correct decoding logic. The 'Decode' model features caching for improved performance, and visibility for specific attributes is set to 'public', ensuring that relevant decoding information is accessible to authorized users and systems interfacing with the digital customer platform.


These are all attributes that can be read and updated through the API

Name Description Permissions
code A unique identifier typically used to decode a specific dataset or an element within a data structure. READ ONLY
name The human-readable term or title that is assigned to the item being described by the 'code'. READ ONLY
description A detailed explanation of the item's purpose, content, and usage. READ ONLY

Get Decode by ID


Returns a specific Decode by ID.


It is possible to get related objects from Decodes.


This table shows all available resources that can be queried

Relation Objecttype Relationtype
datastream Datastream many:many Show details

Update Decode


Update fields of Decode by ID. The fields must be sent as x-www-form-urlencoded parameter.

Create Decode


Create a new Decode.

Delete Decode


Delete the resource Decode by ID.

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