window._translations = {
"en": {
"Unternehmen": "1238#@#Company",
"Home": "1240#@#Home",
"Jobs": "1242#@#Jobs",
"Mehr Umsatz ohne mehr Aufwand": "1244#@#Increased revenue without added effort...",
"Steigern Sie den Wert Ihrer Maschinen durch digitale Services, datengest\u00fctzter Wartung und erh\u00f6hter Kundenbindung": "1246#@#Increase the value of your machines through digital services, data-driven maintenance and higher customer loyalty",
"Neue Wege beschreiten, aber ohne Entwicklerrisiko": "1248#@#New ways, without the development risks",
"Mehr Kundenservice muss nicht mehr Aufwand bedeuten! Zeigen Sie Ihren Kunden alle relevanten Informationen zu den erworbenen Maschinen an. Neben Dokumentationen oder Reparaturanleitungen k\u00f6nnen auch Instandhaltungs- oder Betriebsdaten hinterlegt werden. So erh\u00f6hen Sie die Kundenbindung bei gleichzeitig weniger internem Aufwand.": "1250#@#Create a unique customer service without additional efforts! Show your customers all relevant information of their machines, such as documentations, repair manuals, service- and operational data in one central place. This leads to higher customer loyalty, with less effort.",
"Echtzeitdaten Ihrer Maschinen erm\u00f6glichen eine vorausschauende Instandhaltung und verbesserte Wartungszyklen. Dies f\u00fchrt zu einer h\u00f6heren Anlagenverf\u00fcgbarkeit (OOE) und niedrigeren Wartungs- und Servicekosten.": "1252#@#Enable predictive maintenance and optimised service cycles based on real-time data of your machines. This leads to higher OEE (overall equipment effectiveness) und lower maintenance- and service cost.",
"Alarmieren Sie sich und Ihre Kunden per Mail oder SMS \u00fcber Ausf\u00e4lle und Anomalien. Alle zugeh\u00f6rigen relevanten Daten werden \u00fcbersichtlich mit angezeigt. Dies spart Zeit und beschleunigt den Reparaturprozess": "1254#@#Notify and alarm your employees and customers via mail and SMS about relevant anomalies and machine failures, including all relevant data and autogenerated reports to take direct action. This saves time and accelerates the repair process.",
"Weltweit verf\u00fcgbare Daten erm\u00f6glichen Ihnen neue Verkaufskan\u00e4le und Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle. Maschinenleasing, Automatische Ersatzteillieferungen oder Nutzungsbasierte Verrechnung sind nur einige Beispiele von m\u00f6glichen L\u00f6sungen.": "1256#@#Develop new services and digital business models based on your products data. Automated re-ordering of spear and wear parts, machine leasing and usage based pricing are only a few examples of possible solutions.",
"Werten Sie Ihre Maschinen im Feld zusammen aus und erfahren Sie so mehr \u00fcber die Nutzung Ihrer Produkte durch den Kunden. Produktmanager k\u00f6nnen selbst die Daten auswerten um potentielle Optimierungen zu identifizieren.": "1258#@#Enable employees to analyse your customers\u2019 machines data, to fully understand the utilisation and the product lifecycle. This leads to enhanced product development and optimisation cycles.",
"Digitalisierung neu gedacht": "1260#@#Reimagined digitalisation",
"Autonoma ist keine IoT Plattform. Wir bieten unseren Kunden eine L\u00f6sung zur sinnvollen und nachhaltigen Digitalisierung Ihrer Maschinen. Was uns unterscheidet? Unsere Produkte erm\u00f6glichen Projektmanager, Mechatroniker, Data Scientists und bestehende Techniker Anlagen zu digitalisieren. Ohne speziellem Know How und IT Kenntnissen.": "1262#@#Autonoma is not an IoT platform. We offer our customers a solution for the meaningful and sustainable digitalization of their machines and plants. \r\nWhat makes us different? Our products enable project managers, mechatronics engineers, data scientists and existing technicians to digitalise machines and plants. Without special know how and IT knowledge.",
"Unsere Funktionen auf einen Blick": "1264#@#Our functionality at a glance",
"Wir stehen auch pers\u00f6nlich zur Seite": "1266#@#We help you personally",
"Mit \u00fcber 13 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich der industriellen Digitalisierung stehen wir f\u00fcr Fragen bereit und begleiten sie gerne bei Ihren Projekten. Wir evaluieren mit Ihnen gemeinsam neue m\u00f6gliche Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle, zeigen aber auch Risiken und Stolpersteine auf.": "1268#@#With more than 12 years experience in the field of industrial digitalisation, we are ready to answer questions and accompany you in your projects. Together with you, we evaluate new possible business models, but also point out risks and pitfalls.",
"Digitalisierung, so einfach wie nie": "1270#@#Digitalisation, easier than ever",
"Der omnipr\u00e4sente Fachkr\u00e4ftemangel in der IT f\u00fchrt zu Unsicherheiten gegen\u00fcber neuen Technologien. Unsere intuitive Oberfl\u00e4che mit \u00fcbersichtlichen Anleitungen erm\u00f6glicht es den bestehenden Mitarbeitern Maschinen und ganze Anlagen zu digitalisieren. Dadurch reduziert sich der Investitionsaufwand enorm.": "1272#@#The omnipresent shortage of skilled IT staff leads to uncertainty about new technologies. Our intuitive interface with clear instructions enables existing employees to digitalize machines and entire plants. This reduces the investment effort enormously, speeds up development time and makes current employees more productive.",
"Rechtliches": "1274#@#Legal",
"Pr\u00e4sentation vereinbaren": "1276#@#Schedule a presentation",
"Eigenes Kundenportal": "1278#@#Your customer portal",
"Datenbasierte Wartung": "1280#@#Data-driven maintenance",
"Proaktive Alarmierungen": "1282#@#Proactive alerts",
"Neue digitale Services": "1284#@#New digital services",
"Detaillierte Produktanalyse": "1286#@#Detailed data analysis",
"Upselling durch Retrofit": "1288#@#Upselling through retrofitting",
"Flexible Datenerfassung": "1290#@#Flexible data acquisition",
"Unsere Datenerfassung kann kosteng\u00fcnstig auch bei bereits installierten Maschinen erg\u00e4nzt werden. Ein kosteng\u00fcnstiges Upgrade f\u00fcr zus\u00e4tzlichen Umsatz.": "1292#@#A cost-effective upgrade for additional sales. Simply add our data acquisition technology to machines that have already been installed.",
"Bieten Sie nicht nur Ihren Kunden sondern auch den eigenen Mitarbeitern einen zentralen Ort f\u00fcr Informationen. Marketing, Verkauf und Service arbeiten so Hand in Hand": "1294#@#The single point of truth for all information, not only for your customers but also your employees. By that, marketing, sales and service work hand in hand seamlessly.",
"Zeigen Sie Ihre Kompetenz im digitalen Raum mit Ihrer eigenen Platform. Bleiben Sie Ihrem Kunden im Alltag pr\u00e4sent und steigern Sie so das Vertrauen.": "1296#@#Show your competence in the digital space with your own platform. Increase customer trust and engagement by staying present to them every single day.",
"Lesen Sie Daten per Modbus TCP, OPC UA, CAN BUS und vielen mehr. Alles von Ihrem B\u00fcro aus. Kein technisches Wissen notwendig.": "1298#@#Read data via Modbus TCP, OPC UA, CAN BUS and many more protocols. All from your desk. No technical knowledge necessary.",
"Alarmierungen": "1300#@#Alarms and notifications",
"Informieren Sie Ihre Kunden und sich selbst bei kritischen Maschinenzust\u00e4nden oder Ausf\u00e4llen.": "1302#@#Inform your customers and yourself in case of significant modifications, critical machine conditions or failures immediately.",
"Produktdatenbank": "1304#@#Product database",
"Flexible Visualisierungen": "1306#@#Adaptive visualisations",
"Erstellen Sie sich selbst ma\u00dfgeschneiderte Dashboards und verwenden Sie diese auf Fernsehern in der Produktion oder am Smartphone unterwegs.": "1308#@#Create customised dashboards for yourself and customers. You can use them on TVs in production or on your smartphone on the go.",
"Kontakt": "1310#@#Contact",
"Haben Sie Fragen?": "1312#@#Do you have any questions?",
"Anfrage absenden": "1314#@#Send request",
"Kostenloses Erstgespr\u00e4ch vereinbaren": "1316#@#Schedule an initial meeting for free",
"Datenschutzerkl\u00e4rung": "1318#@#Privacy policy",
"Impressum": "1320#@#Imprint",
"Wir sind": "1322#@#We are",
"Bei Autonoma werden Technologien gelebt.
\r\n Wir demokratisieren IoT Technologien von morgen.
Mit einer low-code Plattform welche einfach zu benutzen ist
und schneller als je zuvor.": "1324#@#At Autonoma, we live and breathe technology.\r\n
We democratise IoT technologies of tomorrow \r\n
with our low-code platform with unique usability.",
"Unsere Mission": "1326#@#Our mission",
"Autonoma ist keine IoT Plattform. Wir bieten unseren Kunden eine L\u00f6sung zur sinnvollen und nachhaltigen Digitalisierung Ihrer Maschinen. Was uns unterscheidet? Unsere Produkte erm\u00f6glichen Projektmanager, Mechatroniker, Data Scientists und bestehende Techniker Anlagen zu digitalisieren. Ohne speziellem Know How und IT Kenntnissen<\/p>
Dabei machen wir viel anders als andere:": "1328#@#Autonoma is not an IoT platform. We offer our customers a solution for the meaningful and sustainable digitalization of their machines and plants. \r\n Dabei machen wir viel anders als andere:": "1329#@#Autonoma ist keine IoT Plattform. Wir bieten unseren Kunden eine L\u00f6sung zur sinnvollen und nachhaltigen Digitalisierung Ihrer Maschinen. \r\n Dabei machen wir viel anders als andere:",
"Benutzerfreundlichkeit steht an erster Stelle.": "1331#@#Benutzerfreundlichkeit steht an erster Stelle. Immer!",
"Unsere Kunden digitalisieren selbst. Keine teuren externen Dienstleister notwendig.": "1333#@#Unsere Kunden digitalisieren selbst. Keine teuren externen Dienstleister notwendig.",
"Prozess\u00fcbergreifende Digitalisierung. Vom Verkauf \u00fcber Betrieb bis zum Service.": "1335#@#Prozess\u00fcbergreifende Digitalisierung. Vom Verkauf \u00fcber Betrieb bis zum Service.",
"Unkompliziertes Preismodell, sofort kalkulierbar auf Jahre.": "1337#@#Unkompliziertes Preismodell, sofort kalkulierbar auf Jahre.",
"\u00dcber Autonoma": "1339#@#\u00dcber Autonoma",
"Als Spezialist f\u00fcr Anlagen und Maschinendigitalisierung unterst\u00fctzen wir Unternehmen die eigenen Produkte durch datenbasierte Entscheidungen, verbesserten Service und neue digitale Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle aufzuwerten.": "1341#@#Als Spezialist f\u00fcr Anlagen und Maschinendigitalisierung unterst\u00fctzen wir Unternehmen die eigenen Produkte durch datenbasierte Entscheidungen, verbesserten Service und neue digitale Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle aufzuwerten.",
"12 Jahre Erfahrung in der Industrie im Bereich der Digitalisierung.": "1343#@#12 Jahre Erfahrung in der Industrie im Bereich der Digitalisierung.",
"\u00dcber 3 Jahre Forschung und Entwicklung unserer L\u00f6sung.": "1345#@#\u00dcber 3 Jahre Forschung und Entwicklung unserer L\u00f6sung.",
"Sitz in Linz, AT.
What makes us different? Our products enable project managers, mechatronics engineers, data scientists and existing technicians to digitalise machines and plants. Without special know how and IT knowledge.",
"Benutzerfreundlichkeit steht an erster Stelle.": "1330#@#User friendliness and user experience comes first. Always!",
"Unsere Kunden digitalisieren selbst. Keine teuren externen Dienstleister notwendig.": "1332#@#Our customers digitalise themselves. No need for expensive external service providers.",
"Prozess\u00fcbergreifende Digitalisierung. Vom Verkauf \u00fcber Betrieb bis zum Service.": "1334#@#Cross-process digitalisation. From sales to operations to service.",
"Unkompliziertes Preismodell, sofort kalkulierbar auf Jahre.": "1336#@#Uncomplicated pricing model, immediately calculable for years.",
"\u00dcber Autonoma": "1338#@#About Autonoma",
"Als Spezialist f\u00fcr Anlagen und Maschinendigitalisierung unterst\u00fctzen wir Unternehmen die eigenen Produkte durch datenbasierte Entscheidungen, verbesserten Service und neue digitale Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle aufzuwerten.": "1340#@#As a specialist in plant and machine digitalisation, we help companies to add value to their own products through data-based decisions, improved services and new digital business models.",
"12 Jahre Erfahrung in der Industrie im Bereich der Digitalisierung.": "1342#@#12 years of experience in the industry in the field of digitalisation",
"\u00dcber 3 Jahre Forschung und Entwicklung unserer L\u00f6sung.": "1344#@#More than 3 years of research and development of our solution.",
"Sitz in Linz, AT.
Dem Herzen der \u00f6sterreichischen Industrie": "1346#@#We\u2019re based in Linz, AT.
The heart of the Austrian industry.",
"Management board": "1348#@#Management board",
"Wir suchen dich!": "1350#@#We are looking for you!",
"Jetzt bewerben!": "1352#@#Apply now!",
"Wir ver\u00e4ndern die Art und Weise wie IoT Technologien verwendet werden. Unsere Plattform hilft Kunden und deren Mitarbeitern das Beste aus ihren Daten zu gewinnen.": "1354#@#We are changing the way IoT technologies are used. Our platform helps customers and their employees get the most out of their data.",
"Unsere Unterst\u00fctzer": "1356#@#Our supporters",
"Lust auf etwas Neues?": "1358#@#Looking for a new challenge?",
"Hilf uns die Industrie in die Digitalisierung zu begleiten": "1360#@#Help us to accompany the industry into the future.",
"Bei Autonoma werden Technologien gelebt. Wir demokratisieren IoT Technologien von morgen - mit einer low-code Plattform welche einfach zu benutzen ist und das schneller als je zuvor.": "1362#@#At Autonoma, we live and breathe technology. \r\n
With our low-code platform with unique usability, we democratize IoT technologies of tomorrow.",
"Unsere offenen Stellen": "1364#@#Our open positions",
"Job Titel": "1366#@#Job title",
"Arbeitsort": "1368#@#Place of work",
"Abteilung": "1370#@#Team",
"Mehr erfahren": "1372#@#More infos",
"Zur\u00fcck zur \u00dcbersicht": "1374#@#Back to the overview",
"Fakten": "1376#@#Facts",
"Standort": "1378#@#Place of work",
"Umfang": "1380#@#Extent",
"Vollzeit": "1382#@#Full-time",
"Dienstverh\u00e4ltnis": "1384#@#Employment contract",
"Unbefristet": "1386#@#Permanent employment contract",
"Autonoma sucht Menschen mit Leidenschaft, Durchhalteverm\u00f6gen und Integrit\u00e4t. Wir freuen uns auch \u00fcber Bewerber\/innen, deren Berufserfahrung nicht exakt der Stellenbeschreibung entspricht. Deine F\u00e4higkeiten und deine Leidenschaft sind wichtiger und heben dich hervor \u2013 besonders dann, wenn dein Werdegang au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnliche Entwicklungen und Wendungen aufweist. Wir von Autonoma sch\u00e4tzen breit gef\u00e4cherte Perspektiven; Menschen, die pr\u00e4zise denken und sich nicht scheuen, Annahmen infrage zu stellen. Bewirb dich!": "1388#@#Autonoma is looking for people with passion, persistence and integrity. We also welcome applicants whose work experience does not exactly match the job description. Your skills and passion are more important and make you stand out - especially if your career has extraordinary developments and twists. At Autonoma, we value broad perspectives; people who think precisely and are not afraid to challenge assumptions. Apply!",
"Go to app": "1390#@#Go to app",
"Translate Text": "1392#@#Translate text",
"Gesch\u00e4ftsf\u00fchrer": "1394#@#Managing director",
"about.autonoma": "1396#@#At Autonoma, we live and breathe technology. \r\n
We democratise IoT technologies of tomorrow with \r\n
our low-code platform with unique usability.",
"Noch unsicher?": "1398#@#Still unclear?",
"Erfahre mehr \u00fcber Autonoma und unsere Team": "1400#@#Learn more about Autonoma and our team.
Or contact us directly via email at",
"Mehr \u00fcber Autonoma": "1402#@#More about Autonoma",
"Eigenes Design": "1404#@#Your design and logo",
"menu.assets": "1408#@#Assets",
"Collect {amount} stream | Collect {amount} streams": "3884#@#Collect {amount} stream | Collect {amount} streams",
"Search": "1949#@#Search",
"No.Inputs.found": "1952#@#No inputs found",
"wizard.prev": "1953#@#Previous",
"": "1954#@#Next",
"survey.add-new-title": "1955#@#Add new title",
"survey.title": "1956#@#title",
"dashboards.type": "1957#@#Type",
"dashboards.keyword": "1958#@#Keyword",
"user.register-button": "1959#@#Register",
"user.password-again": "1960#@#Repeat password",
"user.fullname": "1961#@#Fullname",
"user.register": "1962#@#Register",
"user.login-button": "1963#@#Login",
"user.password": "1964#@#Password",
"user.login-title": "1965#@#Welcome",
"user.reset-password-button": "1966#@#Reset password",
"": "1967#@#Email",
"user.forgot-password": "1968#@#Forgot password?",
"Theme.Color1": "1969#@#Color 1",
"Theme.Color2": "1970#@#Color 2",
"Theme.loginimage": "1971#@#Login image",
"Theme.Mobile.Logo": "1972#@#Mobile logo",
"Theme.Desktop.Logo": "1973#@#Desktop logo",
"Theme.Title": "1974#@#Title",
"Theme.Name": "1975#@#Name",
"Settings": "1976#@#Settings",
"menu.start": "1977#@#Home",
"menu.single": "1978#@#Single",
"Location:": "1979#@#Location:",
"Position": "1980#@#Position:",
"Devicetype:": "1981#@#Devicetype:",
"Services": "1982#@#Services",
"Offline": "1983#@#Offline",
"Online:": "1984#@#Online",
"Inputs": "1985#@#Inputs",
"No.Alerts.found": "1986#@#No alerts found",
"Alerts": "1987#@#Alerts",
"Dashboards": "1988#@#Dashboards",
"Account:": "1989#@#Account:",
"Name:": "1990#@#Name:",
"Online": "1991#@#Online",
"Datarate:": "1992#@#Datarate:",
"Status:": "1993#@#Status:",
"Are you sure you want do delete the device {devicename}<\/b>?": "2125#@#Are you sure you want do delete the device {devicename}<\/b>?",
"menu.dashboards": "2126#@#Dashboards",
"user.firstname": "2127#@#Firstname",
"user.lastname": "2128#@#Lastname",
"menu.helpcenter": "2133#@#Helpcenter",
"menu.themes": "2138#@#Themes",
"menu.translations": "2139#@#Translations",
"menu.gateways": "2140#@#Gateways",
"menu.devices": "2141#@#Assets",
"menu.details": "2146#@#Details",
"": "2147#@#Home",
"Add Dashboard": "2148#@#Add Dashboard",
"Mac address:": "2151#@#Mac address:",
"menu.input": "2153#@#Input",
"Data": "2157#@#Data",
"Add Connector": "2158#@#Add connector",
"Dataflow Tasks": "2159#@#Dataflow tasks",
"User": "2160#@#User",
"Devices": "2161#@#Assets",
"No, cancel": "2173#@#No, cancel",
"Yes, delete this device": "2174#@#Yes, delete this device",
"Configure new device": "2175#@#Configure new device",
"Data connector": "2176#@#Data connector",
"Web parser": "2177#@#Web parser",
"Read data from a Modbus device": "2178#@#Read data from a Modbus device",
"Read data from any website": "2179#@#Read data from any website",
"Modbus TCP": "2180#@#Modbus TCP",
"Start with a generic adapter": "2181#@#Start with a generic adapter",
"Are you sure you want do delete the dataflow {dataflowname}<\/b>?": "2182#@#Are you sure you want do delete the dataflow {dataflowname}<\/b>?",
"Yes, delete this dataflow": "2183#@#Yes, delete this dataflow",
"dashboards.hello-there": "2197#@#Hello",
"user.forgot-password-question": "2198#@#Forgot your password?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the {type} {devicename}<\/b>?": "2266#@#Are you sure you want do delete the {type} {devicename}<\/b>?",
"Yes, delete this {type}": "2267#@#Yes, delete this {type}",
"pages.actions": "2270#@#Actions:",
"Edit input": "2324#@#Edit input",
"Add Input": "2325#@#Add input",
"Add Action": "2326#@#Add action",
"Delete input": "2329#@#Delete input",
"Yes, show me the device": "2330#@#Yes, show me the device",
"Select a board": "2331#@#Select a board",
"Generic ESP32 controller": "2332#@#Generic ESP32 controller",
"Generic GPIO Setup": "2333#@#Generic GPIO Setup",
"The following data will be configured:": "2334#@#The following data will be configured:",
"Your email must be minimum 4 characters": "2335#@#Your email must be minimum 4 characters",
"Please enter your password": "2336#@#Please enter your password",
"Please enter your firstname": "2337#@#Please enter your firstname",
"Please enter your lastname": "2338#@#Please enter your lastname",
"No, not now": "2339#@#No, not now",
"Max Value": "2340#@#Max Value",
"Min Value": "2341#@#Min Value",
"Edit this input": "2342#@#Edit this input",
"Edit device": "2343#@#Edit device",
"Yes, delete this input": "2344#@#Yes, delete this input",
"Create your new board": "2345#@#Create your new board",
