

The Asset resource represents industrial devices that are a part of the digital customer platform. It allows for tracking and managing the various attributes and configurations of these industrial machines and plants. Each Asset can be associated with firmware versions, metadata, tags, and can have parent and child relationships within the digital infrastructure. The resource provides mechanisms to oversee device inputs, outputs, actions, event inspections, reports, and more, supporting comprehensive integration into the digital customer platform's ecosystem.


These are all attributes that can be read and updated through the API

Name Description Permissions
id A unique identifier for the asset, typically an integer or a UUID. READ ONLY
name The name of the asset, usually a concise label used for identification purposes. READ AND UPDATE
description A detailed description of the asset, providing more in-depth information than the name. READ AND UPDATE
created_at The date and time when the asset was initially created, often stored in UTC. READ ONLY
updated_at The date and time when the asset was last updated, reflecting the most recent changes. READ ONLY

Get Asset by ID


Returns a specific Asset by ID.


It is possible to get related objects from Assets.


This table shows all available resources that can be queried

Relation Objecttype Relationtype
account Account 1:1 Show details
datastreams Datastream 1:many Show details
actions Action 1:many Show details
reports Report 1:many Show details
dashboards Dashboard many:1 Show details
dataexports Dataexport 1:many Show details
metadatas Metadata many:many Show details
gateways Gateway many:1 Show details
tags Tag many:many Show details

Update Asset


Update fields of Asset by ID. The fields must be sent as x-www-form-urlencoded parameter.

Create Asset


Create a new Asset.

Delete Asset


Delete the resource Asset by ID.

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