

The ReportPage resource represents a customizable page within the digital customer platform, containing various widgets that display data reports linked to industrial assets. This resource allows users to view and analyze the performance and metrics of their digitalized assets. Each ReportPage is associated with a specific Report and can be configured with different types of Widgets to visualize data in an accessible and meaningful way. It inherits properties and methods from the Dashboard model and includes mechanisms for soft deletion and caching to enhance performance and data integrity.


These are all attributes that can be read and updated through the API

Name Description Permissions
id A unique identifier for the ReportPage, typically used to reference the specific report page in the database or API. READ ONLY
name The human-readable name of the ReportPage, often used to display the title of the report page to users. READ AND UPDATE

Get ReportPage by ID


Returns a specific ReportPage by ID.


It is possible to get related objects from ReportPages.


This table shows all available resources that can be queried

Relation Objecttype Relationtype
report Report 1:1 Show details

Update ReportPage


Update fields of ReportPage by ID. The fields must be sent as x-www-form-urlencoded parameter.

Create ReportPage


Create a new ReportPage.

Delete ReportPage


Delete the resource ReportPage by ID.

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