"Create a new input": "2346#@#Create a new input",
"Mac address": "2347#@#Mac address",
"Create a new device": "2348#@#Create a new device",
"Edit pin": "2349#@#Edit pin",
"Save rule": "2350#@#Save rule",
"Save the pins": "2351#@#Save the pins",
"All pins": "2352#@#All pins",
"Enter firmware type": "2353#@#Enter firmware type",
"Enter firmware name": "2354#@#Enter firmware name",
"Show hidden inputs": "2355#@#Show hidden inputs",
"Map Pins": "2356#@#Map Pins",
"Developer Tools": "2357#@#Developer Tools",
"Select file": "2358#@#Select file",
"Select date": "2359#@#Select date",
"Toggle time": "2360#@#Toggle time",
"GPIO": "2361#@#GPIO",
"Unit": "2362#@#Unit",
"device.image": "2363#@#device.image",
"Name": "2364#@#Name",
"Save": "2365#@#Save",
"Topic": "2366#@#Topic",
"Message": "2367#@#Message",
"Subject": "2368#@#Subject",
"Recipient": "2369#@#Recipient",
"firmware.bootloader": "2370#@#Firmware bootloader",
"firmware.firmware": "2371#@#Firmware",
"firmware.Type": "2372#@#Firmware type",
"firmware.Name": "2373#@#Firmware name",
"Activate": "2374#@#Activate",
"Actions": "2375#@#Actions",
"Sensors": "2376#@#Sensors",
"Administration": "2377#@#Administration",
"Cancel": "2378#@#Cancel",
"Please enter your email address": "2379#@#Please enter your email address",
"Or use one of our sensor templates": "2380#@#Or use one of our sensor templates",
"Pins": "2381#@#Pins",
"board.boardimage": "2382#@#Boardimage",
"Enter board name": "2383#@#Enter board name",
"board.Name": "2384#@#board.Name",
"menu.boards": "2385#@#menu.boards",
"Start with a generic protocol": "2386#@#Start with a generic protocol",
"I2C": "2387#@#I2C",
"For ESP32 controller": "2388#@#For ESP32 controller",
"Generic I2C connection": "2389#@#Generic I2C connection",
"Configure new sensor": "2390#@#Configure new sensor",
"Add Sensor": "2391#@#Add Sensor",
"Connected sensors": "2392#@#Connected sensors",
"No.Data": "2393#@#No.Data",
"Email:": "2394#@#Email:",
"About this user": "2395#@#About this user",
"menu.users": "2396#@#Users",
"About this account": "2397#@#About this account",
"Users": "2398#@#Users",
"About this account:": "2399#@#About this account:",
"menu.accounts": "2400#@#Accounts",
"": "2401#@#Help",
"autoTextarea.placeholder": "2402#@#Placeholder",
"toolbar.right.import": "2403#@#Import",
"toolbar.right.export": "2404#@#Export",
"toolbar.right.print": "2405#@#Print",
"toolbar.right.fullscreen": "2406#@#Fullscreen",
"toolbar.right.split": "2407#@#Split",
"toolbar.left.attachmentName": "2408#@#Attachment name",
"toolbar.left.attachmentLink": "2409#@#Attachment link",
"toolbar.left.linkName": "2410#@#Link name",
"toolbar.left.videoLink": "2411#@#Video link",
"toolbar.left.confirm": "2412#@#Confirm",
"toolbar.left.cancel": "2413#@#Cancel",
"toolbar.left.imageLink": "2414#@#Image link",
"toolbar.left.imageName": "2415#@#Image name",
"toolbar.left.attachment": "2416#@#Attachment",
"toolbar.left.clear": "2417#@#Clear",
"": "2418#@#Video",
"toolbar.left.fromNetwork": "2419#@#From network",
"toolbar.left.fromLocal": "2420#@#From local",
"toolbar.left.image": "2421#@#Image",
"toolbar.left.table": "2422#@#Table",
"": "2423#@#Link",
"toolbar.left.code": "2424#@#Code",
"toolbar.left.ol": "2425#@#Ordered list",
"toolbar.left.ul": "2426#@#Unordered list",
"toolbar.left.right": "2427#@#Right",
"toolbar.left.quotation": "2428#@#Quotation",
"": "2429#@#Center",
"toolbar.left.left": "2430#@#Left",
"toolbar.left.sup": "2431#@#Sup",
"toolbar.left.sub": "2432#@#Sub",
"toolbar.left.underline": "2433#@#Underline",
"toolbar.left.h5": "2434#@#H5",
"toolbar.left.h4": "2435#@#H4",
"toolbar.left.mark": "2436#@#Mark",
"toolbar.left.throughline": "2437#@#Throughline",
"toolbar.left.h3": "2438#@#H3",
"toolbar.left.fileName": "2439#@#File name",
"toolbar.left.h2": "2440#@#H2",
"toolbar.left.bold": "2441#@#Bold",
"toolbar.left.h1": "2442#@#H1",
"toolbar.left.italic": "2443#@#Italic",
"toolbar.left.title": "2444#@#Title",
"How can we get better?": "2445#@#How can we get better?",
"Describe your Problem:": "2446#@#Describe your Problem:",
"There was an error? Please tell us about it!": "2447#@#There was an error? Please tell us about it!",
"A short title:": "2448#@#A short title:",
"How can we gget better?": "2449#@#How can we get better?",
"Please enter a valid email address": "2450#@#Please enter a valid email address",
"Your password must be between 4 and 16 characters": "2451#@#Your password must be between 4 and 16 characters",
"Enter theme title": "2452#@#Enter theme title",
"Send a value to input {input}": "2611#@#Send a value to stream {input}",
"rule:greater": "2614#@#:val1 is greater than :val2",
"menu.securityinsights": "2616#@#Security Insights",
"input.yes": "2618#@#Yes",
"todo.detail": "2670#@#Details",
"menu.scene": "2671#@#Scene",
"": "2672#@#No",
"menu.service": "2676#@#Service requests",
"menu.history": "2679#@#Service requests history",
"menu.versioning": "2683#@#Release Mgmt",
"": "2684#@#Feedback",
"menu.problem": "2685#@#Problems",
"menu.feature": "2686#@#Features",
"Collect {amount} {singlePlural}": "2687#@#Collect {amount} {singlePlural}",
"Are you sure you want to delete {name}": "2689#@#Are you sure you want to delete {name}",
"Selected for Development": "2690#@#Selected for development",
"menu.dashboard": "2693#@#Dashboard",
"Every {amount} {dateUnit}": "2694#@#Every {amount} {dateUnit}",
"on {days}": "2696#@#on {days}",
"on day {dayInMonth}": "2698#@#on day {dayInMonth}",
"{amount} more": "2700#@#{amount} more",
"Are you sure you want do delete the report {name}<\/b>?": "2702#@#Are you sure you want do delete the report {name}<\/b>?",
"for 1 stream | for {amount} streams": "2704#@#for 1 stream | for {amount} streams",
"Are you sure you want do delete the asset {assetname}<\/b>": "2706#@#Are you sure you want do delete the asset {assetname}<\/b>",
"{count} users": "3864#@#{count} users",
"Last day | Last {amount} days": "3886#@#Last day | Last {amount} days",
"Last week | Last {amount} weeks": "3888#@#Last week | Last {amount} weeks",
"Last month | Last {amount} months": "3890#@#Last month | Last {amount} months",
"Delete {name}": "3918#@#Delete {name}",
"Verify a new {type}": "3929#@#Verify a new {type}",
"Verified {addressStringPlural}": "3936#@#Verified {addressStringPlural}",
"This channel enables you to receive alarms and notifications through {types}": "3937#@#This channel enables you to receive alarms and notifications through {types}",
"Enter your {readableType} and click on the button to receive a validation message": "3938#@#Enter your {readableType} and click on the button to receive a validation message",
"You have not verified any {addressStringPlural} yet": "3939#@#You have not verified any {addressStringPlural} yet",
"Create a new threshold for {inputName}<\/b>": "3945#@#Create a new threshold for {inputName}<\/b>",
"On what channels shall {name}<\/b> receive this notification?": "3947#@#On what channels shall {name}<\/b> receive this notification?",
"Do you really want to remove {firstname} {lastname}<\/b> from the account {accountName}<\/b>": "4000#@#Do you really want to remove {firstname} {lastname}<\/b> from the account {accountName}<\/b>",
"{amount} datastreams active": "4074#@#{amount} datastreams active",
"Waiting for discovery service! Another {amount} attempts will be done...": "4127#@#Waiting for discovery service! Another {amount} attempts will be done...",
"Switching to account {accountName}...": "4224#@#Switching to account {accountName}...",
"Asset successfully moved to account {account}": "4248#@#Asset successfully moved to account {account}",
"Import {amount} valid streams": "4255#@#Import {amount} valid streams",
"{type} is currently deactivated": "4264#@#{type} is currently deactivated",
"If so, what shall happen to connected datastreams?": "4265#@#If so, what shall happen to connected datastreams?",
"Only the aquisition of data will be stopped, all streams with history will still be available.": "4266#@#Nur die Datenerfassung wird gestoppt, alle Streams mit der Daten-Historie sind weiterhin verf\u00fcgbar.",
"Adapt available connector": "4267#@#Adapt available connector",
"Help requests will be currently sent to 1 user<\/span> | Help requests will be currently sent to {amount} users<\/span>": "4287#@#Help requests will be currently sent to 1 user<\/span> | Help requests will be currently sent to {amount} users<\/span>",
"{name} sent a file": "4293#@#{name} sent a file",
"{name} sent files": "4295#@#{name} sent files",
"You requested to see the screen of {name}": "4297#@#You requested to see the screen of {name}",
"{name} wants to see your screen.": "4299#@#{name} wants to see your screen.",
"Delete role {name}": "4664#@#Delete role {name}",
"Edit {name}": "4668#@#Edit {name}",
"Are you sure you want to delete the role {name}?": "4670#@#Are you sure you want to delete the role {name}?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the role {name}<\/b>?": "4672#@#Are you sure you want to delete the role {name}<\/b>?",
"No.Actions.found": "4700#@#No actions found",
"Value in {unit}": "4701#@#Value in {unit}",
"Must be greater<\/b> or equal<\/b> {number}": "4703#@#Must be greater<\/b> or equal<\/b> {number}",
"Send after {amount}": "4705#@#Send after {amount}",
"Every {duration}": "4707#@#Every {duration}",
"on change (or after {interval})": "4709#@#on change (or after {interval})",
"Please choose one of the templates": "4909#@#Please choose one of the templates",
"A new password will be sent to {email}<\/b>": "4976#@#A new password will be sent to {email}<\/b>",
"You were invited to receive alarms for the datastream {inputName}<\/a><\/b> of the device {deviceName}<\/a><\/b>": "4977#@#You were invited to receive alarms for the datastream {inputName}<\/a><\/b> of the device {deviceName}<\/a><\/b>",
"You were invited to receive the report {reportName}<\/a><\/b> from the device {deviceName}<\/a><\/b>": "4981#@#You were invited to receive the report {reportName}<\/a><\/b> from the device {deviceName}<\/a><\/b>",
"No stream available with the type \"{type}\"": "4982#@#No stream available with the type \"{type}\"",
"Export dashboard": "4991#@#Export dashboard",
"Download excel template": "4992#@#Download Excel template",
"Export Asset": "4993#@#Export Asset",
"Download template": "4994#@#Download template",
"Delete role": "4995#@#Delete role",
"Signature": "4996#@#Signature",
"Yes, delete this alert": "4997#@#Yes, delet this alert",
"There was an error while creating the tag.": "4998#@#An error occurred while creating the tag",
"Decimal points": "4999#@#Decimal places",
"Tag name already exists. Please use another one": "5000#@#Tag name already exists. Please use another tag name.",
"Are you sure you want to delete the element?": "5001#@#Are you sure you want to delete this element?",
"Searching for OPC UA variables...
This can take up to 1 minute,": "5002#@#Searching for OPC-UA variables. This can take um to 1 minute.",
"Create a new Diagram": "5003#@#Create a new diagram",
"Yes, delete this app": "5004#@#Yes, delete this app",
"Features": "5005#@#Features",
"Upload file": "5006#@#Upload file",
"Your topic": "5007#@#Your topic",
"Please choose a form": "5008#@#Please choose a form",
"Cellular connectivity does not have any specific configurations.": "5009#@#Cellular connectivity does not have any specific configurations.",
"Formular": "5010#@#Form",
"Fallback": "5011#@#Fallback",
"Yes, delete this action": "5012#@#Yes, delete this action",
"Updating...": "5013#@#Updating...",
"Applying the new config to the gateway...": "5014#@#Applying the new configuration to the gateway...",
"Edit comment": "5015#@#Edit comment",
"Start Import": "5016#@#Start import",
"Yes, delete this comment": "5017#@#Yes, delete this comment",
"Match data": "5018#@#Match data",
"Are you sure you want do delete this comment?": "5019#@#Are you sure you want to delete this comment?",
"Import data": "5020#@#Import data",
"Copy data": "5021#@#Copy data",
"Go to device": "5022#@#Go to asset",
"Are you sure you want do delete these datastreams?": "5023#@#Are you sure you want to delete these datastreams?",
"Yes, delete this access token": "5024#@#Yes, delete this access token",
"Edit tags": "5025#@#Edit tags",
"Trigger": "5026#@#Trigger",
"Or select a file from your device": "5027#@#Or select a file from your device",
"Or select a custom color": "5028#@#Or select a custom color",
"Link to the company website": "5029#@#Link to the company website",
"Finished": "5030#@#Finished",
"Update loading screen": "5031#@#Update loading screen",
"Upload an image": "5032#@#Upload an image",
"Analyze now": "5033#@#Analyze now",
"Enter Url of your website": "5034#@#Enter the URL of you website",
"Design changed": "5035#@#Design changed",
"Learn more about base themes": "5036#@#Learn more about base themes",
"Select base theme": "5037#@#Select a base theme",
"Yes, delete this state": "5038#@#Yes, delete this state",
"Descriptive name": "5039#@#Descriptive name",
"The code": "5040#@#The code",
"No input streams available currently.": "5041#@#No input streams available currently.",
"Export": "5042#@#Export",
"Yes, delete": "5043#@#Yes, delete",
"Ein sprechender Name": "5044#@#A descriptive name",
"Are you sure you want do delete this alert": "5045#@#Are you sure you want to delete this alert?",
"Additional, gives hints how to place the QR Code": "5046#@#Additional, give hints how to place the QR code",
"There was a problem creating your PDF.": "5047#@#There was a problem creating your PDF.",
"Save selection as export template": "5048#@#Save selection as export template",
"Use Export template": "5049#@#Use export template",
"Select streams": "5050#@#Select data streams",
"No. of streams": "5051#@#Number of data streams",
"Granularity": "5052#@#Granularity",
"No export templates defined yet": "5053#@#No export templates defined yet",
"Manage templates": "5054#@#Manage templates",
"Go to asset overview": "5055#@#Go to asset overview",
"Featureflags": "5056#@#Feature flags",
"Switch to account": "5057#@#Switch to account",
"Move asset with data": "5058#@#Move asset and data",
"Move asset only": "5059#@#Move asset only",
"Move asset and data": "5060#@#Move asset and data",
"Get more out of your machine": "5061#@#Get more out of your machine",
"Move only asset": "5062#@#Move asset only",
"What shall happen with already collected data?": "5063#@#What shall happen with already collected data?",
"Select an account": "5064#@#Select an account",
"Where do you want to move this asset?": "5065#@#Where do you want to move this asset?",
"Operating users": "5066#@#Operating users",
"Link name (optional)": "5067#@#Link name (optional)",
"Yes, run action": "5068#@#Yes, run action",
"Some optional additional information": "5069#@#Some optional additional information",
"Ticket Number": "5070#@#Ticket number",
"Delete correlation": "5071#@#Delete correlation",
"Yes, delete this dashboard": "5072#@#Yes, delete dashboard",
"Edit correlation": "5073#@#Edit correlation",
"Yes, delete this widget": "5074#@#Yes, delete this widget",
"Move to another account": "5075#@#Move to another account",
"Import users": "5076#@#Import users",
"This report is empty.": "5077#@#This report is empty",
"Edit role": "5078#@#Edit role",
"Please assign at least one role to the user before saving": "5079#@#Please assign at least one role to the user before saving",
"Interval": "5080#@#Interval",
"Import Asset": "5081#@#Import asset",
"Trying to connect to OPC UA server...": "5082#@#Trying to connect to OPC-UA server...",
"It looks like you didn\\'t create any template yet.": "5083#@#It looks like you did not create any template yet",
"Create a new step": "5084#@#Create a new process step",
"Thank you for submitting the form.": "5085#@#Thank you for submitting the form",
"Select a connector": "5086#@#Select a connector",
"No title set": "5087#@#No title set",
"Loading dashboards": "5088#@#Loading dashboards",
"Update user tags": "5089#@#Update user tags",
"Event analysis": "5090#@#Event analysis",
"Create new design": "5091#@#Create new design",
"Events with the biggest potential": "5092#@#Events with the biggest potential",
"Set as asset image": "5093#@#Set as asset image",
"It looks like you didn\\'t create any asset yet.": "5094#@#It looks like you did not create any asset yet",
"Set as 3D model preview": "5095#@#Set as 3D model preview",
"Forms": "5096#@#Forms",
"Image successfully set!": "5097#@#Image successfully set!",
"No forms found": "5098#@#No forms available",
"No datastreams defined": "5099#@#No data streams defined",
"Show form": "5100#@#Show form",
"Edit stream": "5101#@#Edit data stream",
"Delete form": "5102#@#Delet form",
"type to search GitHub repositories..": "5103#@#Type to search Github repositories...",
"No informations available currently.": "5104#@#No informations available currently",
"Shapes": "5105#@#Shapes",
"PM2 Name": "5106#@#PM2 Name",
"Media": "5107#@#Media",
"Delete module": "5108#@#Delete connector",
"Edit Diagram": "5109#@#Edit diagramm",
"The data is not available, when the gateway is offline.": "5110#@#The data is not available, when the gateway is offline",
"Select an element": "5111#@#Select an element",
"No history service requests": "5112#@#No history of past service requests",
"Remove Element": "5113#@#Remove element",
"Show Name": "5114#@#Show name",
"Please use this form to register.": "5115#@#Please use this form to register",
"Fill": "5116#@#Fill",
"Border": "5117#@#Border",
"Level": "5118#@#Level",
"Scene Graph": "5119#@#Scene graph",
"Scene Tree": "5120#@#Scene tree",
"Show Helpcenter": "5121#@#Show help center",
"Select a part of the model by clicking on it in the 3D view.": "5122#@#Select a part of the model by clicking on it in the 3D view",
"Edit form template": "5123#@#Edit form template",
"Delete form template": "5124#@#Delete form template",
"There are no fields defined yet": "5125#@#There are no fields defined yet",
"Add field": "5126#@#Add field",
"field": "5127#@#Field",
"No fields available for definition.": "5128#@#No fields available for definition",
"Tasks": "5129#@#Tasks",
"There are no forms created yet": "5130#@#There are no forms created yet",
"+ Add form": "5131#@#+ Add form",
"Saved": "5132#@#Saved",
"add step": "5133#@#Add process step",
"Please focus a form field to edit the details": "5134#@#Please select a form field to edit the details",
"Steps": "5135#@#Process steps",
"Delete step": "5136#@#Delte process step",
"Test NEW RPC Call (Alpha)": "5137#@#Test NEW Remote Procedure Call (Alpha)",
"Click on the image to view full size.": "5138#@#Click on the image to view the full size",
"Hysterese": "5139#@#Hysteresis",
"The difference to the last sent value": "5140#@#The difference to the last sent value",
"Check for changes": "5141#@#Check for updates",
"If no change happens": "5142#@#If no change happens",
"Please connect an input": "5143#@#Please connect a data stream",
"Use this settings": "5144#@#Use this setting",
"Zoom": "5145#@#Zoom",
"Relative": "5146#@#Relative",
"Keep Aspect Ratio": "5147#@#Keep aspect ratio",
"Absolute": "5148#@#Absolute",
"Notification Logs": "5149#@#Notification logs",
"No logs available": "5150#@#No logs available",
"Target": "5151#@#Target",
"Config": "5152#@#Config",
"Asset": "5153#@#Asset",
"Initiated": "5154#@#Initiated",
"Updated": "5155#@#Updated",
"Sent at": "5156#@#Sent at",
"Show Server Logs": "5157#@#Show server logs",
"No users": "5158#@#No users",
"add option": "5159#@#Add option",
"Reload App": "5160#@#Reload app",
"Delete this inspection": "5161#@#Delete this inspection",
"Syncronization of data in progress.": "5162#@#Synchronization of data in progress",
"Visual event correlation": "5163#@#Visual event correlation",
"Open in Google Maps": "5164#@#Open in Google Maps",
"Show on map": "5165#@#Show on map",
"Show more": "5166#@#Show more",
"Show messages": "5167#@#Show messages",
"Hide messages": "5168#@#Hide messages",
"Share": "5169#@#Share",
"Replace widget": "5170#@#Replace widget",
"Please write us a message with your problem.": "5171#@#Please write us a message with your problem",
"Our agents are not available currently.": "5172#@#Our support agents are not available currently",
"Request not available": "5173#@#Request not available",
"handle": "5174#@#handle",
"Custom Parameter": "5175#@#Custom parameter",
"All our agents are currently busy.": "5176#@#All our support agents are currently busy",
"The time needs to be valid.": "5177#@#The time needs to be valid",
"Info: No parameter defined for this method.": "5178#@#Info: no parameter defined for this method",
"Select datastream": "5179#@#Select data stream",
"Select method": "5180#@#Select method",
"Open Error-log": "5181#@#Open error logs",
"Open Log": "5182#@#Open logs",
"Logs could not be loaded": "5183#@#Logs could not be loaded",
"Write your content here": "5184#@#Write your content here",
"Edit step": "5185#@#Edit process step",
"Import states": "5186#@#Import states",
"Create a new template": "5187#@#Create a new template",
"Export states": "5188#@#Export states",
"Delete comment": "5189#@#Delete comment",
"No comments available": "5190#@#No comments available",
"Select icon": "5191#@#Select icon",
"Importing...": "5292#@#Importing...",
"Imported successfully": "5293#@#Import successful",
"Update Preprocess": "5294#@#Update preprocess",
"Update Connectors": "5295#@#Update connectors",
"Finish import": "5296#@#Finishing import",
"Match datastreams": "5297#@#Match datastreams",
"Datastreams cannot be loaded": "5298#@#Datastreams cannot be loaded",
"No datastreams available": "5299#@#No datastreams available",
"Import file looks good! You can start the import now": "5300#@#Import file is valid. You can start the import now.",
"Datastreams that could not be mapped": "5301#@#Datastreams which could not be mapped",
"Update preprocess functions of datastreams": "5302#@#Update preprocess functions of datastreams",
"Update connector configuration": "5303#@#Update connector configuration",
"Configure available connectors": "5304#@#Configure available connectors",
"Export report": "5305#@#Export report",
"No coordinates available": "5306#@#No coordinates available",
"Please select an element": "5307#@#Please select an element",
"No file": "5308#@#No file",
"Error Log": "5309#@#Error log",
"\/\/ no relevant logs collected for this notification": "5310#@#No relevant logs collected for this notification",
"Upload attachment": "5311#@#Upload attachment",
"The value you want to send": "5312#@#The value you want to send",
"Set value": "5313#@#Set value",
"Are you sure you want do delete this action?": "5314#@#Are you sure you want to delete this action?",
"Get in contact": "5315#@#Get in contact",
"Contact now": "5316#@#Contact now",
"Close window": "5317#@#Close window",
"Export other data": "5318#@#Export other data",
"Job export": "5319#@#Job export",
"Build key": "5320#@#Build key",
"Create a new event inspection": "5321#@#Create a new event inspection",
"Edit event inspection": "5322#@#Edit event inspection",
"Key": "5323#@#Key",
"Expected data interval": "5324#@#Expected data interval",
"Allow sending values to this datastream": "5325#@#Allow sending values to this datastreams",
"Add to account": "5326#@#Add to account",
"Name of signee": "5327#@#Name of signee",
"Fullscreen": "5328#@#Fullscreen mode",
"No connectors availabe": "5329#@#No connectors available",
"Yes, delete this field": "5330#@#Yes, delete this field",
"Exporting...": "5331#@#Exporting...",
"No images available": "5332#@#No images available",
"Exported successfully": "5333#@#Export successful",
"No image uploaded": "5334#@#No image uploaded",
"3D Scenes": "5335#@#Digital twin",
"Show stream details": "5336#@#Show stream details",
"+ Add 3D scene": "5337#@#+ add digital twin",
"Event inspection (Internal)": "5338#@#Event inspection (internal)",
"+ Create event inspection": "5339#@#+ Create event inspection",
"No.": "5340#@#No",
"Sign now": "5341#@#Sign now",
"Upload object model import file (.omif)": "5342#@#Upload object model import file (.omif)",
"This user is not valid or is not available in this account.": "5343#@#This user is not valid or is not available in this account",
"Predefined": "5389#@#Predefined",
"Integrations": "5390#@#Integrations",
"Select timerange": "5391#@#Select timerange",
"This feature is only available on desktop.": "5392#@#This feature is only available on desktop.",
"Custom": "5393#@#Custom",
"{amount} matching item found | {amount} matching items found": "5394#@#{amount} matching item found | {amount} matching items found",
"Apply to {count} accounts": "5431#@#Apply to {count} accounts",
"On :created<\/b> you gave us some feedback:
:summary": "5433#@#On :created<\/b> you gave us some feedback:
"We are happy to inform you that the status of your ticket has changed:\r\n": "5436#@#We are happy to inform you that the status of your ticket has changed:",
"Edit preference": "5461#@#Edit preference",
"Issued on {date}": "5477#@#Issued on {date}",
"Expires on {date}": "5479#@#Expires on {date}",
"{connectionType} connection": "5597#@#{connectionType} connection",
"Check available features for role {name}": "5602#@#Check available features for role {name}",
"Check available features for role {name}<\/b>": "5604#@#Check available features for role {name}<\/b>",
"Please provide files of the following types only: {extensions}": "5607#@#Please provide files of the following types only: {extensions}",
"Last updated on {date} by {name}": "5610#@#Last updated on {date} by {name}",
"The file is too large. The maximum allowed file size is {maxSize}Mb": "5612#@#The file is too large. The maximum allowed file size is {maxSize}Mb",
"Last seen {timeago}": "6443#@#Last seen {timeago}",
":invitor invited you to join account :accountName and :count others": "6495#@#:invitor invited you to join account :accountName and :count others",
"deviceinputs": "6618#@#Deviceinputs",
"dashboards": "6620#@#Dashboards",
"metadatas": "6622#@#Metadatas",
"actions": "6624#@#Actions",
"scenes": "6626#@#3D-Scenes",
"devices": "6629#@#Assets",
"Are you sure you want to delete the digital twin {name}<\/b>?": "21357#@#Are you sure you want to delete the digital twin {name}<\/b>?",
"min": "21383#@#Minimum",
"max": "21385#@#Maximum",
"avg": "21387#@#Average",
"sum": "21389#@#Sum",
"count": "21391#@#Datapoints",
"difference": "21393#@#Delta",
"sumDuration": "21395#@#Sum",
"avgDuration": "21397#@#Average duration",
"minDuration": "21399#@#Minimum duration",
"maxDuration": "21401#@#Maximum duration",
"countDuration": "21403#@#Occurrences",
"sumDurationPercent": "21405#@#Sum in percent",
"csum": "21407#@#Cumulative Sum",
"csuminverted": "21409#@#Cumulative Sum Inverted",
"lastvalue": "21411#@#Last value",
"history": "21413#@#History",
"menu.platform": "21426#@#Platform",
"menu.hardware": "21428#@#Hardware",
"menu.operations": "21430#@#Operations",
"Choose a topic for your feedback": "21449#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie ein Thema f\u00fcr das Feedback",
"Choose a category for your feedback": "21450#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie eine Kategorie f\u00fcr Ihr Feedback",
"Report a feedback": "21451#@#Feedback einmelden",
"QR code for asset {name}": "21473#@#QR code for {name}",
"Enter website url": "21484#@#Geben Sie eine Website URL an",
"Analyzing...": "21485#@#Analysieren...",
"Analyze": "21486#@#Analysieren",
"Edit feedback": "21487#@#Feedback bearbeiten",
"gateway successfully moved to account {account}": "21529#@#Gateway successfully moved to account {account}"
"de": {
"Unternehmen": "1239#@#Unternehmen",
"Home": "21138#@#Startseite",
"Jobs": "1243#@#Jobs",
"Mehr Umsatz ohne mehr Aufwand": "1245#@#Mehr Umsatz ohne mehr Aufwand",
"Steigern Sie den Wert Ihrer Maschinen durch digitale Services, datengest\u00fctzter Wartung und erh\u00f6hter Kundenbindung": "1247#@#Steigern Sie den Wert Ihrer Maschinen durch digitale Services, datengest\u00fctzter Wartung und erh\u00f6hter Kundenbindung",
"Neue Wege beschreiten, aber ohne Entwicklerrisiko": "1249#@#Neue Wege beschreiten, aber ohne Entwicklerrisiko",
"Mehr Kundenservice muss nicht mehr Aufwand bedeuten! Zeigen Sie Ihren Kunden alle relevanten Informationen zu den erworbenen Maschinen an. Neben Dokumentationen oder Reparaturanleitungen k\u00f6nnen auch Instandhaltungs- oder Betriebsdaten hinterlegt werden. So erh\u00f6hen Sie die Kundenbindung bei gleichzeitig weniger internem Aufwand.": "1251#@#Mehr Kundenservice muss nicht mehr Aufwand bedeuten! Zeigen Sie Ihren Kunden alle relevanten Informationen zu den erworbenen Maschinen an. Neben Dokumentationen oder Reparaturanleitungen k\u00f6nnen auch Instandhaltungs- oder Betriebsdaten hinterlegt werden. So erh\u00f6hen Sie die Kundenbindung bei gleichzeitig weniger internem Aufwand.",
"Echtzeitdaten Ihrer Maschinen erm\u00f6glichen eine vorausschauende Instandhaltung und verbesserte Wartungszyklen. Dies f\u00fchrt zu einer h\u00f6heren Anlagenverf\u00fcgbarkeit (OOE) und niedrigeren Wartungs- und Servicekosten.": "1253#@#Echtzeitdaten Ihrer Maschinen erm\u00f6glichen eine vorausschauende Instandhaltung und verbesserte Wartungszyklen. Dies f\u00fchrt zu einer h\u00f6heren Anlagenverf\u00fcgbarkeit (OOE) und niedrigeren Wartungs- und Servicekosten.",
"Alarmieren Sie sich und Ihre Kunden per Mail oder SMS \u00fcber Ausf\u00e4lle und Anomalien. Alle zugeh\u00f6rigen relevanten Daten werden \u00fcbersichtlich mit angezeigt. Dies spart Zeit und beschleunigt den Reparaturprozess": "1255#@#Alarmieren Sie sich und Ihre Kunden per Mail oder SMS \u00fcber Ausf\u00e4lle und Anomalien. Alle zugeh\u00f6rigen relevanten Daten werden \u00fcbersichtlich mit angezeigt. Dies spart Zeit und beschleunigt den Reparaturprozess.",
"Weltweit verf\u00fcgbare Daten erm\u00f6glichen Ihnen neue Verkaufskan\u00e4le und Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle. Maschinenleasing, Automatische Ersatzteillieferungen oder Nutzungsbasierte Verrechnung sind nur einige Beispiele von m\u00f6glichen L\u00f6sungen.": "1257#@#Weltweit verf\u00fcgbare Daten erm\u00f6glichen Ihnen neue Verkaufskan\u00e4le und Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle. Maschinenleasing, Automatische Ersatzteillieferungen oder Nutzungsbasierte Verrechnung sind nur einige Beispiele von m\u00f6glichen L\u00f6sungen.",
"Werten Sie Ihre Maschinen im Feld zusammen aus und erfahren Sie so mehr \u00fcber die Nutzung Ihrer Produkte durch den Kunden. Produktmanager k\u00f6nnen selbst die Daten auswerten um potentielle Optimierungen zu identifizieren.": "1259#@#Werten Sie Ihre Maschinen im Feld zusammen aus und erfahren Sie so mehr \u00fcber die Nutzung Ihrer Produkte durch den Kunden. Produktmanager k\u00f6nnen selbst die Daten auswerten um potentielle Optimierungen zu identifizieren.",
"Digitalisierung neu gedacht": "1261#@#Digitalisierung neu gedacht",
"Autonoma ist keine IoT Plattform. Wir bieten unseren Kunden eine L\u00f6sung zur sinnvollen und nachhaltigen Digitalisierung Ihrer Maschinen. Was uns unterscheidet? Unsere Produkte erm\u00f6glichen Projektmanager, Mechatroniker, Data Scientists und bestehende Techniker Anlagen zu digitalisieren. Ohne speziellem Know How und IT Kenntnissen.": "1263#@#Autonoma ist keine IoT Plattform. Wir bieten unseren Kunden eine L\u00f6sung zur sinnvollen und nachhaltigen Digitalisierung Ihrer Maschinen. Was uns unterscheidet? Unsere Produkte erm\u00f6glichen Projektmanager, Mechatroniker, Data Scientists und bestehende Techniker Anlagen zu digitalisieren. Ohne speziellem Know How und IT Kenntnissen.",
"Unsere Funktionen auf einen Blick": "1265#@#Unsere Funktionen auf einen Blick",
"Wir stehen auch pers\u00f6nlich zur Seite": "1267#@#Wir stehen auch pers\u00f6nlich zur Seite",
"Mit \u00fcber 13 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich der industriellen Digitalisierung stehen wir f\u00fcr Fragen bereit und begleiten sie gerne bei Ihren Projekten. Wir evaluieren mit Ihnen gemeinsam neue m\u00f6gliche Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle, zeigen aber auch Risiken und Stolpersteine auf.": "1269#@#Mit \u00fcber 12 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich der industriellen Digitalisierung stehen wir f\u00fcr Fragen bereit und begleiten sie gerne bei Ihren Projekten. Wir evaluieren mit Ihnen gemeinsam neue m\u00f6gliche Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle, zeigen aber auch Risiken und Stolpersteine auf.",
"Digitalisierung, so einfach wie nie": "1271#@#Digitalisierung, so einfach wie nie",
"Der omnipr\u00e4sente Fachkr\u00e4ftemangel in der IT f\u00fchrt zu Unsicherheiten gegen\u00fcber neuen Technologien. Unsere intuitive Oberfl\u00e4che mit \u00fcbersichtlichen Anleitungen erm\u00f6glicht es den bestehenden Mitarbeitern Maschinen und ganze Anlagen zu digitalisieren. Dadurch reduziert sich der Investitionsaufwand enorm.": "1273#@#Der omnipr\u00e4sente Fachkr\u00e4ftemangel in der IT f\u00fchrt zu Unsicherheiten gegen\u00fcber neuen Technologien. Unsere intuitive Oberfl\u00e4che mit \u00fcbersichtlichen Anleitungen erm\u00f6glicht es den bestehenden Mitarbeitern Maschinen und ganze Anlagen zu digitalisieren. Dadurch reduziert sich der Investitionsaufwand enorm.",
"Rechtliches": "1275#@#Rechtliches",
"Pr\u00e4sentation vereinbaren": "1277#@#Pr\u00e4sentation vereinbaren",
"Eigenes Kundenportal": "1279#@#Eigenes Kundenportal",
"Datenbasierte Wartung": "1281#@#Datenbasierte Wartung",
"Proaktive Alarmierungen": "1283#@#Proaktive Alarmierungen",
"Neue digitale Services": "1285#@#Neue digitale Services",
"Detaillierte Produktanalyse": "1287#@#Detaillierte Produktanalyse",
"Upselling durch Retrofit": "1289#@#Upselling durch Retrofit",
"Flexible Datenerfassung": "1291#@#Flexible Datenerfassung",
"Unsere Datenerfassung kann kosteng\u00fcnstig auch bei bereits installierten Maschinen erg\u00e4nzt werden. Ein kosteng\u00fcnstiges Upgrade f\u00fcr zus\u00e4tzlichen Umsatz.": "1293#@#Unsere Datenerfassung kann kosteng\u00fcnstig auch bei bereits installierten Maschinen erg\u00e4nzt werden. Ein kosteng\u00fcnstiges Upgrade f\u00fcr zus\u00e4tzlichen Umsatz.",
"Bieten Sie nicht nur Ihren Kunden sondern auch den eigenen Mitarbeitern einen zentralen Ort f\u00fcr Informationen. Marketing, Verkauf und Service arbeiten so Hand in Hand": "1295#@#Bieten Sie nicht nur Ihren Kunden sondern auch den eigenen Mitarbeitern einen zentralen Ort f\u00fcr Informationen. Marketing, Verkauf und Service arbeiten so Hand in Hand.",
"Zeigen Sie Ihre Kompetenz im digitalen Raum mit Ihrer eigenen Platform. Bleiben Sie Ihrem Kunden im Alltag pr\u00e4sent und steigern Sie so das Vertrauen.": "1297#@#Zeigen Sie Ihre Kompetenz im digitalen Raum mit Ihrer eigenen Platform. Bleiben Sie Ihrem Kunden im Alltag pr\u00e4sent und steigern Sie so das Vertrauen.",
"Lesen Sie Daten per Modbus TCP, OPC UA, CAN BUS und vielen mehr. Alles von Ihrem B\u00fcro aus. Kein technisches Wissen notwendig.": "1299#@#Lesen Sie Daten per Modbus TCP, OPC UA, CAN BUS und vielen mehr. Alles von Ihrem B\u00fcro aus. Kein technisches Wissen notwendig.",
"Alarmierungen": "1301#@#Alarmierungen",
"Informieren Sie Ihre Kunden und sich selbst bei kritischen Maschinenzust\u00e4nden oder Ausf\u00e4llen.": "1303#@#Informieren Sie Ihre Kunden und sich selbst bei kritischen Maschinenzust\u00e4nden oder Ausf\u00e4llen.",
"Produktdatenbank": "1305#@#Produktdatenbank",
"Flexible Visualisierungen": "1307#@#Flexible Visualisierungen",
"Erstellen Sie sich selbst ma\u00dfgeschneiderte Dashboards und verwenden Sie diese auf Fernsehern in der Produktion oder am Smartphone unterwegs.": "1309#@#Erstellen Sie sich selbst ma\u00dfgeschneiderte Dashboards und verwenden Sie diese auf Fernsehern in der Produktion oder am Smartphone unterwegs.",
"Kontakt": "1311#@#Kontakt",
"Haben Sie Fragen?": "1313#@#Haben Sie Fragen?",
"Anfrage absenden": "1315#@#Anfrage absenden",
"Kostenloses Erstgespr\u00e4ch vereinbaren": "1317#@#Kostenloses Erstgespr\u00e4ch vereinbaren",
"Datenschutzerkl\u00e4rung": "1319#@#Datenschutzerkl\u00e4rung",
"Impressum": "1321#@#Impressum",
"Wir sind": "1323#@#Wir sind",
"Bei Autonoma werden Technologien gelebt.
\r\n Wir demokratisieren IoT Technologien von morgen.
Mit einer low-code Plattform welche einfach zu benutzen ist
und schneller als je zuvor.": "1325#@#Bei Autonoma werden Technologien gelebt.
\r\nMit einer low-code Plattform mit einzigartiger Benutzbarkeit
demokratisieren wir IoT Technologien von morgen.",
"Unsere Mission": "1327#@#Unsere Mission",
"Autonoma ist keine IoT Plattform. Wir bieten unseren Kunden eine L\u00f6sung zur sinnvollen und nachhaltigen Digitalisierung Ihrer Maschinen. Was uns unterscheidet? Unsere Produkte erm\u00f6glichen Projektmanager, Mechatroniker, Data Scientists und bestehende Techniker Anlagen zu digitalisieren. Ohne speziellem Know How und IT Kenntnissen<\/p>
Was uns unterscheidet? Unsere Produkte erm\u00f6glichen Projektmanager, Mechatroniker, Data Scientists und bestehende Techniker Anlagen zu digitalisieren. Ohne speziellem Know How und IT Kenntnissen.<\/p>
Dem Herzen der \u00f6sterreichischen Industrie": "1347#@#Sitz in Linz, AT.
Dem Herzen der \u00f6sterreichischen Industrie",
"Management board": "1349#@#Gesch\u00e4ftsf\u00fchrung",
"Wir suchen dich!": "1351#@#Wir suchen dich!",
"Jetzt bewerben!": "1353#@#Jetzt bewerben!",
"Wir ver\u00e4ndern die Art und Weise wie IoT Technologien verwendet werden. Unsere Plattform hilft Kunden und deren Mitarbeitern das Beste aus ihren Daten zu gewinnen.": "1355#@#Wir ver\u00e4ndern die Art und Weise wie IoT Technologien verwendet werden. Unsere Plattform hilft Kunden und deren Mitarbeitern das Beste aus ihren Daten zu gewinnen.",
"Unsere Unterst\u00fctzer": "1357#@#Unsere Unterst\u00fctzer",
"Lust auf etwas Neues?": "1359#@#Lust auf etwas Neues?",
"Hilf uns die Industrie in die Digitalisierung zu begleiten": "1361#@#Hilf uns die Industrie in die Digitalisierung zu begleiten",
"Bei Autonoma werden Technologien gelebt. Wir demokratisieren IoT Technologien von morgen - mit einer low-code Plattform welche einfach zu benutzen ist und das schneller als je zuvor.": "1363#@#Bei Autonoma werden Technologien gelebt. Wir demokratisieren IoT Technologien von morgen - mit einer low-code Plattform welche einfach zu benutzen ist und das schneller als je zuvor.",
"Unsere offenen Stellen": "1365#@#Unsere offenen Stellen",
"Job Titel": "1367#@#Job Titel",
"Arbeitsort": "1369#@#Arbeitsort",
"Abteilung": "1371#@#Team",
"Mehr erfahren": "1373#@#Mehr erfahren",
"Zur\u00fcck zur \u00dcbersicht": "1375#@#Zur\u00fcck zur \u00dcbersicht",
"Fakten": "1377#@#Fakten",
"Standort": "1379#@#Standort",
"Umfang": "1381#@#Umfang",
"Vollzeit": "1383#@#Vollzeit",
"Dienstverh\u00e4ltnis": "1385#@#Dienstverh\u00e4ltnis",
"Unbefristet": "1387#@#Unbefristetes Arbeitsverh\u00e4ltnis",
"Autonoma sucht Menschen mit Leidenschaft, Durchhalteverm\u00f6gen und Integrit\u00e4t. Wir freuen uns auch \u00fcber Bewerber\/innen, deren Berufserfahrung nicht exakt der Stellenbeschreibung entspricht. Deine F\u00e4higkeiten und deine Leidenschaft sind wichtiger und heben dich hervor \u2013 besonders dann, wenn dein Werdegang au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnliche Entwicklungen und Wendungen aufweist. Wir von Autonoma sch\u00e4tzen breit gef\u00e4cherte Perspektiven; Menschen, die pr\u00e4zise denken und sich nicht scheuen, Annahmen infrage zu stellen. Bewirb dich!": "1389#@#Autonoma sucht Menschen mit Leidenschaft, Durchhalteverm\u00f6gen und Integrit\u00e4t. Wir freuen uns auch \u00fcber Bewerber\/innen, deren Berufserfahrung nicht exakt der Stellenbeschreibung entspricht. Deine F\u00e4higkeiten und deine Leidenschaft sind wichtiger und heben dich hervor \u2013 besonders dann, wenn dein Werdegang au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnliche Entwicklungen und Wendungen aufweist. Wir von Autonoma sch\u00e4tzen breit gef\u00e4cherte Perspektiven; Menschen, die pr\u00e4zise denken und sich nicht scheuen, Annahmen infrage zu stellen. Bewirb dich!",
"Go to app": "1391#@#Zur Applikation",
"Translate Text": "1393#@#Text \u00fcbersetzen",
"Gesch\u00e4ftsf\u00fchrer": "1395#@#Gesch\u00e4ftsf\u00fchrer",
"about.autonoma": "1397#@#Bei Autonoma werden Technologien gelebt. \r\n
Mit einer low-code Plattform mit einzigartiger Benutzbarkeit \r\n
demokratisieren wir IoT Technologien von morgen.",
"Noch unsicher?": "1399#@#Noch unsicher?",
"Erfahre mehr \u00fcber Autonoma und unsere Team": "1401#@#Erfahre mehr \u00fcber Autonoma und unsere Team.
Oder kontaktiere uns direkt via Email unter",
"Mehr \u00fcber Autonoma": "1403#@#Mehr \u00fcber Autonoma",
"Eigenes Design": "1405#@#Eigenes Design",
"Search": "18690#@#Suche",
"No.Inputs.found": "2036#@#Keine Eingaben gefunden",
"wizard.prev": "2037#@#Vorherigen",
"": "2038#@#n\u00e4chster",
"survey.add-new-title": "2039#@#Hinzuf\u00fcgen eines neuen Titels",
"survey.title": "2040#@#Titel",
"dashboards.type": "2041#@#Typ",
"dashboards.keyword": "2042#@#Schl\u00fcsselwort",
"user.register-button": "2043#@#Registrieren",
"user.password-again": "2044#@#Kennwort wiederholen",
"user.fullname": "2045#@#Fullname",
"user.register": "2046#@#Registrieren",
"user.login-button": "2047#@#Login",
"user.password": "2048#@#Passwort",
"user.login-title": "2049#@#Willkommen",
"user.reset-password-button": "2050#@#Kennwort zur\u00fccksetzen",
"": "2051#@#E-Mail",
"user.forgot-password": "2052#@#Passwort vergessen?",
"Theme.Color1": "2053#@#Farbe 1",
"Theme.Color2": "2054#@#Farbe 2",
"Theme.loginimage": "2055#@#Login-Bild",
"Theme.Mobile.Logo": "2056#@#Mobiles Logo",
"Theme.Desktop.Logo": "2057#@#Desktop-Logo",
"Theme.Title": "2058#@#Titel",
"Theme.Name": "2059#@#Namen",
"Settings": "18990#@#Einstellungen",
"menu.start": "2061#@#Startseite",
"menu.single": "2062#@#Einzelnen",
"Location:": "17074#@#Lage:",
"Position": "2064#@#Position:",
"Devicetype:": "15762#@#Devicetype:",
"Services": "18954#@#Servicepakete",
"Offline": "17818#@#Offline",
"Online:": "17882#@#Online",
"Inputs": "16798#@#Eing\u00e4nge",
"No.Alerts.found": "2070#@#Keine Warnungen gefunden",
"Alerts": "14462#@#Warnungen",
"No Dashboards found": "17522#@#Keine Dashboards gefunden",
"Dashboards": "15418#@#Dashboards",
"Account:": "14158#@#Konto:",
"Name:": "17402#@#Namen:",
"Online": "17878#@#Online",
"Datarate:": "15462#@#Datenrate:",
"Status:": "19250#@#Status:",
"user.firstname": "2129#@#Vorname",
"user.lastname": "2130#@#Nachname",
"Are you sure you want do delete the device {devicename}<\/b>?": "14534#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Ger\u00e4t {devicename}<\/b> l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chten?",
"pages.actions": "18034#@#Aktionen:",
"Edit input": "15986#@#Bearbeiten",
"Delete input": "15602#@#L\u00f6schen",
"menu.dashboards": "2453#@#Dashboards",
"menu.helpcenter": "2454#@#Help Center",
"menu.themes": "2455#@#Themes",
"menu.translations": "2456#@#\u00dcbersetzungen",
"menu.gateways": "2457#@#Gateways",
"menu.devices": "2458#@#Assets",
"menu.details": "2459#@#Details",
"": "2460#@#Startseite",
"Add Dashboard": "14262#@#Dashboard hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Mac address:": "17110#@#Mac-Adresse:",
"menu.input": "2463#@#Eingabe",
"Data": "15434#@#Daten",
"Add Connector": "14258#@#Connector hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Dataflow Tasks": "15450#@#Datenflussaufgaben",
"User": "19882#@#Benutzer",
"Devices": "15754#@#Assets",
"No, cancel": "17698#@#Nein, abbrechen",
"Yes, delete this device": "20294#@#Ja, dieses Ger\u00e4t l\u00f6schen",
"Configure new device": "15082#@#Neues Ger\u00e4t konfigurieren",
"Data connector": "15438#@#Datenconnector",
"Web parser": "20122#@#Webparser",
"Read data from a Modbus device": "18346#@#Lesen von Daten von einem Modbus-Ger\u00e4t",
"Read data from any website": "18358#@#Lesen von Daten von jeder Website",
"Modbus TCP": "17250#@#Modbus TCP",
"Start with a generic adapter": "19222#@#Beginnen Sie mit einem generischen Adapter",
"Are you sure you want do delete the dataflow {dataflowname}<\/b>?": "14530#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Datenstrom 'dataflowname'<\/b> l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chten?",
"Yes, delete this dataflow": "20290#@#Ja, diesen Datenfluss l\u00f6schen",
"dashboards.hello-there": "2480#@#Hallo",
"user.forgot-password-question": "2481#@#Sie haben Ihr Passwort vergessen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the {type} {devicename}<\/b>?": "14558#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Typ\u00a0{type}\u00a0{devicename}<\/b> l\u00f6schen?",
"Yes, delete this {type}": "20310#@#Ja, den Typ\u00a0{type} l\u00f6schen",
"helpcenter.entry.title.3": "2484#@#sdklfndsf",
"Add Input": "14290#@#Neuen Datenstrom erstellen",
"Add Action": "14234#@#Neue Aktion erstellen",
"Yes, show me the device": "20318#@#Ja, zeigen Sie mir das Ger\u00e4t",
"Select a board": "18730#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie ein Board",
"Generic ESP32 controller": "2489#@#Generisches ESP32-Controller",
"Generic GPIO Setup": "2490#@#Generisches GPIO-Setup",
"The following data will be configured:": "19438#@#Die folgenden Daten werden konfiguriert:",
"Your email must be minimum 4 characters": "20430#@#Ihre E-Mail muss mindestens 4 Zeichen lang sein",
"Please enter your password": "18182#@#Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein",
"Please enter your firstname": "18174#@#Bitte geben Sie Ihren Vornamen ein",
"Please enter your lastname": "18178#@#Bitte geben Sie Ihren Nachnamen ein",
"No, not now": "17706#@#Nein, nicht jetzt",
"Max Value": "17158#@#Max. Wert",
"Min Value": "17230#@#Min-Wert",
"Edit this input": "16066#@#Bearbeiten Sie diese Eingabe",
"Edit device": "15958#@#Bearbeiten des Ger\u00e4ts",
"Yes, delete this input": "20298#@#Ja, diese Eingabe l\u00f6schen",
"Create your new board": "2502#@#Erstellen Sie Ihr neues Board",
"Create a new input": "15218#@#Eine neue Eingabe erstellen",
"Mac address": "17106#@#Mac-Adresse",
"Create a new device": "15206#@#Ein neues Ger\u00e4t erstellen",
"Edit pin": "16018#@#Bearbeitungsstift",
"Save rule": "18634#@#Save-Regel",
"Save the pins": "18650#@#Pins speichern",
"All pins": "14474#@#Alle Pins",
"Enter firmware type": "16162#@#Firmware-Typ eingeben",
"Enter firmware name": "16158#@#Firmware-Name eingeben",
"Show hidden inputs": "19050#@#Versteckte Eingaben anzeigen",
"Map Pins": "17134#@#Karten-Pins",
"Developer Tools": "15734#@#Entwickler-Tools",
"Select file": "18802#@#Datei ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Select date": "18798#@#Datum ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Toggle time": "19698#@#Zeit w\u00e4hlen",
"GPIO": "2518#@#GPIO",
"Unit": "19758#@#Einheit",
"device.image": "2520#@#device.image",
"Name": "21074#@#Name",
"Save": "18614#@#Speichern",
"Topic": "19706#@#Thema",
"Message": "17218#@#Nachricht",
"Subject": "19278#@#Betreff",
"Recipient": "18374#@#Empf\u00e4nger",
"firmware.bootloader": "2527#@#Bootloader",
"firmware.firmware": "2528#@#Firmware",
"firmware.Type": "2529#@#Firmware Typ",
"firmware.Name": "2530#@#Firmware Name",
"Activate": "14178#@#Aktivieren",
"Actions": "14174#@#Aktionen",
"Sensors": "18922#@#Sensoren",
"Administration": "14422#@#Verwaltung",
"Cancel": "14766#@#Abbrechen",
"Please enter your email address": "18170#@#Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein",
"Or use one of our sensor templates": "18006#@#Oder verwenden Sie eine unserer Sensorvorlagen",
"Pins": "18098#@#Pins",
"board.boardimage": "2539#@#Boardimage",
"Enter board name": "16150#@#Boardname eingeben",
"board.Name": "2541#@#Bord. Namen",
"menu.boards": "2542#@#menu.boards",
"Start with a generic protocol": "19226#@#Beginnen Sie mit einem generischen Protokoll",
"I2C": "2544#@#I2c",
"For ESP32 controller": "2545#@#F\u00fcr ESP32-Controller",
"Generic I2C connection": "2546#@#Generische I2C-Verbindung",
"Configure new sensor": "15086#@#Neuen Sensor konfigurieren",
"Add Sensor": "14354#@#Sensor hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Connected sensors": "15118#@#Verbundene Sensoren",
"No.Data": "2550#@#No.Data",
"Email:": "16114#@#E-Mail:",
"About this user": "14130#@#\u00dcber diesen Benutzer",
"menu.users": "2553#@#Benutzer",
"About this account": "14122#@#\u00dcber dieses Konto",
"Users": "19950#@#Benutzer",
"About this account:": "14126#@#\u00dcber dieses Konto:",
"menu.accounts": "2557#@#Konten",
"": "2558#@#Hilfe",
"autoTextarea.placeholder": "2559#@#Platzhalter",
"toolbar.right.import": "2560#@#Importieren",
"toolbar.right.export": "2561#@#Exportieren",
"toolbar.right.print": "2562#@#Drucken",
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"toolbar.right.split": "2564#@#Trennen",
"toolbar.left.attachmentName": "2565#@#Anlagenname",
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"toolbar.left.linkName": "2567#@#Linkname",
"toolbar.left.videoLink": "2568#@#Video-Link",
"toolbar.left.confirm": "2569#@#Best\u00e4tigen",
"toolbar.left.cancel": "2570#@#Abbrechen",
"toolbar.left.imageLink": "2571#@#Bildlink",
"toolbar.left.imageName": "2572#@#Bildname",
"toolbar.left.attachment": "2573#@#Anhang",
"toolbar.left.clear": "2574#@#Neuer Absatz",
"": "2575#@#Video",
"toolbar.left.fromNetwork": "2576#@#Aus dem Internet",
"toolbar.left.fromLocal": "2577#@#Vom Computer",
"toolbar.left.image": "2578#@#Bild",
"toolbar.left.table": "2579#@#Tabelle",
"": "2580#@#Link",
"toolbar.left.code": "2581#@#Code",
"toolbar.left.ol": "2582#@#Geordnete Liste",
"toolbar.left.ul": "2583#@#Ungeordnete Liste",
"toolbar.left.right": "2584#@#Rechts",
"toolbar.left.quotation": "2585#@#Zitat",
"": "2586#@#Center",
"toolbar.left.left": "2587#@#Left",
"toolbar.left.sup": "2588#@#Sup",
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"toolbar.left.underline": "2590#@#Unterstreichen",
"toolbar.left.h5": "2591#@#H5",
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"toolbar.left.mark": "2593#@#Mark",
"toolbar.left.throughline": "2594#@#Durchgestrichen",
"toolbar.left.h3": "2595#@#H3",
"toolbar.left.fileName": "2596#@#Dateiname",
"toolbar.left.h2": "2597#@#H2",
"toolbar.left.bold": "2598#@#k\u00fchn",
"toolbar.left.h1": "2599#@#H1",
"toolbar.left.italic": "2600#@#Italic",
"toolbar.left.title": "2601#@#Titel",
"How can we get better?": "16618#@#Wie k\u00f6nnen wir besser werden?",
"Describe your Problem:": "15694#@#Beschreiben Sie Ihr Problem:",
"There was an error? Please tell us about it!": "19578#@#Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten? Bitte erz\u00e4hlen Sie uns davon!",
"A short title:": "14110#@#Ein kurzer Titel:",
"How can we gget better?": "16622#@#Wie k\u00f6nnen wir besser werden?",
"Please enter a valid email address": "18158#@#Bitte geben Sie eine g\u00fcltige E-Mail-Adresse ein",
"Your password must be between 4 and 16 characters": "20470#@#Ihr Kennwort muss zwischen 4 und 16 Zeichen lang sein.",
"Enter theme title": "16190#@#Titel eingeben",
"Send a value to input {input}": "18862#@#Sende einen Wert an Stream {input}",
"menu.securityinsights": "2617#@#Security Insights",
"input.yes": "2619#@#Ja",
"": "2673#@#Nein",
"menu.service": "2677#@#Service-Anfragen",
"menu.history": "2680#@#Vergangene Service-Anfragen",
"menu.versioning": "2682#@#Release Mgmt",
"menu.dashboard": "2691#@#Dashboard",
"A new password will be sent to {email}<\/b>": "14098#@#Ein neues Passwort wird an {email}<\/b> gesendet\".",
"After closing this window the key can't be shown again!": "14438#@#Nach dem Schlie\u00dfen dieses Fensters kann der Schl\u00fcssel nicht mehr angezeigt werden!",
"Are you sure you want do delete {name}<\/b>?": "14514#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie {name}<\/b> l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Create a new threshold for {inputName}<\/b>": "15242#@#Einen neuen Schwellenwert f\u00fcr {inputName}<\/b> erstellen",
"Deployed on": "15674#@#Eingesetzt am",
"Enter new ${readableType}": "16174#@#Neue ${readableType} eingeben.",
"Enter your {readableType} and click on the button to receive a validation message": "16198#@#Geben Sie Ihren {readableType} ein und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che, um eine Best\u00e4tigungsmeldung zu erhalten.",
"Hotspot": "16602#@#Hotspot",
"Import a tag table from Siemens TIA Portal. This file represents the mapping of your PLCs hardware resources. You can find more informations about how to export this file here<\/a>": "16718#@#Importieren Sie eine Tag-Tabelle aus dem Siemens TIA Portal. Diese Datei stellt das Mapping der Hardware-Ressourcen Ihrer SPS dar. Weitere Informationen zum Export dieser Datei finden Sie hier<\/a>.`",
"No static IP configuration found! Please set the gateway IP to\r\n {gatewayIp}<\/b>\r\n and the gateway to\r\n {gateway}<\/b>\r\n ": "2716#@#Keine statische IP-Konfiguration gefunden! Bitte setzen Sie die Gateway-IP auf\r\n {gatewayIp}<\/b>\r\n und das Gateway auf\r\n {gateway}<\/b>\r\n .`",
"On what channels shall ${selectedUser.firstname} ${selectedUser.lastname} receive this notification?": "17858#@#Auf welchen Kan\u00e4len soll ${selectedUser.firstname} ${selectedUser.lastname} diese Mitteilung erhalten?",
"${showMoreParents ? 'less' : 'more'}": "${showMoreParents ? 'less' : 'more'}`",
"org.vue.components.file-diff-view.actions.${allCollapsed ? 'expand-all' : 'collapse-all'}": "2719#@#org.vue.components.file-diff-view.actions.${allCollapsed ? 'expand-all' : 'collapse-all'}`",
"org.vue.components.project-select-list.titles.${favorite ? 'favorite' : 'other'}": "2720#@#org.vue.components.project-select-list.titles.${favorite ? 'favorite' : 'other'}`",
"org.vue.vue-webpack.dashboard.webpack-status.${status || 'Idle'}": "2721#@#org.vue.vue-webpack.dashboard.webpack-status.${status || 'Idle'}`",
"Please enter the code we sent to ${value}. Didn't receive any?": "18162#@#Bitte geben Sie den Code ein, den wir an ${value} gesendet haben. Haben Sie keinen erhalten?",
"Reset-token invalid or expired": "18550#@#R\u00fccksetz-Token ung\u00fcltig oder abgelaufen",
"Static IP configuration is wrong! Please set the gateway IP to\r\n {gatewayIp}<\/b>\r\n and the gateway to\r\n {gateway}<\/b>\r\n ": "2724#@#Die statische IP-Konfiguration ist falsch! Bitte setzen Sie die Gateway-IP auf\r\n {gatewayIp}<\/b>\r\n und das Gateway auf\r\n {gateway}<\/b>\r\n .`",
"The key {key}<\/b> is reserved and cannot be used inside streamdefinitions
": "19470#@#Der Schl\u00fcssel {key}<\/b> ist reserviert und kann nicht innerhalb von Streamdefinitionen verwendet werden
"This ticket was created by your customer and was not forwarded to the\r\n technical development team. What shall happen with this ticket?": "2726#@#`Dieses Ticket wurde von Ihrem Kunden erstellt und nicht an das\r\n technischen Entwicklungsteam weitergeleitet. Was soll mit diesem Ticket geschehen?",
"Uploading ${remaining}\/${uploads.length} ${\r\n uploads.lenght > 1 ? 'files' : 'file'\r\n }": "2727#@#`Hochladen von ${remaining}\/${uploads.length} ${\r\n uploads.lenght > 1 ? 'files' : 'file'\r\n }`",
"Valid ${addressString}": "19954#@#G\u00fcltig ${addressString}",
"Verified {addressStringPlural}": "19994#@#Verifiziert {addressStringPlural}",
"Verify": "19998#@#\u00dcberpr\u00fcfen",
"You have not verified any {addressStringPlural} yet": "20366#@#Sie haben noch keinen {addressStringPlural} \u00fcberpr\u00fcft.",
"You were invited to receive alarms for the datastream {inputName}<\/a><\/b> of the device {deviceName}<\/a><\/b>": "20382#@#Sie wurden eingeladen, Alarme f\u00fcr den Datenstrom {inputName}<\/a><\/b> des Ger\u00e4ts {deviceName}<\/a><\/b> zu empfangen.",
"You were invited to receive the report {reportName}<\/a><\/b> from the device {deviceName}<\/a><\/b>": "20386#@#Sie wurden eingeladen, den Bericht {reportName}<\/a><\/b> vom Ger\u00e4t {deviceName}<\/a><\/b> zu erhalten.",
"+ Add Dashboard": "13974#@#+ Dashboard hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"+ Add Data": "13978#@#+ Daten hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"+ add module": "13990#@#+ Modul hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"+ Add Report": "13994#@#+ Bericht hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Supported:<\/b>": "14054#@#Unterst\u00fctzt:<\/b>",
"1 year": "14002#@#1 Jahr",
"30 days": "14006#@#30 Tage",
"3D model": "14010#@#3D-Modell",
"3D scene": "14022#@#3D-Szene",
"6 months": "14026#@#6 Monate",
"90 days": "14030#@#90 Tage",
"A datapoint will be generated every 10 seconds": "14058#@#Alle 10 Sekunden wird ein Datenpunkt erzeugt",
"A description to the tag": "14062#@#Eine Beschreibung zum Tag",
"A descriptive name": "16090#@#Ein beschreibender Name",
"A general description which helps the user": "14074#@#Eine allgemeine Beschreibung, die dem Benutzer hilft",
"A new device was created! Do you want to show its details?": "14086#@#Ein neues Ger\u00e4t wurde erstellt! M\u00f6chten Sie seine Details anzeigen?",
"A new model is available. Click to refresh the scene": "14094#@#Ein neues Modell ist verf\u00fcgbar. Klicken Sie, um die Szene zu aktualisieren",
"A personal access token is a key that allows you to access and use our data without needing to enter your username and password every time": "3870#@#Ein pers\u00f6nlicher Access-Token ist ein Schl\u00fcssel, mit dem Sie auf unsere Daten zugreifen und diese nutzen k\u00f6nnen, ohne jedes Mal Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Passwort eingeben zu m\u00fcssen.",
"A threshold value": "14114#@#Ein Schwellenwert",
"About": "14118#@#\u00dcber",
"Accent color": "14138#@#Akzentfarbe",
"Accept Invitation": "14142#@#Einladung annehmen",
"Account": "14146#@#Konto",
"Account change detected": "14150#@#Konto\u00e4nderung erkannt",
"Action": "14166#@#Aktion",
"Action required:": "14170#@#Erforderliche Ma\u00dfnahmen:",
"Activate account": "14182#@#Konto aktivieren",
"Activate preview": "14186#@#Vorschau aktivieren",
"Activated": "14190#@#Aktiviert",
"Activation code": "14194#@#Aktivierungscode",
"Active": "14198#@#Aktiv",
"Active configuration": "14202#@#Aktive Konfiguration",
"Active state starts to send the report at the specified interval. Paused stops sending the report until it gets activated again": "14206#@#Im aktiven Zustand wird der Bericht in dem angegebenen Intervall gesendet. Im angehaltenen Zustand wird der Bericht nicht mehr gesendet, bis er wieder aktiviert wird.",
"Active version": "14210#@#Aktive Version",
"Adapt your accounts design": "14218#@#Konto Design anpassen",
"Add a comment": "14222#@#Einen Kommentar hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add a new model to this scene": "14226#@#Ein neues Modell zu dieser Szene hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add a reference object": "14230#@#Referenzobjekt hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add alert": "14238#@#Alarm hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add app": "14242#@#Anwendung hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add attributes": "14246#@#Attribute hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add child object": "14250#@#Untergeordnetes Objekt hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add comment": "14254#@#Kommentar hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add device": "14266#@#Ger\u00e4t hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add filter": "14274#@#Filter hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add Gateway": "14278#@#Gateway hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add group": "14282#@#Gruppe",
"Original String": "18014#@#Translation",
"{amount} more": "20506#@#{amount} mehr",
"{ip} is the default IP address and must not be changed by default": "20518#@#{ip} ist die Standard-IP-Adresse und darf standardm\u00e4\u00dfig nicht ge\u00e4ndert werden.",
"{type} is currently deactivated": "20534#@#{type} ist derzeit deaktiviert",
"{count} users": "20510#@#{count} Benutzer",
"+ add component": "13970#@#+ Komponente hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"+ add hotspot": "13986#@#+ Hotspot hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Gateway network configuration is ok!<\/b>": "14046#@#Gateway-Netzwerkkonfiguration ist in Ordnung!<\/b>`",
"Add information": "14286#@#Informationen hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add Item": "14294#@#Item hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add metadata": "14298#@#Metadaten hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add metric": "14302#@#Metrik hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add model": "14306#@#Modell hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add Module": "14310#@#Modul hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add new action": "14314#@#Neue Aktion hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add new information": "14322#@#Neue Informationen hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add new tag": "14326#@#Neuen Tag hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add object": "14330#@#Objekt hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add page": "14338#@#Seite hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"add recipient": "14342#@#Empf\u00e4nger hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add recipients": "14346#@#Empf\u00e4nger hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add row": "14350#@#Zeile hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add Stream": "14362#@#Stream hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"add streams": "14366#@#Str\u00f6me hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add this as new tag": "14370#@#Als neuen Tag hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add this IP at your own risk": "14374#@#Diese IP auf eigene Gefahr hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add users to account": "14378#@#Benutzer zum Konto hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add widget": "14382#@#Widget hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add\/Remove Roles": "14386#@#Rollen hinzuf\u00fcgen\/entfernen",
"Added date": "14390#@#Datum hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"Additional": "14394#@#Zus\u00e4tzliche",
"Additional description, shown as help": "14402#@#Zus\u00e4tzliche Beschreibung, angezeigt als Hilfe",
"Additional images": "14406#@#Zus\u00e4tzliche Bilder",
"Additional placing information": "14410#@#Zus\u00e4tzliche Informationen zur Platzierung",
"Address": "14418#@#Adresse",
"Affected asset": "20582#@#Betroffenes Asset",
"After accepting the invitation": "14430#@#Nach Annahme der Einladung",
"After this time your token is no longer valid": "2818#@#Nach Ablauf dieser Zeit ist Ihr Token nicht mehr g\u00fcltig.",
"alarm": "14446#@#Alarm",
"Alarm updates invitation": "14454#@#Einladung zu Alarm-Updates",
"All our agents are currently busy": "2821#@#Alle unsere Agenten sind derzeit besch\u00e4ftigt.",
"Allow": "14478#@#Erlauben",
"Amount needs to be bigger than 0": "14482#@#Die Menge muss gr\u00f6\u00dfer als 0 sein",
"and": "2824#@#und",
"Answer": "14490#@#Antwort",
"answered": "14494#@#beantwortet",
"API Access Tokens": "14498#@#API-Access-Token",
"Applying the new config to the gateway": "2828#@#Anwenden der neuen Konfiguration auf das Gateway...",
"Aquire data": "14506#@#Sammle Daten ",
"Are you sure you want do delete": "2830#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete {name}<\/b>": "14510#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie {name}<\/b> l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the access token": "14518#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Access-Token l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chten?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the app {dataflowname}<\/b>?": "14522#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Anwendung {dataflowname}<\/b> l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the asset {assetname}<\/b>": "14526#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Asset {assetname}<\/b> l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the asset {devicename}<\/b>?": "2835#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Ger\u00e4t {devicename}<\/b> l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the gateway": "14538#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Gateway l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the input": "14542#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Input l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the page?": "14546#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Seite l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the report {name}<\/b>?": "14550#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Bericht {name}<\/b> l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the widget?": "14554#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Widget l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete this alert?": "14566#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Alarm l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do delete this dashboard?": "14574#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Dashboard l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want do start the action": "2843#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Aktion starten wollen?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the group with all items?": "14586#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Gruppe mit allen Elementen l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the group?": "14590#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Gruppe l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this connector?": "14598#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Konnektor l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chten?",
"Are you sure you want to remove this model?": "14602#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Modell entfernen m\u00f6chten?",
"Ask for help": "14606#@#Hilfe anfordern",
"Assets": "17182#@#Assets",
"Assigned": "14622#@#Zugewiesen",
"Attachments": "14626#@#Anh\u00e4nge",
"Attribute was auto-translated. Click to approve translation": "14630#@#Das Attribut wurde automatisch \u00fcbersetzt. Klicken Sie, um die \u00dcbersetzung zu best\u00e4tigen",
"Augmented Reality is not available on your current device": "14634#@#Augmented Reality ist auf Ihrem aktuellen Ger\u00e4t nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Auto translate missing": "14638#@#Automatisch \u00dcbersetzen",
"Auto translation not available for plain translation": "14642#@#Automatische \u00dcbersetzung nicht verf\u00fcgbar f\u00fcr sprachenunabh\u00e4ngige \u00dcbersetzung",
"Auto-select model quality when loading on mobile devices for best performance (recommended)": "14646#@#Automatische Auswahl der Modellqualit\u00e4t beim Laden auf mobilen Ger\u00e4ten f\u00fcr beste Leistung (empfohlen)",
"Auto-select quality (mobile)": "14650#@#Automatische Auswahl der Qualit\u00e4t (mobil)",
"Available Channels": "14654#@#Verf\u00fcgbare Kan\u00e4le",
"Available data": "14658#@#Verf\u00fcgbare Daten",
"Available inputs:": "14662#@#Verf\u00fcgbare Eing\u00e4nge:",
"Available options:": "14666#@#Verf\u00fcgbare Optionen:",
"Available pins:": "2862#@#Verf\u00fcgbare Pins:",
"Back": "14670#@#Zur\u00fcck",
"Back to all modules": "14674#@#Zur\u00fcck zu allen Modulen",
"Back to all platforms": "14678#@#Zur\u00fcck zu allen Plattformen",
"Back to call": "14682#@#Zur\u00fcck zum Anruf",
"Back to login": "14686#@#Zur\u00fcck zur Anmeldung",
"badge": "14694#@#Badge",
"Balena status": "14698#@#Balena Status",
"Balena Uuid": "14702#@#Balena Uuid",
"Beta": "14718#@#Beta",
"Bigger than": "14722#@#Gr\u00f6\u00dfer als",
"Binaries": "14726#@#Bin\u00e4rdateien",
"Bit": "14730#@#Bit",
"Boolean": "14734#@#Boolesche",
"Button variant": "14742#@#Button Variante",
"Cable": "14746#@#Kabel",
"Calculate KPI's from the datastreams data": "14750#@#KPIs aus den Datenstr\u00f6men berechnen",
"Call": "14754#@#Anrufen",
"Call request details": "14758#@#Details zum Anruf aufrufen",
"Caller": "14762#@#Anrufer",
"Cellular connectivity does not have any specific configurations": "2882#@#F\u00fcr die Mobilfunkverbindung gibt es keine spezifischen Konfigurationen.",
"Change Account": "14778#@#Konto wechseln",
"Change account information": "14782#@#Kontoinformationen \u00e4ndern",
"Change data": "14790#@#Daten \u00e4ndern",
"Change Design": "14794#@#Design \u00e4ndern",
"Change Icon": "14798#@#Symbol \u00e4ndern",
"Change Language": "14802#@#Sprache \u00e4ndern",
"Change Loading Screen": "14806#@#Ladebildschirm \u00e4ndern",
"Change name": "14810#@#Name \u00e4ndern",
"Change Role": "14818#@#Rolle \u00e4ndern",
"Change roles for {name}": "14822#@#Rollen f\u00fcr {name} \u00e4ndern",
"Change your App Icon": "14826#@#\u00c4ndern Sie Ihr App-Symbol",
"Change your general informations": "14830#@#\u00c4ndern Sie Ihre allgemeinen Informationen",
"Change your loading screen": "14834#@#\u00c4ndern Sie Ihren Ladebildschirm",
"Change your notification settings": "14838#@#\u00c4ndern Sie Ihre Benachrichtigungseinstellungen",
"Change your password": "14842#@#\u00c4ndern Sie Ihr Passwort",
"Changelog": "14846#@#\u00c4nderungsliste",
"Channel": "14850#@#Kanal",
"Check the syntax of your config": "14862#@#Syntax Ihrer Konfiguration pr\u00fcfen",
"Checking for connector": "14874#@#Suche nach Konnektor",
"Checking if a suitable module is already available on the edge device": "2902#@#\u00dcberpr\u00fcfung, ob ein passendes Modul bereits auf dem Edge-Ger\u00e4t vorhanden ist...",
"Checking IP configuration": "14886#@#Pr\u00fcfe IP-Konfiguration...",
"Checking": "14870#@#Pr\u00fcfen...",
"Choose a color": "14894#@#Farbe w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose a perspective by moving around the camera": "14906#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie eine Perspektive, indem Sie die Kamera bewegen",
"Choose a variant for the button": "14910#@#Variante f\u00fcr den Button w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose action": "14914#@#Aktion w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose base theme": "14918#@#Grund-Design w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose colors": "14922#@#Farben w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose condition": "14926#@#Bedingung w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose file": "14934#@#Datei ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Choose Gateway": "14938#@#Gateway ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Choose logo": "14942#@#Logo w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose or upload an image": "14946#@#Ein Bild ausw\u00e4hlen oder hochladen",
"Choose simulation type": "14950#@#Simulationsart w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose Type": "14954#@#Typ w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose unit": "14958#@#Einheit w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose visualisation": "14962#@#Visualisierung w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose your color next": "14966#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie als n\u00e4chstes Ihre Farbe",
"Click on a connection for more information": "14970#@#Klicken Sie auf eine Verbindung f\u00fcr weitere Informationen",
"Click or drag a window to add a comment": "14982#@#Klicken oder ziehen Sie ein Fenster, um einen Kommentar hinzuzuf\u00fcgen",
"Click to edit translations": "14990#@#Klicken Sie zum Bearbeiten von \u00dcbersetzungen",
"Click to try it again": "14998#@#Klicken Sie, um es erneut zu versuchen",
"Client ID:": "15002#@#Client ID:",
"Close": "15006#@#Schlie\u00dfen",
"Close help": "15010#@#Hilfe schlie\u00dfen",
"closed the call request": "15014#@#hat den Anruf geschlossen",
"Cloud": "15018#@#Cloud",
"Collect": "15022#@#Erfassen",
"Collect data": "15026#@#Daten erfassen",
"Color": "15034#@#Farbe",
"Color shown in chart": "15038#@#Farbe wie in der Tabelle gezeigt",
"Comment": "21002#@#Kommentar",
"Comments": "21010#@#Kommentare",
"Communication": "15050#@#Kommunikation",
"Components": "15054#@#Komponenten",
"Config gets applied": "2938#@#Die Konfiguration wird angewendet...",
"Configuration": "15066#@#Konfiguration",
"Configure": "15070#@#Konfigurieren",
"Configure network connections": "15074#@#Netzwerkverbindungen konfigurieren",
"Configure new connector": "15078#@#Neuen Konnektor konfigurieren",
"Configure realtimedata": "15090#@#Echtzeitdaten konfigurieren",
"Connect your Smartphone": "15094#@#Verbinden Sie Ihr Smartphone",
"Connected": "15098#@#Verbunden",
"Connected Asset": "15102#@#Verbundenes Asset",
"Connected assets": "15106#@#Verbundene Assets",
"Connected Gateway": "15110#@#Verbundenes Gateway",
"Connected Gateway:": "15114#@#Verbundenes Gateway:",
"connection": "15122#@#Verbindung",
"Connectivity limited": "15130#@#Konnektivit\u00e4t limitiert",
"Connectors are configured for this asset. Please set the needed information": "15134#@#F\u00fcr dieses Asset sind Anschl\u00fcsse konfiguriert. Bitte stellen Sie die erforderlichen Informationen ein.",
"Conversation from": "15142#@#Konversation von",
"Copied to clipboard!": "15146#@#In die Zwischenablage kopiert!",
"Copy and save this token!": "15150#@#Kopieren und speichern Sie diesen Token!",
"Copy config to clipboard": "15154#@#Konfiguration in die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Copy configuration to clipboard": "15158#@#Konfiguration in die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Copy topic": "15166#@#Topic kopieren",
"Could not copy to clipboard!": "15170#@#Kann nicht in die Zwischenablage kopiert werden!",
"{count} {key} selected": "20514#@#{count} {key} ausgew\u00e4hlt",
"Country code": "15178#@#L\u00e4ndercode",
"CPU": "2962#@#CPU",
"Create": "15182#@#Erstellen",
"Create a new action": "15186#@#Eine neue Aktion erstellen",
"Create a new alarm": "15190#@#Einen neuen Alarm erstellen",
"Create a new asset": "15194#@#Ein neues Asset erstellen",
"Create a new board": "2967#@#Ein neues Board erstellen",
"Create a new dashboard": "15198#@#Ein neues Dashboard erstellen",
"Create a new demo asset": "15202#@#Ein neues Demo-Asset erstellen",
"Create a new gateway": "15214#@#Ein neues Gateway erstellen",
"Create a new report": "15222#@#Einen neuen Report erstellen",
"Create a new tag": "15230#@#Einen neuen Tag erstellen",
"Create a new threshold": "15238#@#Einen neuen Schwellenwert erstellen",
"Create Access token": "15246#@#Zugriffstoken erstellen",
"Create Action": "15250#@#Aktion erstellen",
"Create Alarm": "15254#@#Alarm erstellen",
"Create alert": "15258#@#Alarm erstellen",
"Create asset": "15262#@#Asset erstellen",
"Create asset and deploy configuration": "15266#@#Asset erstellen und Konfiguration deployen",
"Create Board": "15270#@#Board erstellen",
"Create design": "15274#@#Design erstellen",
"Create device": "15278#@#Asset erstellen",
"Create Firmware": "15282#@#Firmware erstellen",
"Create from URL": "15286#@#Von URL erstellen",
"Create new access token": "15290#@#Neuen Access-Token erstellen",
"Create new account": "15294#@#Neues Konto erstellen",
"Create new role": "15302#@#Neue Rolle erstellen",
"Create new stream": "15306#@#Neuen Stream erstellen",
"Create page": "15310#@#Seite erstellen",
"Create QR Code": "15314#@#QR-Code erstellen",
"Create query": "15318#@#Abfrage erstellen",
"Create Rendering": "15322#@#Rendering erstellen",
"Create Role": "15326#@#Rolle erstellen",
"Create scene": "15330#@#Szene erstellen",
"Create subaccount": "15334#@#Unterkonto anlegen",
"Create Template": "15338#@#Vorlage erstellen",
"Create test config": "15342#@#Testkonfiguration erstellen",
"Create testreport": "15346#@#Testbericht erstellen",
"Create token": "15350#@#Token erstellen",
"Create your first page": "15354#@#Erstellen Sie Ihre erste Seite",
"Created": "15358#@#Erstellt",
"Created at": "15362#@#Erstellt am",
"Creating asset": "3003#@#Asset erstellen...",
"Creating design": "3004#@#Design erstellen...",
"Creating your pdf will still take a few moments": "3005#@#Die Erstellung des PDFs dauert noch ein paar Augenblicke...",
"Creator": "15378#@#Ersteller",
"Critical": "15382#@#Kritisch",
"CSV Import": "15386#@#CSV-Import",
"Current primary": "15390#@#Aktuell prim\u00e4r",
"Current scope not in scopes": "15394#@#Aktueller scope nicht in Scopes",
"Custom Functions": "15398#@#Benutzerdefinierte Funktionen",
"Cycletime": "15406#@#Zykluszeit",
"Daily": "15410#@#T\u00e4glich",
"Dark Theme": "15414#@#Dunkles Design",
"Data processing": "15442#@#Datenverarbeitung",
"Database": "15446#@#Datenbank",
"Datapoints": "15458#@#Datenpunkte",
"Datasource": "15466#@#Datenquelle",
"Datastream": "15470#@#Datenstrom",
"Datatype": "15478#@#Datentyp",
"Date": "15482#@#Datum",
"day": "15486#@#Tag",
"days": "15490#@#Tage",
"Deactivate account": "15494#@#Konto deaktivieren",
"Deactivated": "15498#@#Deaktiviert",
"Decline": "15506#@#Ablehnen",
"Decline and answer reporter": "15510#@#Ablehnen und dem Ersteller antworten",
"Decline Invitation": "15514#@#Einladung ablehnen",
"Decline issue": "15518#@#Meldung ablehnen",
"Declined": "15522#@#Abgelehnt",
"Default closed": "15526#@#Standardm\u00e4\u00dfig geschlossen",
"Default open": "15530#@#Standardm\u00e4\u00dfig ge\u00f6ffnet",
"Define registers": "15534#@#Register definieren",
"Define type of alarm": "15538#@#Definieren Sie die Art des Alarms",
"Define what notifications are interesting for you": "15542#@#Definieren Sie, welche Benachrichtigungen f\u00fcr Sie interessant sind",
"Delete": "15546#@#L\u00f6schen",
"Delete account": "15550#@#Konto l\u00f6schen",
"Delete and keep datastreams": "3038#@#L\u00f6schen und Datenstr\u00f6me behalten",
"Delete asset": "15558#@#Asset l\u00f6schen",
"Delete device": "15578#@#Asset l\u00f6schen",
"Delete gateway": "15590#@#Gateway l\u00f6schen",
"Delete group": "15594#@#Gruppe l\u00f6schen",
"Delete info": "15598#@#Info l\u00f6schen",
"Delete item": "15606#@#Element l\u00f6schen",
"Delete connector": "15566#@#Konnektor l\u00f6schen",
"Delete connector and datastreams": "15570#@#Konnektor und Datenstr\u00f6me l\u00f6schen",
"Delete page": "15618#@#Seite l\u00f6schen",
"Delete this dashboard": "15638#@#Dieses Dashboard l\u00f6schen",
"Delete this report": "15646#@#Diesen Bericht l\u00f6schen",
"Delete widget": "15650#@#Widget l\u00f6schen",
"Deleting": "15658#@#L\u00f6schen...",
"Demo Mode": "15666#@#Demo-Modus",
"Deployed": "15670#@#Deployed",
"Deployment not possible!": "15678#@#Deployment nicht m\u00f6glich!",
"Describe the desired feature or outline what you aim to achieve": "15682#@#Beschreiben Sie das gew\u00fcnschte Merkmal oder was Sie erreichen wollen.",
"Describe the issue and provide information on the steps you took to encounter the problem": "15686#@#Beschreiben Sie das Problem und die Schritte, die zu dem Problem gef\u00fchrt haben.",
"Describe what you need to know": "15690#@#Beschreiben Sie, was Sie wissen m\u00fcssen",
"description": "15698#@#Beschreibung",
"Description is required": "15702#@#Beschreibung ist erforderlich",
"Deselect all": "15710#@#Alle abw\u00e4hlen",
"Design": "15718#@#Design",
"details": "15726#@#Details",
"Device Brand": "15738#@#Ger\u00e4t Marke",
"Device data": "15742#@#Ger\u00e4tedaten",
"Device ID": "15746#@#Ger\u00e4te-ID",
"Device Type": "15750#@#Ger\u00e4tetyp",
"Devices and Streams": "15758#@#Ger\u00e4te und Streams",
"Disabled": "15766#@#Deaktiviert",
"Discover OPC UA": "15774#@#Discover OPC UA",
"Dns1": "15778#@#Dns1",
"Dns2": "15782#@#Dns2",
"Do you have a request for a feature? Please tell us about it!": "15786#@#Haben Sie einen Wunsch f\u00fcr eine Funktion? Geben Sie uns gerne Bescheid!",
"Do you need help? Please tell us!": "15790#@#Brauchen Sie Hilfe? Melden Sie sich bei uns!",
"Do you really want to activate the account": "15794#@#Wollen Sie das Konto wirklich aktivieren?",
"Do you really want to deactivate the account": "15798#@#Wollen Sie das Konto wirklich deaktivieren?",
"Do you really want to remove": "15802#@#Wollen Sie wirklich entfernen",
"Do you want to save the article before leaving the site?": "15810#@#M\u00f6chten Sie den Artikel speichern, bevor Sie die Seite verlassen?",
"Do you want to save the changes before leaving the site?": "15814#@#M\u00f6chten Sie die \u00c4nderungen speichern, bevor Sie die Seite verlassen?",
"Do you want to save the layout before leaving the site?": "15818#@#M\u00f6chten Sie das Layout speichern, bevor Sie die Seite verlassen?",
"Do you want to save the metrics before leaving the site?": "15822#@#M\u00f6chten Sie die Metriken speichern, bevor Sie die Seite verlassen?",
"Don't want to wait? Write us a message!": "15826#@#Sie wollen nicht warten? Schreiben Sie uns eine Nachricht!",
"Download": "15830#@#Herunterladen",
"Download CSV": "15834#@#CSV herunterladen",
"Download now": "15846#@#Jetzt herunterladen",
"Download SSH Certificates": "15850#@#SSH-Zertifikate herunterladen",
"Downloading": "15858#@#Herunterladen...",
"Draft": "15870#@#Entwurf",
"Drag a field here to make it accessible for this role": "15874#@#Ziehen Sie ein Feld hierher, um es f\u00fcr diese Rolle zug\u00e4nglich zu machen",
"Drag fields in the role to add them to their view": "15882#@#Ziehen Sie Felder in der Rolle, um sie zu ihrer Ansicht hinzuzuf\u00fcgen",
"Drop files here": "15886#@#Dateien hier ablegen",
"Duplicate page": "15890#@#Seite duplizieren",
"Duration": "15894#@#Dauer",
"E.g.: Company name": "15898#@#z.B.: Firmenname",
"Edge Apps": "15902#@#Edge-Apps",
"Edit": "15906#@#Bearbeiten",
"Edit account": "15910#@#Konto bearbeiten",
"Edit asset": "15914#@#Asset bearbeiten",
"Edit base data": "15918#@#Basisdaten bearbeiten",
"Edit changelog": "15922#@#\u00c4nderungsprotokoll bearbeiten",
"Edit Component": "15934#@#Komponente bearbeiten",
"Edit config": "15938#@#Konfiguration bearbeiten",
"Edit config template": "15942#@#Konfigurationsvorlage bearbeiten",
"Edit design": "15950#@#Design bearbeiten",
"Edit details": "15954#@#Details bearbeiten",
"Edit gateway": "15970#@#Gateway bearbeiten",
"Edit group": "15974#@#Gruppe bearbeiten",
"Edit Hotspot": "15978#@#Hotspot bearbeiten",
"Edit info": "15982#@#Info bearbeiten",
"Edit layout": "15990#@#Layout bearbeiten",
"Edit list": "15994#@#List bearbeiten",
"Edit metadata": "15998#@#Bearbeiten",
"Edit metrics": "16002#@#Metriken bearbeiten",
"Edit name": "16006#@#Name bearbeiten",
"Edit notification times": "16010#@#Benachrichtigungszeiten bearbeiten",
"Edit permissions": "16014#@#Berechtigungen bearbeiten",
"Edit Report": "16022#@#Report bearbeiten",
"Edit roles": "16030#@#Rollen bearbeiten",
"Edit Settings": "16034#@#Einstellungen bearbeiten",
"Edit structural interface": "16046#@#Strukturelle Schnittstelle bearbeiten",
"Edit template": "16054#@#Template bearbeiten",
"Edit template config": "16058#@#Template Konfiguration bearbeiten",
"Edit this dashboard": "16062#@#Dieses Dashboard bearbeiten",
"Edit this threshold": "16070#@#Diesen Schwellwert bearbeiten",
"Edit triggers": "16074#@#Trigger bearbeiten",
"Edit widget": "16078#@#Widget bearbeiten",
"Element actions": "16094#@#Element Aktionen",
"Email": "16098#@#E-Mail",
"email address": "16102#@#E-Mail Adresse",
"Email or password is incorrect!": "16110#@#E-Mail oder Passwort ist falsch!",
"Emergency": "16118#@#Notfall",
"Empty asset to start from scratch": "16122#@#Entleere Asset, um von vorne zu beginnen",
"Enable": "16126#@#Aktivieren",
"Enabled": "16130#@#Aktiviert",
"End AR session": "16134#@#AR beenden",
"End call": "16138#@#Anruf beenden",
"Enter a number": "16142#@#Eine Nummer eingeben",
"Enter basic information": "16146#@#Grundlegende Informationen eingeben",
"Enter code": "16154#@#Code eingeben",
"Enter full email address to invite a user": "16166#@#Vollst\u00e4ndige E-Mail-Adresse eingeben, um einen Benutzer einzuladen",
"Enter name": "16170#@#Name eingeben",
"Enter QR Code": "16178#@#QR-Code eingeben",
"Enter the Code below the QR code to get detailed information": "16182#@#Geben Sie den Code unterhalb des QR-Codes ein, um detaillierte Informationen zu erhalten.",
"Enter theme name": "16186#@#Name des Themas eingeben",
"error": "16202#@#Fehler",
"Error while creating demo config. Please try again later": "16206#@#Fehler beim Erstellen der Demo-Konfiguration. Bitte versuchen Sie es sp\u00e4ter erneut.",
"errorText": "3146#@#errorText",
"Event": "16214#@#Event",
"every": "16226#@#jede",
"Every {amount} {dateUnit}": "16230#@#Jeder {amount} {dateUnit}",
"Example": "16238#@#Beispiel",
"Existing data connector": "16242#@#Vorhandene Daten-Konnektoren",
"Expiration": "16246#@#Ablaufdatum",
"Expires at": "16250#@#L\u00e4uft ab am",
"Export data": "16266#@#Daten exportieren",
"Export data now": "16270#@#Daten jetzt exportieren",
"Extracted colors from the logo": "16278#@#Extrahierte Farben aus dem Logo",
"Extracted colors from the website": "16282#@#Extrahierte Farben von der Website",
"Failed": "16286#@#Fehlgeschlagen",
"Favicon": "3159#@#Favicon",
"Feature requests": "16294#@#Feature-Anfragen",
"Feedback": "16306#@#Feedback",
"Field is required": "16318#@#Eingabefeld ist erforderlich",
"File": "16322#@#Datei",
"Files": "16326#@#Dateien",
"Filter": "16334#@#Filter",
"Finish": "16338#@#Fertigstellen",
"Finish setup": "3167#@#Einrichtung beenden",
"Finished uploading": "16350#@#Hochladen beendet",
"First of month": "16354#@#Erster des Monats",
"Firstname": "19898#@#Vorname",
"Fixed values": "16370#@#Feste Werte",
"Flip": "16374#@#Spiegeln",
"Flip the model around the local x-axis to fix wrong orientations after import": "16378#@#Spiegeln Sie das Modell um die lokale X-Achse, um falsche Ausrichtungen nach dem Import zu korrigieren.",
"Flip X-Axis": "16382#@#X-Achse spiegeln",
"For '+$' controller": "3175#@#F\u00fcr '+$' Controller",
"for 1 stream | for {amount} streams": "16386#@#f\u00fcr 1 Stream | f\u00fcr {amount} Streams",
"for all streams": "16390#@#f\u00fcr alle Str\u00f6me",
"Forgot your password?": "19906#@#Sie haben Ihr Passwort vergessen?",
"Format": "16398#@#Format",
"Formula": "16410#@#Formel",
"Formular not valid!": "16418#@#Formel nicht g\u00fcltig!",
"Friday": "16422#@#Freitag",
"Function code": "16426#@#Funktionscode",
"Functions": "16430#@#Funktionen",
"Gateway": "16434#@#Gateway",
"Gateway network configuration is ok!": "16442#@#Gateway-Netzwerkkonfiguration ist in Ordnung!",
"Gateways": "17186#@#Gateways",
"General": "16454#@#Allgemein",
"General configuration": "16458#@#Allgemeine Konfiguration",
"General information": "16462#@#Allgemeine Informationen",
"Get started here": "16470#@#Hier geht's los",
"Give the problem a title": "16474#@#Geben Sie dem Problem einen Titel",
"Give the request a title": "16478#@#Geben Sie der Anfrage einen Titel",
"Give your token a unique name to identify it later": "16482#@#Geben Sie Ihrem Token einen eindeutigen Namen, um ihn sp\u00e4ter zu identifizieren",
"Go to": "16486#@#Gehe zu",
"Go to active page": "16490#@#Zur aktiven Seite gehen",
"Go to asset": "16494#@#Zum Asset gehen",
"Go to hotspot": "16510#@#Zum Hotspot gehen",
"Go to new account": "16514#@#Zum neuen Konto gehen",
"Group actions": "16526#@#Aktionen gruppieren",
"Group name": "16530#@#Name der Gruppe",
"You can reorder the items with drag & drop by using the handle": "20346#@#Ordnen Sie die Elemente mit Drag & Drop mit Hilfe des entsprechenden Indikators",
"heading": "16538#@#Rubrik",
"Help": "16542#@#Hilfe",
"Help actions": "16546#@#Hilfe-Aktionen",
"Helpcenter": "17190#@#Help Center",
"Helpcenter article": "16558#@#Hilfecenter-Artikel",
"Helpcenter requests": "16562#@#Helpcenter-Anfragen",
"Hide assets": "16570#@#Assets ausblenden",
"Hide column": "16574#@#Spalte ausblenden",
"Hide page": "16582#@#Seite ausblenden",
"Historic alarms are not triggered as no data was stored during inactivity": "16590#@#Historische Alarme werden nicht ausgel\u00f6st, da w\u00e4hrend der Inaktivit\u00e4t keine Daten gespeichert wurden.",
"History": "16594#@#Historie",
"Hotspot name": "16606#@#Hotspot-Name",
"Hotspotname": "16610#@#Hotspotname",
"Hover for more information": "16614#@#Bewegen Sie den Mauszeiger f\u00fcr weitere Informationen",
"I will stay open when hovered": "3217#@#Ich bleibe ge\u00f6ffnet, wenn ich mit der Maus dar\u00fcber fahre.",
"Icon": "3218#@#Icon",
"Identifier": "16634#@#Identifikator",
"If diasabled": "16642#@#Wenn deaktiviert",
"If disabled": "16650#@#Wenn deaktiviert",
"If so": "3222#@#Wenn ja",
"If the version is set as active": "16678#@#Wenn die Version als aktiv eingestellt ist",
"If value is exact": "16682#@#Wenn der Wert genau ist",
"If value is greater than": "16686#@#Wenn der Wert gr\u00f6\u00dfer ist als",
"If value is less then": "16690#@#Wenn der Wert kleiner ist als",
"Image": "16698#@#Bild",
"Image of the problem (optional": "3228#@#Bild des Problems (optional)",
"Images": "16710#@#Bilder",
"Import": "16714#@#Importieren",
"Import XLSX file": "16742#@#XLSX-Datei importieren",
"Importance": "16750#@#Dringlichkeit",
"Inactive": "16754#@#Inaktiv",
"Information could not be loaded. Please check again later": "16766#@#Die Informationen konnten nicht geladen werden. Bitte pr\u00fcfen Sie sp\u00e4ter erneut.",
"Information is loading": "16770#@#Informationen werden geladen",
"Initializing": "16774#@#Initialisierung",
"Input type does not match with the currently selected one": "16786#@#Der Eingabetyp stimmt nicht mit dem aktuell ausgew\u00e4hlten Typ \u00fcberein",
"Instead of sharing your password, you can generate a unique token that gives you temporary access to our API. This can be useful if you want to automate certain tasks without needing to enter your login information each time": "16802#@#Anstatt Ihr Passwort weiterzugeben, k\u00f6nnen Sie ein eindeutiges Token generieren, das Ihnen vor\u00fcbergehend Zugang zu unserer API gew\u00e4hrt. Dies kann n\u00fctzlich sein, wenn Sie bestimmte Aufgaben automatisieren m\u00f6chten, ohne jedes Mal Ihre Anmeldeinformationen eingeben zu m\u00fcssen",
"Interactions are limited while the gateway is not online": "16806#@#Die Interaktionen sind begrenzt, solange das Gateway nicht online ist.",
"Internal": "16810#@#Intern",
"Internal data": "16814#@#Interne Daten",
"Internet": "16818#@#Internet",
"Interpolated datapoint": "16822#@#Interpolierter Datenpunkt",
"Invert selection": "16830#@#Auswahl invertieren",
"Invitation": "16834#@#Einladung",
"Invitations will be sent automatically when pressing \"Invite users\" button": "16838#@#Einladungen werden automatisch verschickt, wenn die Schaltfl\u00e4che \"Benutzer einladen\" gedr\u00fcckt wird.",
"Invite": "16842#@#Einladung",
"Invite member": "16846#@#Mitglied einladen",
"Invite user": "16850#@#Benutzer einladen",
"Invite users": "16854#@#Benutzer einladen",
"invited you to join an": "16858#@#Sie eingeladen, an einer",
"IP": "16862#@#IP",
"IP Address": "16866#@#IP-Adresse",
"IP Assignment": "16870#@#IP-Zuweisung",
"Is exact": "16874#@#Ist genau",
"Is managed by": "16878#@#Wird verwaltet von",
"is not available anymore": "16882#@#ist nicht mehr verf\u00fcgbar",
"It looks like you didn\\'t create any asset yet.
Flash an asset with our Firmware": "16890#@#Es sieht so aus, als h\u00e4tten Sie noch kein Asset erstellt.
Flashen Sie ein Asset mit unserer Firmware",
"It looks like you didn\\'t create any template yet": "16894#@#Es sieht so aus, als h\u00e4tten Sie noch keine Vorlage erstellt.",
"It looks like you don\\'t have any gateways yet.
Get in contact with us via for an offer": "16906#@#Es sieht so aus, als h\u00e4tten Sie noch keine Gateways.
Setzen Sie sich mit uns \u00fcber in Verbindung, um ein Angebot zu erhalten.'",
"item total": "16910#@#Elemente gesamt",
"items total": "16914#@#Elemente insgesamt",
"Joints": "16918#@#Gelenke",
"Keep account": "16922#@#Konto behalten",
"label": "16930#@#Label",
"Language": "16934#@#Sprache",
"Last": "16938#@#Letzter",
"Last Login": "16946#@#Letzte Anmeldung",
"Last of month": "16954#@#Letzter des Monats",
"Last updated": "16958#@#Zuletzt aktualisiert",
"Lastname": "19914#@#Nachname",
"Latitude": "16970#@#Breitengrad",
"Leave a message for the reporter": "16978#@#Hinterlassen Sie eine Nachricht f\u00fcr den Reporter",
"Leave object": "16982#@#Objekt verlassen",
"left the call": "16986#@#hat den Anruf verlassen",
"Light Theme": "16994#@#Light-Design",
"Lindner": "16998#@#Lindner",
"Link": "17002#@#Link",
"Link name (optional": "17006#@#Name des Links (optional)",
"List of objects": "17018#@#Liste der Objekte",
"List order": "17022#@#Listenanordnung",
"Load": "17026#@#Laden",
"Load older notifications": "17030#@#\u00c4ltere Benachrichtigungen laden",
"Load read notification": "17034#@#Gelesene Benachrichtigungen laden",
"Loading connections": "3285#@#Verbindungen laden...",
"Loading credentials": "3286#@#Anmeldeinformationen laden...",
"Loading the model failed. Please check if your model format is supported. If your model consists of multiple files (textures, binaries etc.) use the": "17054#@#Das Laden des Modells ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte pr\u00fcfen Sie, ob Ihr Modellformat unterst\u00fctzt wird. Wenn Ihr Modell aus mehreren Dateien besteht (Texturen, Bin\u00e4rdateien usw.), verwenden Sie den",
"Loading": "17038#@#Laden...",
"loadingText": "17062#@#Ladetext",
"Local IP": "17066#@#Lokale IP",
"Locate": "17070#@#Suchen",
"Logo": "17082#@#Logo",
"Logs": "17086#@#Logs",
"Longitude": "17094#@#L\u00e4ngengrad",
"Low": "17102#@#Niedrig",
"Machine": "17114#@#Maschine",
"Make primary": "17118#@#Prim\u00e4r setzen",
"Manage list": "17122#@#Liste verwalten",
"Mark as read": "17142#@#Als gelesen markieren",
"Mark as technical problem": "17146#@#Als technisches Problem markieren",
"Materials": "17154#@#Materialien",
"Medium": "17166#@#Mittel",
"Members": "17170#@#Mitglieder",
"Memory": "17174#@#RAM",
"menu.' + sub": "3305#@#Men\u00fc.' + sub",
"Method": "17222#@#Methode",
"Missing input data": "17242#@#Fehlende Eingabedaten",
"Mobile phone": "17246#@#Mobiltelefon",
"Model": "17254#@#Modell",
"Model quality": "17258#@#Modellqualit\u00e4t",
"Modelname": "17262#@#Modelname",
"Module ID": "17266#@#Modul-ID",
"Module interface": "17270#@#Schnittstelle der Module",
"Modules": "17274#@#Module",
"Monday": "17278#@#Montag",
"month": "17282#@#Monat",
"Monthly": "17286#@#Monatlich",
"months": "17290#@#Monate",
"More": "17294#@#Mehr",
"More options": "17298#@#Mehr Optionen",
"Move downwards": "17318#@#Abw\u00e4rts bewegen",
"Move to group": "17338#@#In Gruppe verschieben",
"Move upwards": "17342#@#Aufw\u00e4rts bewegen",
"MQTT credentials for device": "17346#@#MQTT-Anmeldeinformationen f\u00fcr das Ger\u00e4t",
"Multiple selections are not valid. Item has been deselected": "17350#@#Mehrfachauswahlen sind nicht g\u00fcltig. Das Element wurde abgew\u00e4hlt.'",
"Must be a number": "17358#@#Muss eine Zahl sein",
"Must be a numerical value or empty": "17362#@#Muss ein numerischer Wert oder leer sein",
"Must be a valid email address": "17366#@#Muss eine g\u00fcltige E-Mail-Adresse sein",
"Must be a valid phone number": "17370#@#Muss eine g\u00fcltige Telefonnummer sein",
"Must be a valid telegram number": "17374#@#Muss eine g\u00fcltige Telegrammnummer sein",
"Must be at least {number}": "17382#@#Muss mindestens {number} sein",
"Must be at least 8 characters": "17378#@#Muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein",
"Must not be empty": "17386#@#Darf nicht leer sein",
"Name is required": "17394#@#Name ist erforderlich",
"Name of the action-button": "17398#@#Name des Aktions-Buttons",
"needs help": "17406#@#braucht Hilfe",
"Never": "17414#@#Niemals",
"new": "17418#@#neu",
"New basic asset": "17422#@#Neues Basis Asset",
"New input": "17426#@#Neuer Input",
"New messages": "17430#@#Neue Nachrichten",
"New request": "17438#@#Neue Anfrage",
"New version": "17442#@#Neue Version",
"Next": "20234#@#n\u00e4chster",
"Next step": "17450#@#N\u00e4chster Schritt",
"nextButtonText": "3346#@#nextButtonText",
"No 3D Model available": "17458#@#Kein 3D-Modell verf\u00fcgbar",
"No access tokens created yet!": "17462#@#Noch keine Access-Token erstellt!",
"No actions logged": "17470#@#Keine Aktionen protokolliert",
"No active configuration available": "17474#@#Keine aktive Konfiguration verf\u00fcgbar",
"No active or pending requests available": "17478#@#Keine aktiven oder ausstehenden Anfragen vorhanden",
"No alerts defined yet": "17482#@#Noch keine Alarme definiert",
"No apps loaded yet!": "17486#@#Noch keine Anwendungen geladen!",
"No attributes available": "17490#@#Keine Attribute verf\u00fcgbar",
"No binaries uploaded yet": "17494#@#Noch keine Bin\u00e4rdateien hochgeladen",
"No cable": "17498#@#Kein Kabel",
"No codes defined yet": "17502#@#Noch keine Codes definiert",
"No connected devices or Streams found. Start with adding a device or a Stream!": "17510#@#Keine verbundenen Ger\u00e4te oder Streams gefunden. Beginnen Sie mit dem Hinzuf\u00fcgen eines Ger\u00e4ts oder eines Streams!'",
"No connection with the discovery service possible!": "17514#@#Keine Verbindung zum Discovery Service m\u00f6glich!",
"No connections available currently. Please check again later": "17518#@#Derzeit sind keine Verbindungen verf\u00fcgbar. Bitte pr\u00fcfen Sie sp\u00e4ter erneut'",
"No data": "17526#@#Keine Daten",
"No data available": "17530#@#Keine Daten verf\u00fcgbar",
"No data yet": "17534#@#Noch keine Daten",
"No file selected": "17550#@#Keine Datei ausgew\u00e4hlt",
"No files selected": "17554#@#Keine Dateien ausgew\u00e4hlt",
"No filter active": "17558#@#Kein Filter aktiv",
"No functions available": "17566#@#Keine Funktionen verf\u00fcgbar",
"No gateway connected": "17574#@#Kein Gateway angeschlossen",
"No info": "17582#@#Keine Info",
"No informations available currently": "3370#@#Derzeit sind keine Informationen verf\u00fcgbar.",
"No input streams available currently": "3371#@#Derzeit sind keine Eingangsstr\u00f6me verf\u00fcgbar.",
"No invitations available": "17594#@#Keine Einladungen verf\u00fcgbar",
"No IP addresses found. Is the Gateway connected to any network?": "17598#@#Keine IP-Adressen gefunden. Ist das Gateway mit einem Netzwerk verbunden?",
"No items available": "17602#@#Keine Elemente verf\u00fcgbar",
"No metadata defined yet": "17610#@#Noch keine Metadaten definiert",
"No metrics defined yet": "17614#@#Noch keine Metriken definiert",
"No more notifications available": "17618#@#Keine Benachrichtigungen mehr verf\u00fcgbar",
"No new messages": "17622#@#Keine neuen Nachrichten",
"No notifications available": "17626#@#Keine Benachrichtigungen verf\u00fcgbar",
"No options available for this stream type": "17634#@#F\u00fcr diesen Streamtyp sind keine Optionen verf\u00fcgbar",
"No recipients invited": "17638#@#Keine Empf\u00e4nger eingeladen",
"No relations available": "17642#@#Keine Beziehungen verf\u00fcgbar",
"No static IP configuration found! Please set the gateway IP to {ipFrom}<\/b> and the gateway to {ipTo}<\/b>": "17646#@#Keine statische IP-Konfiguration gefunden! Bitte setzen Sie die Gateway-IP auf {ipFrom}<\/b> und das Gateway auf {ipTo}<\/b>.",
"No status available": "17650#@#Kein Status verf\u00fcgbar",
"No streamdefinition added yet. Add your first stream now": "17658#@#Noch keine Streamdefinition hinzugef\u00fcgt. F\u00fcgen Sie jetzt Ihren ersten Stream hinzu",
"No streams defined": "17662#@#Keine Str\u00f6me definiert",
"No streams selected! Only stream-definitions will be saved for later": "17666#@#Keine Datenstr\u00f6me ausgew\u00e4hlt! Die Definitionen werden f\u00fcr sp\u00e4ter gespeichert",
"No tags available": "17670#@#Keine Tags verf\u00fcgbar",
"No translation set": "17678#@#Keine \u00dcbersetzung gesetzt",
"no user scope": "17682#@#Kein Benutzer Scope",
"No user selected": "17686#@#Kein Benutzer ausgew\u00e4hlt",
"No visualisation available.": "17694#@#Keine Visualisierung verf\u00fcgbar.",
"No": "17454#@#Nein",
"No of registers": "17630#@#Anzahl von Registern",
"Nobody online": "17726#@#Niemand online",
"None": "17730#@#Keine",
"Not Assigned": "17734#@#Nicht zugewiesen",
"Not available": "17738#@#Nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Not defined yet": "17746#@#Noch nicht definiert",
"Not responded": "17750#@#Nicht geantwortet",
"Not Selected": "17754#@#Nicht ausgew\u00e4hlt",
"Not supported": "17758#@#Nicht unterst\u00fctzt",
"Nothing found for this query! Maybe try something else?": "17762#@#Es wurde nichts gefunden f\u00fcr diese Anfrage! Vielleicht versuchen Sie etwas anderes?",
"Notification channels": "17766#@#Benachrichtigungskan\u00e4le",
"Notification times": "17774#@#Benachrichtigungszeiten",
"Notification Trigger": "17778#@#Benachrichtigung Ausl\u00f6ser",
"Notifications": "17782#@#Benachrichtigungen",
"Notifications active": "17786#@#Benachrichtigungen aktiv",
"Notifications inactive": "17790#@#Benachrichtigungen inaktiv",
"Notifications that are sent outside the defined times will be delivered the next possible slot": "17794#@#Benachrichtigungen, die au\u00dferhalb der festgelegten Zeiten gesendet werden, werden zum n\u00e4chstm\u00f6glichen Zeitpunkt zugestellt",
"Number": "17798#@#Nummer",
"Number value": "17802#@#Zahlenwert",
"Object": "17806#@#Objekt",
"Objects with geolocation": "17810#@#Objekte mit Geolokalisierung",
"Objects without geolocation": "17814#@#Objekte ohne Geolokalisierung",
"Offset": "17822#@#Offset",
"Okay": "17826#@#Okay",
"on {days}": "17866#@#an {days}",
"on day {dayInMonth}": "17842#@#am Tag {dayInMonth}",
"on the asset": "17846#@#f\u00fcr das Asset",
"on the first day": "17850#@#am ersten Tag",
"on the last day": "17854#@#am letzten Tag",
"One or more items could not be deleted!": "17870#@#Ein oder mehrere Elemente konnten nicht gel\u00f6scht werden!",
"One or more items may not be deleted. Please remove them out of the group to be able to delete the group correctly!": "17874#@#Ein oder mehrere Elemente k\u00f6nnen nicht gel\u00f6scht werden. Bitte entfernen Sie diese aus der Gruppe, um die Gruppe korrekt l\u00f6schen zu k\u00f6nnen!",
"Only the aquisition of data will be stopped": "17886#@#Es wird nur die Erfassung von Daten gestoppt",
"OPC UA": "17890#@#OPC UA",
"OPC UA discovery ready!": "17894#@#OPC UA Discovery bereit!",
"Open": "17898#@#Offen",
"Open a connection to start": "17902#@#Zum Starten Verbindung \u00f6ffnen ",
"Open connection": "17906#@#Verbindung \u00f6ffnen",
"Open file": "17918#@#Datei \u00f6ffnen",
"Open link": "17926#@#Link \u00f6ffnen",
"Open logs": "17934#@#Protokolle (Logs) \u00f6ffnen",
"Open logs to start": "17938#@#Log \u00f6ffnen zum Starten",
"Option is not valid<\/b>: \"{value}": "3435#@#Option ist nicht g\u00fcltig<\/b>: \"{value}\"",
"Optional text for easier identification": "17950#@#Optionaler Text zur leichteren Identifizierung",
"Options": "17958#@#Optionen",
"or": "17962#@#oder",
"Or choose a demoasset to test things out": "17966#@#Oder w\u00e4hlen Sie ein Demo-Asset zum Ausprobieren",
"Or click here to create your first asset": "17970#@#Oder klicken Sie hier, um Ihr erstes Asset zu erstellen",
"Or click here to create your first template": "17974#@#Oder klicken Sie hier, um Ihre erste Vorlage zu erstellen",
"Or create a new one": "17978#@#Oder erstellen Sie eine Neue",
"Or extend an existing one": "17982#@#Oder erweitern Sie ein bestehendes System",
"Or start with a board": "17994#@#Oder beginnen Sie mit einem Board",
"Or upload an entire folder": "17998#@#Oder laden Sie einen ganzen Ordner hoch",
"Or use an existing one": "18002#@#Oder verwenden Sie eine Vorhandene",
"Orientation": "18010#@#Orientierung",
"Our agents are currently not available": "3449#@#Unsere Agenten sind derzeit nicht verf\u00fcgbar.",
"Overflow": "18022#@#\u00dcberlauf",
"Overview": "18026#@#\u00dcbersicht",
"Pages": "18030#@#Seiten",
"Parameter": "18042#@#Parameter",
"Password": "21082#@#Passwort",
"Password-reset successfull. Please login using your new credentials": "18050#@#Das Passwort wurde erfolgreich zur\u00fcckgesetzt. Bitte melden Sie sich mit Ihren neuen Anmeldedaten an.",
"Path": "18054#@#Pfad",
"Path to modal": "18058#@#Pfad zum Modal",
"Paused": "18062#@#Pausiert",
"pending": "18066#@#ausstehend",
"per page": "18070#@#pro Seite",
"Permission by roles": "18074#@#Erlaubnis nach Rollen",
"Personal access tokens are often used by developers to access APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or to perform automated tasks. They are usually time-limited and can be revoked at any time, making them a more secure way to access a website or application than sharing your password": "18078#@#Pers\u00f6nliche Access-Tokens werden h\u00e4ufig von Entwicklern f\u00fcr den Zugriff auf APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) oder zur Durchf\u00fchrung automatisierter Aufgaben verwendet. Sie sind in der Regel zeitlich begrenzt und k\u00f6nnen jederzeit widerrufen werden, was sie zu einer sichereren Methode f\u00fcr den Zugang zu einer Website oder Anwendung macht als die Weitergabe Ihres Passworts",
"Phone number": "18082#@#Telefonnummer",
"Pin name": "18090#@#Pin-Name",
"Pin number": "18094#@#Pin-Nummer",
"Place model": "18102#@#Modell platzieren",
"Platforms": "18106#@#Plattformen",
"Please ask your administrator for the necessary permissions": "18110#@#Bitte fragen Sie Ihren Administrator nach den erforderlichen Rechten",
"Please choose an asset": "18122#@#Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie ein Asset",
"Please choose an helpcenter article": "3470#@#Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie einen Helpcenter-Artikel",
"Please choose an user": "18126#@#Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie einen Benutzer",
"Please click now on the model to place the hotspots": "18134#@#Bitte klicken Sie jetzt auf das Modell, um die Hotspots zu platzieren",
"Please click on the model you want to edit": "18146#@#Bitte klicken Sie auf das Modell, das Sie bearbeiten m\u00f6chten",
"Please click on the pin you want to configure": "18150#@#Bitte klicken Sie auf den Pin, den Sie konfigurieren m\u00f6chten",
"Please enter the needed parameters for this device:": "18166#@#Bitte geben Sie die erforderlichen Parameter f\u00fcr dieses Ger\u00e4t ein:",
"Please fill in at least one translation": "18186#@#Bitte geben Sie mindestens eine \u00dcbersetzung ein",
"Please fill in at least one translation to use auto-translate": "18190#@#Bitte geben Sie mindestens eine \u00dcbersetzung ein, um die automatische \u00dcbersetzung zu verwenden",
"Please fill out all parameters": "18194#@#Bitte f\u00fcllen Sie alle Parameter aus",
"Please make sure the PLC is connected to the correct port": "18202#@#Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die SPS an den richtigen Port angeschlossen ist",
"Please provide a valid link": "18210#@#Bitte geben Sie einen g\u00fcltigen Link an",
"Please provide an address": "18214#@#Bitte geben Sie eine Adresse an",
"Please resolve all invalid configurations to continue": "18218#@#Bitte beheben Sie alle ung\u00fcltigen Konfigurationen, um fortzufahren",
"Please select a stream": "18222#@#Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie einen Datenstrom",
"Please upload a file": "18226#@#Bitte laden Sie eine Datei hoch",
"Please use a speaking tag name for easier identification": "18230#@#Bitte verwenden Sie einen sprechenden Namen zur leichteren Identifizierung",
"Please use this form to register": "3486#@#Bitte verwenden Sie dieses Formular zur Registrierung.",
"Please write us a message with your problem": "3487#@#Bitte schreiben Sie uns eine Nachricht mit Ihrem Problem.",
"Plugged in": "18242#@#Eingesteckt",
"Port": "18246#@#Port",
"Positioning": "18254#@#Positionierung",
"Posterimage": "18258#@#Vorschaubild",
"Preparing config": "3492#@#Vorbereiten der Konfiguration...",
"Preparing model upload": "18274#@#Vorbereiten des Modell-Uploads",
"Preview": "18278#@#Vorschau",
"Preview for this file type is not available. Please download the file to view it": "18282#@#Die Vorschau f\u00fcr diesen Dateityp ist nicht verf\u00fcgbar. Bitte laden Sie die Datei herunter, um sie anzusehen.",
"Preview is not available for STEP files": "18286#@#Die Vorschau ist f\u00fcr STEP-Dateien nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Preview streams": "18290#@#Vorschau der Datenstr\u00f6me",
"Preview test config": "18294#@#Vorschau der Testkonfiguration",
"Previous": "20238#@#Vorherigen",
"primary": "18302#@#prim\u00e4r",
"Problem\/Alert": "18306#@#Problem\/Warnung",
"Problems": "18310#@#Probleme",
"Provider": "18314#@#Anbieter",
"Public": "18318#@#\u00d6ffentlich",
"Push Notifications": "18322#@#Push-Benachrichtigungen",
"Quality": "18326#@#Qualit\u00e4t",
"Quality of the models. Changes will apply when reloading the scene for the next time": "18330#@#Qualit\u00e4t der Modelle. \u00c4nderungen werden beim n\u00e4chsten Laden der Szene \u00fcbernommen",
"Quality of the resulting image": "18334#@#Qualit\u00e4t des resultierenden Bildes",
"Rack": "3509#@#Rack",
"Random distribution": "18338#@#Zuf\u00e4llige Verteilung",
"Read": "18342#@#Lesen",
"Read data from a Siemens S7": "18350#@#Lesen von Daten aus einer Siemens S7",
"Read data from an OPC UA server": "18354#@#Daten von einem OPC UA Server lesen",
"Read data from Lindner machines with a Bosch-Bodas Controller": "18362#@#Auslesen von Daten aus Lindner-Maschinen mit einem Bosch-Bodas Controller",
"Read data from UR cobot": "18366#@#Daten von UR cobot lesen",
"Ready for Deployment": "18370#@#Vorbereitung f\u00fcr Ver\u00f6ffentlichung",
"Recipient invitation": "18378#@#Benachrichtigungs-Einladung",
"Recipient Invitations": "18382#@#Benachrichtigungs-Einladungen",
"Recipient peer id": "18386#@#Peer-ID des Empf\u00e4ngers",
"Recipients": "18390#@#Empf\u00e4nger",
"Register this device": "18398#@#Dieses Ger\u00e4t registrieren",
"Register your current device to receive push notifications": "18402#@#Registrieren Sie Ihr aktuelles Ger\u00e4t, um Push-Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten",
"Registered at": "18406#@#Registriert am",
"Related asset": "21006#@#Zugeh\u00f6riges Asset",
"Release": "18418#@#Ver\u00f6ffentlichung",
"Released": "18422#@#Ver\u00f6ffentlicht",
"Reload missing data now": "18430#@#Fehlende Daten jetzt nachladen",
"Remove": "18434#@#Entfernen",
"Remove model": "18442#@#Modell entfernen",
"Remove user": "18446#@#Benutzer entfernen",
"Render": "18450#@#Rendering",
"Render image": "18454#@#Bild rendern",
"Rendering Quality": "18458#@#Rendering-Qualit\u00e4t",
"Renderings": "18462#@#Renderings",
"Repeat every": "18466#@#Wiederholung alle",
"Repeat on": "18470#@#Wiederholen an",
"Repeat your new password": "18474#@#Wiederholen Sie Ihr neues Passwort",
"Report a problem": "18482#@#Ein Problem melden",
"Report generation started. This can take up to 2 minutes before receiving it via email": "18486#@#Die Erstellung des Berichts hat begonnen. Es kann bis zu 2 Minuten dauern, bis Sie ihn per E-Mail erhalten.",
"Report history": "18490#@#Verlauf des Berichts",
"Reporter": "18494#@#Reporter",
"Reports": "18498#@#Berichte",
"Request a feature": "18506#@#Eine Funktion anfordern",
"Request help": "18510#@#Hilfe anfordern",
"Request screenshare": "18518#@#Bildschirm teilen anfordern",
"Request support": "18522#@#Hilfe anfordern",
"Requests History": "18526#@#Vergangene Anfragen",
"Reset": "18530#@#Zur\u00fccksetzen",
"Reset password": "20942#@#Passwort zur\u00fccksetzen",
"Reset sorting": "18538#@#Sortierung zur\u00fccksetzen",
"reset to default": "18542#@#auf Standardwerte zur\u00fccksetzen",
"Reset your password": "18546#@#Ihr Passwort zur\u00fccksetzen",
"Resetting password": "18554#@#Passwort zur\u00fccksetzen",
"Responded": "18558#@#Geantwortet",
"Response": "18562#@#Antwort",
"Ressources": "18566#@#Ressourcen",
"Result": "18570#@#Ergebnis",
"Result preview": "18574#@#Ergebnisvorschau",
"Revoke": "18582#@#Zur\u00fcckziehen",
"Revoked": "18586#@#Zur\u00fcckgezogen",
"Role": "18590#@#Rolle",
"Roles": "18594#@#Rollen",
"Rotate page": "18598#@#Seite rotieren",
"Rotation": "18602#@#Drehung",
"RPC's": "3565#@#RPC's",
"Running instances": "18606#@#Laufende Instanzen",
"Container": "15138#@#Container",
"Saturday": "18610#@#Samstag",
"Save article": "18618#@#Artikel speichern",
"Save as template": "18622#@#Als Vorlage speichern",
"Save layout": "18626#@#Layout speichern",
"Save metrics": "18630#@#Metriken speichern",
"Save stream definitions": "18646#@#Datenstrom-Definitionen speichern",
"Saving": "18658#@#Speichern...",
"Sawtooth": "18670#@#S\u00e4gezahn",
"Scan QR": "18674#@#QR scannen",
"Scan QR code with camera": "18678#@#QR-Code mit Kamera scannen",
"Scope": "18682#@#Bereich",
"Screen cannot be shared. Please check if your device and\/or the browser has the permission to share the screen!": "18686#@#Der Bildschirm kann nicht freigegeben werden. Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob Ihr Ger\u00e4t und\/oder ob der Browser die Erlaubnis hat, den Bildschirm freizugeben!",
"Search all datastreams": "18694#@#Alle Datenstr\u00f6me durchsuchen",
"Search for user": "18702#@#Suche nach Benutzer",
"Search or add a tag": "18706#@#Tag suchen oder hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"search tags": "3583#@#Tags suchen...",
"Searching for OPC UA variables...
This can take up to 1 minute": "18714#@#Suche nach OPC-UA Variablen. Dies kann bis zu 1 Minute dauern.",
"See what notifications will be delivered": "18718#@#\u00dcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, welche Benachrichtigungen zugestellt werden.",
"See your requests": "18722#@#Anfragen anzeigen",
"Select": "18726#@#Ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Select a datacolumn:": "18738#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie eine Datenspalte aus:",
"Select a model from the scene": "18742#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie ein Modell aus der Szene aus",
"Select a reference object": "18750#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie ein Referenzobjekt",
"Select a single model file": "18754#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie eine einzelne Modelldatei",
"Select all": "18758#@#Alle ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Select datasource": "18782#@#Datenquelle ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Select Datastreams": "18790#@#Datenstr\u00f6me ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Select datastreams you want to export": "18794#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie die Datenstr\u00f6me aus, die Sie exportieren m\u00f6chten",
"Select files": "18806#@#Dateien ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Select marked": "18814#@#Markierte ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Select stream": "18822#@#Datenstrom ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Select Template": "18830#@#Vorlage ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Select the viewing direction first by clicking on the model": "18834#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie zuerst die Blickrichtung, indem Sie auf das Modell klicken.",
"Select theme": "18838#@#Thema ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Select user": "18842#@#Benutzer ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Select widget type": "18846#@#Widget-Typ ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Selected": "18850#@#Ausgew\u00e4hlt",
"Send": "18854#@#Senden",
"Send a testreport": "18858#@#Testbericht senden",
"Send at": "18870#@#Senden um",
"Send files": "18874#@#Dateien senden",
"Send mail": "18878#@#Mail senden",
"Send request": "18882#@#Anfrage senden",
"Send test notification": "18890#@#Testbenachrichtigung senden",
"Send value": "18894#@#Wert senden",
"Send value to device": "18898#@#Wert an das Ger\u00e4t senden",
"Sending configuration": "18906#@#Senden der Konfiguration",
"Sending interval": "18910#@#Sendeintervall",
"Sending interval (in ms)": "18914#@#Sendeintervall (in ms)",
"Sending interval (in seconds)": "18918#@#Sendeintervall (in Sekunden)",
"Sending": "3935#@#Senden...",
"sent a file": "18926#@#Datei geschickt",
"sent files": "18934#@#gesendete Dateien",
"Server:": "18938#@#Server:",
"Service Center": "18946#@#Service Center",
"Service Requests": "18950#@#Service-Anfragen",
"Set a design": "18958#@#Design festlegen",
"Set as image": "18970#@#Als Bild festlegen",
"Set as image for asset": "18974#@#Als Bild f\u00fcr Asset festlegen",
"set gateway": "18978#@#Gateway ausw\u00e4hlen",
"set interval": "18982#@#Intervall einstellen",
"Set position": "18986#@#Position w\u00e4hlen",
"Shall this group be collapsible?": "18994#@#Soll diese Gruppe aufklappbar sein?",
"Share screen": "19006#@#Bildschirm teilen",
"Short summary of your problem": "19010#@#Kurze Zusammenfassung Ihres Problems",
"Show": "19014#@#Anzeigen",
"Show advanced options": "19018#@#Erweiterte Optionen anzeigen",
"Show asset": "21374#@#Asset anzeigen",
"Show assets": "19026#@#Assets anzeigen",
"Show data": "19030#@#Daten anzeigen",
"Show details": "19034#@#Details anzeigen",
"Show in chart": "19054#@#Im Diagramm anzeigen",
"Show less": "19062#@#Weniger anzeigen",
"Show MQTT credentials": "19078#@#MQTT-Anmeldeinformationen anzeigen",
"Show page": "19094#@#Seite anzeigen",
"Show progress for": "19098#@#Fortschritt",
"Show Request": "19106#@#Anfrage anzeigen",
"Show the last": "19114#@#Zeigen der letzten",
"Show user details": "19118#@#Benutzerdetails anzeigen",
"Siemens S7": "3647#@#Siemens S7",
"Sign out": "19122#@#Abmelden",
"Signal": "19126#@#Signal",
"Simulate": "19134#@#Simulation",
"Simulate data": "19138#@#Daten simulieren",
"Simulate Movement": "19142#@#Bewegung simulieren",
"Simulated data": "19146#@#Simulierte Daten",
"Since": "19150#@#Seit",
"Single objects": "19154#@#Einzelne Objekte",
"Single stream definition": "19158#@#Definition eines einzelnen Datenstroms",
"Sinus": "19162#@#Sinus",
"Skip and create asset": "19166#@#\u00dcberspringen und Asset erstellen",
"Slot": "19170#@#Slot",
"Slug": "19174#@#Slug",
"Smaller than": "19178#@#Kleiner als",
"Some of our features use push-notifications to keep you updated. Prompt Allow to receive notifications": "19182#@#Einige unserer Funktionen verwenden Push-Benachrichtigungen, um Sie auf dem Laufenden zu halten. Bitte erlauben Sie den Empfang von Benachrichtigungen.",
"Sort after": "19194#@#Sortieren nach",
"SSID": "3664#@#SSID",
"Start AR": "19206#@#AR Modus",
"Start rendering": "19214#@#Rendering starten",
"Start videocall": "19218#@#Videogespr\u00e4ch starten",
"Start your search with typing at least 3 character": "19230#@#Beginnen Sie Ihre Suche mit der Eingabe von mindestens 3 Zeichen",
"Starting OPC UA discovery": "3669#@#OPC UA Discovery starten...",
"States": "19234#@#Status",
"Static IP configuration is wrong! Please set the gateway IP to {ipFrom}<\/b> and the gateway to {ipTo}<\/b>": "3671#@#Die statische IP-Konfiguration ist falsch! Bitte setzen Sie die Gateway-IP auf {ipFrom}<\/b> und das Gateway auf {ipTo}<\/b>.",
"Statistics": "19242#@#Statistiken",
"Status": "19246#@#Status",
"Storage": "19258#@#Speicher",
"stream": "19262#@#Datenstrom",
"Streams": "19274#@#Datenstr\u00f6me",
"Subject of your problem": "19282#@#Thema Ihres Problems",
"Submit": "19286#@#Absenden",
"Subnet mask": "19290#@#Subnetz-Maske",
"Subscribing": "3934#@#Registrieren...",
"Success": "19298#@#Erfolg",
"Successfully subscribed to push notifications!": "19302#@#Erfolgreich Push-Benachrichtigungen abonniert!",
"Suggest translation": "19310#@#\u00dcbersetzung vorschlagen",
"Sunday": "19314#@#Sonntag",
"Supervisor": "19318#@#Supervisor",
"Sync Token": "19330#@#Sync-Token",
"Syncronization of data in progress": "3687#@#Synchronisation der Daten ist im Gange.",
"Tag": "3688#@#Tag",
"Tagname already used": "19346#@#Tagname bereits verwendet",
"Tags": "19350#@#Tags",
"Technology": "19362#@#Technologie",
"Temperature": "19366#@#Temperatur",
"Templates": "19370#@#Vorlagen",
"Terminal": "19374#@#Terminal",
"Test": "19378#@#Test",
"Test alarm": "19382#@#Test-Alarm",
"Test RPC Call": "3697#@#RPC Call testen",
"text": "19386#@#Text",
"Thank you for your inquiry": "19394#@#Vielen Dank f\u00fcr Ihre Anfrage",
"The absolute position of the model in the scene (in meters)": "19398#@#Die absolute Position des Modells in der Szene (in Metern)",
"The access token can access all data the selected role can": "19402#@#Das Zugriffstoken kann auf alle Daten zugreifen, auf die die ausgew\u00e4hlte Rolle Zugriff hat",
"The connections could not be loaded. Please check again later!": "19414#@#Die Verbindungen konnten nicht geladen werden. Bitte probieren Sie es sp\u00e4ter nocheinmal!",
"The data is not available": "19422#@#Die Daten sind nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"The duration to complete one full cycle": "19434#@#Die Dauer f\u00fcr einen vollst\u00e4ndigen Zyklus",
"The gateway is offline": "19442#@#Das Gateway ist offline",
"The icon needs to be part of the icon-font": "19458#@#Das Icon muss Teil der Icon-Schriftart sein",
"The issue is fixed": "19466#@#Das Problem ist behoben",
"The message you want to send": "19474#@#Die Nachricht, die Sie senden m\u00f6chten",
"The connector and all associated datastreams will be deleted, already fetched history included.": "19418#@#Der Konnektor und alle zugeh\u00f6rigen Datenstr\u00f6me werden gel\u00f6scht, einschlie\u00dflich der bisher aufgezeichneten Daten.",
"The module is not available on the edge device yet. To activate the preview a download is required": "19478#@#Das Modul ist auf dem Edge-Ger\u00e4t noch nicht verf\u00fcgbar. Um die Vorschau zu aktivieren, ist ein Download erforderlich.",
"The new account uses the Base Theme you have chosen. You can adjust the design in your account at any time. ": "19482#@#Das neue Konto verwendet das von Ihnen gew\u00e4hlte Basisdesign. Sie k\u00f6nnen das Design in Ihrem Konto jederzeit anpassen.",
"The password-reset link will be sent to the user": "19486#@#Der Link zum Zur\u00fccksetzen des Passworts wird an den Benutzer gesendet",
"The pin number of the board": "19490#@#Die Pin-Nummer des Boards",
"The primary mail is used by default for new notifications": "19494#@#Die prim\u00e4re E-Mail wird standardm\u00e4\u00dfig f\u00fcr neue Benachrichtigungen verwendet",
"The synchronization of the updated connections can still take up to 10 seconds": "19498#@#Die Synchronisierung der aktualisierten Verbindungen kann bis zu 10 Sekunden dauern.",
"The time needs to be valid": "3716#@#Die Zeit muss g\u00fcltig sein.",
"The user does not have any notification channels activated": "19506#@#Der Benutzer hat keine Benachrichtigungskan\u00e4le aktiviert",
"The value that shall be sent to the stream": "19510#@#Der Wert, der an den Stream gesendet werden soll",
"There are no roles defined for this account yet!": "19542#@#Es sind noch keine Rollen f\u00fcr dieses Konto definiert!",
"There are no widgets on this dashboard yet": "19546#@#Es gibt noch keine Widgets auf diesem Dashboard.",
"There is a problem? Please tell us about it!": "19554#@#Gibt es ein Problem? Bitte teilen Sie es uns mit!",
"There is already a module available. You can close this window and check for the preview": "19558#@#Es ist bereits ein Modul verf\u00fcgbar. Sie k\u00f6nnen dieses Fenster schlie\u00dfen und sich die Vorschau anschauen.",
"There was a problem creating your PDF": "3723#@#Bei der Erstellung Ihrer PDF-Datei ist ein Problem aufgetreten.",
"There was a problem while updating the connections. Please try again later!": "19566#@#Es gab ein Problem beim Aktualisieren der Verbindungen. Bitte versuchen Sie es sp\u00e4ter noch einmal!",
"There was an error while sending the request. Please try again later": "19574#@#Es ist ein Fehler beim Senden der Anfrage aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es sp\u00e4ter noch einmal.",
"These values define the min and max scaling of the y-axis. Leave empty for automatic scaling": "19586#@#Diese Werte definieren die minimale und maximale Skalierung der y-Achse. Lassen Sie sie leer f\u00fcr automatische Skalierung",
"This action also affects the following datastreams!": "19590#@#Diese Aktion betrifft auch die folgenden Datenstr\u00f6me!",
"This channel enables you to receive alarms and notifications through Push-Notifications": "19594#@#Dieser Kanal erm\u00f6glicht es Ihnen, Alarme und Benachrichtigungen \u00fcber Push-Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten.",
"This channel enables you to receive alarms and notifications through {types}": "19598#@#Mit diesem Kanal k\u00f6nnen Sie Alarme und Benachrichtigungen \u00fcber {types} empfangen",
"This channel is not yet enabled": "19602#@#Dieser Kanal ist noch nicht aktiviert",
"This code is not valid": "19606#@#Dieser Code ist nicht g\u00fcltig",
"This feature is not yet activated for your account": "19610#@#Diese Funktion ist f\u00fcr Ihr Konto noch nicht aktiviert",
"This field is required": "19614#@#Dieses Feld ist erforderlich",
"This function is not available": "19618#@#Diese Funktion ist nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"This interface is currently deactivated. Please activate it to set a configuration": "19622#@#Diese Schnittstelle ist derzeit deaktiviert. Bitte aktivieren Sie sie, um eine Konfiguration festzulegen.",
"This is just a preview": "19626#@#Dies ist nur eine Vorschau",
"This is the current configuration on the gateway. Changes after save are reflected every 10 seconds": "19630#@#Dies ist die aktuelle Konfiguration des Gateways. \u00c4nderungen nach dem Speichern werden alle 10 Sekunden \u00fcbernommen.",
"This joint can move between {from} and {to}": "19634#@#Dieses Gelenk kann sich zwischen {from} und {to} bewegen.",
"This Pin supports": "19638#@#Dieser Pin unterst\u00fctzt",
"This report does not contain any page yet": "19642#@#Dieser Bericht enth\u00e4lt noch keine Seite",
"This report is empty": "3741#@#Dieser Bericht ist leer.",
"This will be shown above the QR Code": "19654#@#Wird oberhalb des QR-Codes angezeigt",
"Thursday": "19662#@#Donnerstag",
"Timerange": "19670#@#Zeitbereich",
"Timestamp": "19678#@#Zeitstempel",
"title": "19682#@#Titel",
"Title is required": "19686#@#Titel ist erforderlich",
"Title of the article": "19690#@#Titel des Artikels",
"To be able to receive notifications, some channels must be activated": "19694#@#Um Benachrichtigungen empfangen zu k\u00f6nnen, muss zumindest ein Kanal aktiviert sein",
"Too little available memory. Quality is reduced and the model is reloaded": "19702#@#Zu wenig Speicherplatz verf\u00fcgbar. Die Qualit\u00e4t wird reduziert und das Modell wird neu geladen.",
"Translate": "19710#@#\u00dcbersetzen",
"Translate description": "19714#@#Beschreibung \u00fcbersetzen",
"Translate missing": "19718#@#Fehlende \u00fcbersetzen",
"Translations are saved automatically": "19722#@#\u00dcbersetzungen werden automatisch gespeichert",
"Tuesday": "19734#@#Dienstag",
"Type": "19738#@#Typ",
"Type of visualisation": "19742#@#Art der Visualisierung",
"Type to filter": "19746#@#Typ zum Filtern",
"Type to search": "19750#@#Tippen um zu suchen",
"type to search GitHub repositories": "3760#@#Tippen Sie, um GitHub-Repositories zu durchsuchen...",
"Uid": "3761#@#Uid",
"Universal Robots": "3762#@#Universal-Roboter",
"Unknown": "19762#@#Unbekannt",
"Unnamed Asset": "19766#@#Unbenanntes Asset",
"Update": "19770#@#Aktualisieren",
"Update aborted": "19774#@#Aktualisierung abgebrochen",
"Update gateway": "19778#@#Gateway aktualisieren",
"Update Invitation": "19782#@#Einladung aktualisieren",
"Update permissions": "19790#@#Berechtigungen aktualisieren",
"Update theme": "19794#@#Design aktualisieren",
"Updated Connections are sent to the gateway successfully!": "19806#@#Aktualisierte Verbindungen wurden erfolgreich an das Gateway gesendet!",
"Upload": "19814#@#Hochladen",
"Upload a custom image": "19818#@#Benutzerdefiniertes Bild hochladen",
"Upload a new 3D model": "19822#@#Neues 3D-Modell hochladen",
"Upload a new model to your scene": "19826#@#Laden Sie ein neues Modell in Ihre Szene hoch",
"Upload either a single file or an entire folder": "19834#@#Laden Sie entweder eine einzelne Datei oder einen ganzen Ordner hoch",
"Upload image": "19842#@#Bild hochladen",
"Uploaded files": "19846#@#Hochgeladene Dateien",
"Use": "3779#@#Ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Use live data": "19858#@#Live-Daten verwenden",
"Use this": "19870#@#Verwenden",
"User can still login into this account": "19886#@#Der Benutzer kann sich weiterhin bei diesem Konto anmelden",
"User will receive a registration link": "19890#@#Der Nutzer erh\u00e4lt einen Registrierungslink",
"Username": "19942#@#Username",
"Username:": "19946#@#Username:",
"Valid Hex Code (#f012d0)": "19958#@#G\u00fcltiger Hex-Code (#f012d0)",
"Validating imported streams": "3787#@#Validieren von importierten Datenstr\u00f6men...",
"value": "19966#@#Wert",
"Value range": "19974#@#Wertebereich",
"Variables": "19978#@#Variablen",
"Variant": "19982#@#Variante",
"Verification State": "19986#@#Status der \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung",
"verified": "19990#@#verifiziert",
"Verify a new {type}": "20002#@#Neue {type} verifizieren",
"Version": "20010#@#Version",
"Version number": "20014#@#Versionsnummer",
"Versioning": "20018#@#Versionierung",
"Versions": "20022#@#Versionen",
"View": "20030#@#Anzeigen",
"View all images": "20034#@#Alle Bilder anzeigen",
"View Changelog": "20038#@#Changelog anzeigen",
"Visualisation": "20058#@#Visualisierung",
"Visualize datastream(s) data": "20062#@#Datenstrom\/-str\u00f6me visualisieren",
"Waiting for answer": "20066#@#Auf Antwort warten",
"waiting for position": "20074#@#Auf Position warten...",
"Want to see example data?": "20082#@#M\u00f6chten Sie Beispieldaten sehen?",
"Warning": "20086#@#Warnung",
"We are currently working on this issue": "20090#@#Wir arbeiten derzeit an diesem Problem",
"We are testing it internally and ship it with the next release": "20098#@#Wir testen es intern und liefern es mit der n\u00e4chsten Version aus.",
"We received this issue": "20114#@#Wir haben das Problem erhalten",
"We sent a password reset mail to the provided email adress": "20118#@#Wir haben eine E-Mail zum Zur\u00fccksetzen des Passworts an die angegebene E-Mail-Adresse gesendet.",
"Wednesday": "20126#@#Mittwoch",
"week": "20130#@#Woche",
"weekday": "20134#@#Wochentag",
"Weekly": "20138#@#W\u00f6chentlich",
"weeks": "20142#@#Wochen",
"What are access tokens?": "20150#@#Was sind Access Tokens?",
"What kind of action do you want to create": "20154#@#Welche Art von Aktion m\u00f6chten Sie erstellen",
"What timegranularity do you need?": "20162#@#Welche Zeitgranularit\u00e4t ben\u00f6tigen Sie?",
"What timerange do you want to export?": "20166#@#Welchen Zeitbereich m\u00f6chten Sie exportieren?",
"When deleting this group, these items also get deleted": "20190#@#Wenn Sie diese Gruppe l\u00f6schen, werden auch die folgenden Elemente gel\u00f6scht",
"Where are you from?": "20210#@#Woher kommen Sie?",
"Who shall receive this alert?": "20218#@#Wer soll diesen Alarm erhalten?",
"Widget assistant": "20222#@#Widget-Assistent",
"Widget content HERE": "20226#@#Widget-Inhalt HIER",
"Work in progress": "20242#@#In Arbeit",
"Write message": "20246#@#Nachricht schreiben",
"x of month": "20254#@#x des Monats",
"Yes": "20258#@#Ja",
"You": "20322#@#Du",
"You can add metadata as additional information. These will be added to all notifications": "20326#@#Sie k\u00f6nnen Metadaten als zus\u00e4tzliche Informationen hinzuf\u00fcgen. Diese werden zu allen Benachrichtigungen hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"You can decline an issue if you can resolve the request by yourself and no additional support from the development team is needed": "20330#@#Sie k\u00f6nnen ein Problem ablehnen, wenn Sie die Anfrage selbst l\u00f6sen k\u00f6nnen und keine zus\u00e4tzliche Unterst\u00fctzung durch das Entwicklungsteam erforderlich ist.",
"You can fine tune by dragging the lines": "20338#@#Sie k\u00f6nnen die Feinabstimmung durch Ziehen der Linien vornehmen",
"You can paste it now anywhere you like!": "20342#@#Sie k\u00f6nnen es jetzt \u00fcberall einf\u00fcgen, wo Sie wollen!",
"You can reorder the items with drag & drop by using the": "3835#@#Sie k\u00f6nnen die Elemente per Drag & Drop neu anordnen, indem Sie die",
"You can simulate this input for testing purposes": "20350#@#Sie k\u00f6nnen diesen Eingang zu Testzwecken simulieren",
"You can solve this request by yourself and close this ticket with a message": "20354#@#Sie k\u00f6nnen diese Anfrage selbst l\u00f6sen und dieses Ticket mit einer Nachricht schlie\u00dfen.",
"You can't access yet": "20358#@#Sie k\u00f6nnen noch nicht zugreifen",
"You did not create any feedback yet": "20362#@#Sie haben noch kein Feedback erstellt",
"You mark this problem as a technical one you can\u00e2??t solve and it will be redirected to the development team": "3840#@#Sie markieren dieses Problem als ein technisches Problem, das Sie nicht l\u00f6sen k\u00f6nnen, und es wird an das Entwicklungsteam weitergeleitet.",
"You received a recipient invitation": "20374#@#Sie haben eine Empf\u00e4ngereinladung erhalten",
"You requested to see the screen of": "3842#@#Sie wollten den Bildschirm von",
"Your access tokens": "20390#@#Ihre Zugangskennungen",
"Your Account": "20394#@#Ihr Konto",
"Your active account was changed a few moments ago. If you proceed": "3845#@#Ihr aktives Konto wurde vor wenigen Augenblicken ge\u00e4ndert. Wenn Sie fortfahren",
"Your browser does not support this method!": "20402#@#Ihr Browser unterst\u00fctzt diese Methode nicht!",
"Your comment": "20406#@#Ihr Kommentar",
"Your current password": "20410#@#Ihr aktuelles Passwort",
"Your description": "20414#@#Ihre Beschreibung",
"Your email address": "20418#@#Ihre E-Mail Adresse",
"Your email address can't be longer than 250 characters": "20422#@#Ihre E-Mail-Adresse darf nicht l\u00e4nger als 250 Zeichen sein.",
"Your email address must be minimum 4 characters": "20426#@#Ihre E-Mail-Adresse muss mindestens 4 Zeichen lang sein.",
"Your feedback description": "20434#@#Beschreibung Ihres Feedbacks",
"Your finished rendering will be sent to your email address": "20438#@#Ihr fertiges Rendering wird an Ihre E-Mail-Adresse gesendet",
"Your firstname must be minimum 3 characters": "20442#@#Ihr Vorname muss mindestens 3 Zeichen lang sein",
"Your lastname can't be longer than 250 characters": "20446#@#Ihr Nachname darf nicht l\u00e4nger als 250 Zeichen sein.",
"Your lastname must be minimum 3 characters": "20450#@#Ihr Nachname muss mindestens 3 Zeichen lang sein.",
"Your new password": "20986#@#Ihr neues Passwort",
"Your password": "20466#@#Ihr Passwort",
"Your password must be between 6 and 30 characters": "20474#@#Ihr Passwort muss zwischen 6 und 30 Zeichen lang sein.",
"Your pdf is currently waiting in the queue to be processed": "20486#@#Ihr PDF befindet sich derzeit in der Warteschlange zur Bearbeitung.",
"Please note: The test-alarm will only be sent to users who have already accepted the invitation to receive the alarm. If you selected yourself as a recipient, you will recieve the test-alarm immediately without accepting an invitation": "18206#@#Bitte beachten Sie: Der Testalarm wird nur an Benutzer gesendet, die die Einladung zum Empfang des Alarms bereits angenommen haben. Wenn Sie sich selbst als Empf\u00e4nger ausgew\u00e4hlt haben, erhalten Sie den Testalarm sofort, ohne eine Einladung anzunehmen.",
"Change password": "14814#@#Passwort \u00e4ndern",
"table": "19338#@#Tabelle",
"Table": "3867#@#Tabelle",
"Map": "17130#@#Karte",
"Panel": "18038#@#Kachel",
"Sort Ascending": "19198#@#Aufsteigend sortieren",
"Sort Descending": "19202#@#Absteigend sortieren",
"The data is not available, when the gateway is offline": "19426#@#Die Daten sind nicht verf\u00fcgbar, wenn das Gateway offline ist.",
"Show logs": "19066#@#Logs anzeigen",
"Description": "3878#@#Beschreibung",
"Select an asset": "18766#@#Asset w\u00e4hlen",
"Basic information": "14706#@#Grundlegende Informationen",
"Choose Datastreams": "14930#@#Datenstr\u00f6me w\u00e4hlen",
"more": "3883#@#mehr",
"Collect {amount} stream | Collect {amount} streams": "15030#@#{amount} Datenstrom erfassen | {amount} Datenstr\u00f6me erfassen",
"Last day | Last {amount} days": "16942#@#Letzter Tag | Letzen {amount} Tage",
"Last week | Last {amount} weeks": "16962#@#Letzte Woche | Letzten {amount} Wochen",
"Last month | Last {amount} months": "16950#@#Letzter Monat | Letzten {amount} Monate",
"Request": "18502#@#Anfrage",
"Additional description": "14398#@#Zus\u00e4tzliche Beschreibung",
"Edit channels": "15926#@#Kan\u00e4le bearbeiten",
"Use these settings to define the times you can receive notifications": "19866#@#Mit diesen Einstellungen k\u00f6nnen Sie festlegen, zu welchen Zeiten Sie Benachrichtigungen erhalten wollen",
"You mark this problem as a technical one you can\u2019t solve and it will be redirected to the development team": "20370#@#Sie markieren dieses Problem als ein technisches Problem, das Sie nicht l\u00f6sen k\u00f6nnen, und es wird an das Entwicklungsteam weitergeleitet.",
"Please note:<\/b> The test-alarm will only be sent to users who have already accepted the invitation to receive the alarm. If you selected yourself as a recipient, you will recieve the test-alarm immediately without accepting an invitation": "14050#@#Bitte beachten Sie<\/b>: Der Testalarm wird nur an Benutzer gesendet, die die Einladung zum Empfang des Alarms bereits angenommen haben. Wenn Sie sich selbst als Empf\u00e4nger ausgew\u00e4hlt haben, erhalten Sie den Testalarm sofort, ohne eine Einladung anzunehmen",
"Delete {name}": "15654#@#{name} l\u00f6schen",
"If diasabled, no notifications will be sent": "16646#@#Wenn diese Option deaktiviert ist, werden keine Benachrichtigungen gesendet.",
"monday": "3920#@#Montag",
"tuesday": "3921#@#Dienstag",
"wednesday": "3922#@#Mittwoch",
"thursday": "3923#@#Donnerstag",
"friday": "3924#@#Freitag",
"saturday": "3925#@#Samstag",
"sunday": "3926#@#Sonntag",
"If disabled, no notifications will be sent via this channel": "16654#@#Wenn diese Option deaktiviert ist, werden keine Benachrichtigungen \u00fcber diesen Kanal gesendet",
"phone number": "3932#@#Telefonnummer",
"email": "3933#@#E-Mail",
"phone numbers": "18086#@#Telefonnummern",
"email addresses": "16106#@#E-Mail Adressen",
"Verify Code": "20006#@#Code verizifieren",
"A personal access token is a key that allows you to access and use our data without needing to enter your username and password every time": "14106#@#Ein pers\u00f6nlicher Access-Token ist ein Schl\u00fcssel, mit dem Sie auf unsere Daten zugreifen und diese nutzen k\u00f6nnen, ohne jedes Mal Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Passwort eingeben zu m\u00fcssen",
"Image of the problem (optional)": "16702#@#Bild des Problems (optional)",
"Search for a user": "18698#@#Nach einem Benutzer suchen",
"On what channels shall {name}<\/b> receive this notification?": "17862#@#Auf welchen Kan\u00e4len soll {name}<\/b> diese Benachrichtigung erhalten?",
"No, leave site": "17702#@#Nein, Seite verlassen",
"Downloading model": "3950#@#Model herunterladen...",
"Save scene": "18638#@#Szene speichern",
"high": "16586#@#hoch",
"mid": "17226#@#mittel",
"low": "3955#@#niedrig",
"Use 2 fingers to move around the scene": "19850#@#Bewegen Sie sich mit 2 Fingern durch die Szene",
"Drag and move to look around": "15878#@#Ziehen und bewegen, um sich umzusehen",
"First select an object by tapping it, drag and move to orbit around the object": "16362#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie zun\u00e4chst ein Objekt aus, indem Sie darauf tippen. Ziehen und bewegen um sich um da Objekt herum zu bewegen",
"Move around": "17302#@#Bewegen",
"Look around": "17098#@#Umschauen",
"Select and rotate": "18774#@#Ausw\u00e4hlen und rotieren",
"Use WASD to move the camera and to move up and down": "3964#@#Benutze WASD, um die Kamera zu bewegen und um nach oben und unten zu gehen",
"Use the mousewheel to move forwards\/backwards": "19862#@#Benutzen Sie das Mausrad, um sich vorw\u00e4rts\/r\u00fcckw\u00e4rts zu bewegen",
"Hold left mouse button and move to look around": "16598#@#Linke Maustaste gedr\u00fcckt halten und bewegen, um sich umzusehen",
"First select an object by clicking it, drag and move to orbit around the object": "16358#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie zun\u00e4chst ein Objekt aus, indem Sie darauf klicken, bewegen Sie die Maus mit gedr\u00fcckter Maustaste um um das Objekt zu rotieren",
"Checking if a suitable module is already available on the edge device...": "14878#@#Pr\u00fcfe, ob ein passendes Modul bereits auf dem Edge-Ger\u00e4t vorhanden ist...",
"Checking IP configuration...": "3970#@#\u00dcberpr\u00fcfung der IP-Konfiguration...",
"Checking...": "14890#@#Pr\u00fcfe...",
"Config gets applied...": "15062#@#Die Konfiguration wird angewendet...",
"Creating asset...": "15366#@#Asset erstellen...",
"Creating design...": "15370#@#Design erstellen...",
"Creating your pdf will still take a few moments...": "15374#@#Die Erstellung des PDFs dauert noch ein paar Augenblicke...",
"Deleting...": "15662#@#L\u00f6schen...",
"Downloading...": "15866#@#Herunterladen...",
"Loading connections...": "17042#@#Verbindungen laden...",
"Loading credentials...": "17046#@#Anmeldeinformationen laden...",
"Loading...": "21130#@#Wird geladen...",
"Preparing config...": "18270#@#Vorbereiten der Konfiguration...",
"Saving...": "18666#@#Speichern...",
"search tags...": "18710#@#Tags suchen...",
"Sending...": "18902#@#Senden...",
"Starting OPC UA discovery...": "3985#@#OPC UA Discovery starten...",
"Subscribing...": "19294#@#Abonnieren...",
"Validating imported streams...": "19962#@#Validieren von importierten Datenstr\u00f6men...",
"waiting for position...": "20078#@#Auf Position warten...",
"Downloading model...": "15862#@#Model herunterladen...",
"Channels": "14854#@#Kan\u00e4le",
"Times": "19674#@#Zeiten",
"It looks like you don't have any gateways yet.
Get in contact with us via for an offer.": "16902#@#Es sieht so aus, als h\u00e4tten Sie noch keine Gateways.
Setzen Sie sich mit uns \u00fcber in Verbindung, um ein Angebot zu erhalten.",
"After accepting the invitation, you will receive this notification for all checked channels": "14434#@#Nachdem Sie die Einladung angenommen haben, erhalten Sie diese Benachrichtigung f\u00fcr alle akzeptierten Kan\u00e4le",
"Optionally a mac address": "17954#@#Optionale MAC-Adresse",
"After this time your token is no longer valid.": "14442#@#Nach dieser Zeit ist der Token nicht mehr g\u00fcltigt.",
"Do you really want to remove {firstname} {lastname}<\/b> from the account {accountName}<\/b>": "15806#@#M\u00f6chten Sie wirklich {firstname} {lastname}<\/b> aus dem Konto {accountName}<\/b> entfernen",
"Couldn't sync data": "15174#@#Daten-Synchronistaion fehlgeschlagen",
"Your active account was changed a few moments ago. If you proceed, your active account will be updated on this device. If you wish to stay on your current account, your current account will be set as the active one.": "20398#@#Ihr aktives Konto wurde vor wenigen Augenblicken ge\u00e4ndert. Wenn Sie fortfahren, wird Ihr aktives Konto auf diesem Ger\u00e4t aktualisiert. Wenn Sie Ihr aktuelles Konto beibehalten m\u00f6chten, wird Ihr aktuelles Konto als aktives Konto festgelegt.",
"Gateway not responsive! Is it running and connected to the internet?": "16446#@#Gateway nicht erreichbar! Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob das Gateway eine Internetverbindung hat.",
"Network connectivity is unknown.": "17410#@#Die Netzwerkverbindung ist nicht bekannt.",
"The host is not connected to any network.": "19454#@#Der Host ist nicht mit einem Netzwerk verbunden.",
"The Internet connection is hijacked by a captive portal gateway.": "19462#@#Die Internetverbindung wird durch ein Captives-Anmeldeportal blockiert.",
"The host is connected to a network, does not appear to be able to reach the full Internet.": "19450#@#Der Host ist mit einem Netzwerk verbunden, scheint aber nicht in der Lage zu sein, das volle Internet nutzen zu k\u00f6nnen.",
"The host is connected to a network, and appears to be able to reach the full Internet.": "19446#@#Der Host ist mit einem Netzwerk verbunden und scheint das volle Internet nutzen zu k\u00f6nnen.",
"Bad": "14690#@#Schlecht",
"Sufficient": "19306#@#Ausreichend",
"Good": "16518#@#Gut",
"Very good": "20026#@#Sehr gut",
"Cellular connection": "14770#@#Mobile Verbindung",
"Ethernet connection": "16210#@#Netzwerk Verbindung",
"Wifi connection": "20230#@#Wifi Verbindung",
"Connections": "15126#@#Verbindungen",
"Preferred": "18266#@#Bevorzugt",
"Predefined datastreams": "18262#@#Vordefinierte Datenstr\u00f6me",
"No actions defined yet": "17466#@#Keine Aktionen definiert",
"Editable": "16086#@#Bearbeitbar",
"Add new datastream": "14318#@#Neuen Datenstrom hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"If editing is deactivated, no new data streams can be created and the existing ones cannot be edited.": "16658#@#Wenn die Bearbeitung deaktiviert ist, k\u00f6nnen keine neuen Datenstr\u00f6me erstellt und die vorhandenen nicht bearbeitet werden.",
"{amount} datastreams active": "20502#@#{amount} Datenstr\u00f6me aktiv",
"Deselect marked": "15714#@#Markierte abw\u00e4hlen",
"Delete marked": "15610#@#Markierte l\u00f6schen",
"Delete stream": "15634#@#Datenstrom l\u00f6schen",
"Waiting for discovery service! Another {amount} attempts will be done...": "20070#@#Warten auf den Discovery Service! Es werden weitere {amount} Versuche unternommen...",
"Asset successfully moved to account {account}": "14614#@#Asset wurde erfolgreich in den Account {account} verschoben",
"A new configuration has been saved but not yet applied.": "14082#@#Eine neue Konfiguration wurde gespeichert, aber noch nicht angewendet.",
"Import streams": "16734#@#Datenstr\u00f6me importieren",
"Gateway is currently offline!": "16438#@#Gateway ist momentan offline!",
"The configuration is automatically applied when the gateway is online again.": "19410#@#Die Konfiguration wird automatisch angewendet sobald das Gateway wieder online ist.",
"Stream not available anymore": "19266#@#Datenstrom nicht mehr verf\u00fcgbar",
"Import {amount} valid streams": "16746#@#{amount} g\u00fcltige Datenstr\u00f6me importieren",
"not available anymore": "17742#@#nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Click to learn more.": "14994#@#Klicken Sie f\u00fcr mehr Details.",
"All displayed datastreams are saved for later use.": "14466#@#Alle angezeigten Datenstr\u00f6me werden zur sp\u00e4teren Verwendung gespeichert.",
"Help requests will be currently sent to 1 user<\/span> | Help requests will be currently sent to {amount} users<\/span>": "16550#@#Support Anfragen werden momentan an 1 Benutzer<\/span> geschickt | Support Anfragen werden momentan an {amount} Benutzer<\/span> geschickt",
"{name} sent a file": "20522#@#{name} hat eine Datei gesendet",
"{name} sent files": "20526#@#{name} hat Dateien gesendet",
"You requested to see the screen of {name}": "20378#@#Sie wollen den Bildschirm von {name} sehen",
"{name} wants to see your screen.": "20530#@#{name} will Ihren Bildschirm sehen.",
"Change camera": "14786#@#Kamera wechseln",
"forms.password": "4346#@#Passwort",
"type to search GitHub repositories..": "4368#@#Tippen um Github-Repositories zu durchsuchen...",
"Select icon": "18810#@#Icon ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Export states": "16274#@#Status exportieren",
"Import states": "16730#@#Status importieren",
"Write your content here": "20250#@#Schreiben Sie hier Ihren Inhalt",
"Logs could not be loaded": "17090#@#Protokolle (Logs) konnten nicht geladen werden",
"Open Log": "17930#@#Protokolle (Logs) \u00f6ffnen",
"Open Error-log": "17910#@#Fehlerprotokolle (Logs) \u00f6ffnen",
"Select datastream": "18786#@#Datenstrom ausw\u00e4hlen",
"The time needs to be valid.": "4527#@#Die Zeit muss g\u00fcltig sein",
"Mark all read": "17138#@#Als gelesen markieren",
"All our agents are currently busy.": "14470#@#Alle unsere Supportmitarbeiter sind derzeit besch\u00e4ftigt",
"Our agents are not available currently.": "4530#@#Unsere Support-Mitarbeiter sind derzeit nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Please write us a message with your problem.": "18238#@#Bitte schreiben Sie uns eine Nachricht mit Ihrem Problem",
"Share": "19002#@#Teilen",
"Hide messages": "16578#@#Benachrichtigungen verbergen",
"Show messages": "19070#@#Nachrichten anzeigen",
"Show more": "19074#@#Mehr anzeigen",
"Show on map": "19090#@#Auf Karte anzeigen",
"Open in Google Maps": "17922#@#In Google Maps \u00f6ffnen",
"Syncronization of data in progress.": "19334#@#Daten werden synchronisiert...",
"Yes, delete this widget": "20306#@#Ja, dieses Widget l\u00f6schen",
"Yes, delete this dashboard": "20286#@#Ja, Dashboard l\u00f6schen",
"Ticket Number": "19666#@#Ticketnummer",
"Some optional additional information": "19186#@#Einige optionale Zusatzinformationen",
"Yes, run action": "20314#@#Ja, Aktion ausf\u00fchren",
"Link name (optional)": "17010#@#Name des Links (optional)",
"Where do you want to move this asset?": "20214#@#Wohin wollen Sie dieses Asset verschieben?",
"Select an account": "18762#@#W\u00e4hle einen Account",
"What shall happen with already collected data?": "20158#@#Was soll mit den bereits erfassten Daten geschehen?",
"Move only asset": "17330#@#Asset ohne Daten verschieben",
"Move asset and data": "17306#@#Asset und Daten verschieben",
"Move asset only": "17310#@#Asset ohne Daten verschieben",
"Move asset with data": "17314#@#Asset und Daten verschieben",
"Switch to account": "19326#@#Zum Account wechseln",
"Go to asset overview": "16498#@#Zur Asset \u00dcbersicht gehen",
"Manage templates": "17126#@#Vorlagen verwalten",
"No export templates defined yet": "17542#@#Noch keine Exportvorlagen erstellt",
"Granularity": "16522#@#Genauigkeit",
"No. of streams": "17710#@#Anzahl an Datenstr\u00f6me",
"Select streams": "18826#@#Datenstr\u00f6me ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Use Export template": "19854#@#Exportvorlage verwenden",
"Please choose one of the templates": "18130#@#Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie eine der folgenden Vorlagen",
"Save selection as export template": "18642#@#Auswahl als Exportvorlage speichern",
"Additional, gives hints how to place the QR Code": "14414#@#Gibt zus\u00e4tzlich Hinweise zur Platzierung des QR-Codes",
"There was a problem creating your PDF.": "19562#@#Bei der Erstellung des PDFs ist ein Problem aufgetreten.",
"Are you sure you want do delete this alert": "4564#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Alarm l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chten?",
"Ein sprechender Name": "4566#@#Ein beschreibender Name",
"Yes, delete": "20262#@#Ja, l\u00f6schen",
"Export": "16254#@#Export",
"No input streams available currently.": "17590#@#Derzeit sind keine Eingangsstr\u00f6me verf\u00fcgbar.",
"The code": "19406#@#Der Code",
"Descriptive name": "15706#@#Beschreibender Name",
"Yes, delete this state": "20302#@#Ja, diesen Status l\u00f6schen",
"Select base theme": "18778#@#Grund-Design w\u00e4hlen",
"Learn more about base themes": "16974#@#Erfahren Sie mehr \u00fcber Basis-Designs",
"Design changed": "15722#@#Design wurde angepasst",
"Enter Url of your website": "16194#@#Geben Sie die URL Ihrer Website ein",
"Analyze now": "14486#@#Jetzt analysieren",
"Upload an image": "19830#@#Ein Bild hochladen",
"Update loading screen": "19786#@#Ladebildschirm aktualisieren",
"Finished": "16346#@#Abgeschlossen",
"Link to the company website": "17014#@#Link zur Website des Unternehmens",
"Or select a custom color": "17986#@#Oder w\u00e4hlen Sie eine individuelle Farbe",
"Or select a file from your device": "17990#@#Oder w\u00e4hlen Sie eine Datei von Ihrem Ger\u00e4t",
"Trigger": "19726#@#Ausl\u00f6ser",
"Edit tags": "16050#@#Tags bearbeiten",
"Yes, delete this access token": "20266#@#Ja, dieses Zugriffstoken l\u00f6schen",
"Adapt available connector": "14214#@#Verf\u00fcgbaren Konnektor anpassen",
"Are you sure you want do delete these datastreams?": "14562#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Datenstr\u00f6me l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Copy data": "15162#@#Daten kopieren",
"Import data": "16726#@#Daten importieren",
"Match data": "17150#@#Daten abgleichen",
"Start Import": "19210#@#Import starten",
"Applying the new config to the gateway...": "14502#@#Neue Konfiguration auf das Gateway anwenden...",
"handle": "16534#@#Ziehpunkt",
"Fallback": "16290#@#Fallback",
"Cellular connectivity does not have any specific configurations.": "14774#@#F\u00fcr die Mobilfunkverbindung gibt es keine spezifischen Konfigurationen.",
"Your topic": "20494#@#Ihr Thema",
"If so, what shall happen to connected datastreams?": "16666#@#Wenn ja, was soll mit den verbundenen Datenstr\u00f6men geschehen?",
"Yes, delete this app": "20278#@#Ja, diese App l\u00f6schen",
"Searching for OPC UA variables...
This can take up to 1 minute,": "4601#@#Suche nach OPC-UA Variablen. Dies kann bis zu 1 Minute dauern.",
"Tag name already exists. Please use another one": "19342#@#Der Tag-Name existiert bereits. Bitte verwenden Sie einen anderen Tag-Namen.",
"There was an error while creating the tag.": "19570#@#Beim Erstellen des Tags ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
"No.": "4604#@#Nein",
"Export dashboard": "16262#@#Dashboard exportieren",
"Export Asset": "16258#@#Asset exportieren",
"Move to another account": "17334#@#Auf ein anderes Konto wechseln",
"This report is empty.": "19646#@#Dieser Bericht hat keinen Inhalt",
"Import Asset": "16722#@#Asset importieren",
"It looks like you didn\\'t create any template yet.": "16898#@#Es sieht so aus, als h\u00e4tten Sie noch keine Vorlage erstellt",
"No title set": "17674#@#Kein Titel definiert",
"Update user tags": "19798#@#Benutzer-Tags aktualisieren",
"Create new design": "15298#@#Neues Design erstellen",
"Set as asset image": "18966#@#Als Assetbild festlegen",
"Set as 3D model preview": "18962#@#Als 3D-Modellvorschau festlegen",
"Image successfully set!": "16706#@#Bild erfolgreich eingestellt!",
"No datastreams defined": "17538#@#Keine Datenstr\u00f6me definiert",
"Edit stream": "16042#@#Datenstrom bearbeiten",
"No informations available currently.": "17586#@#Derzeit keine Informationen verf\u00fcgbar",
"PM2 Name": "4625#@#PM2 Name",
"Delete module": "15614#@#Konnektor l\u00f6schen",
"The data is not available, when the gateway is offline.": "4627#@#Die Daten sind nicht verf\u00fcgbar, wenn das Gateway offline ist",
"No history service requests": "17578#@#Keine Historie fr\u00fcherer Serviceanfragen",
"Please use this form to register.": "18234#@#Bitte benutzen Sie dieses Formular zur Anmeldung",
"Accounts": "17178#@#Konten",
"When you receive an invitation": "20206#@#Wenn Sie eine Einladung erhalten",
"3D Models": "14018#@#3D-Modelle",
"3D Model processing finished": "14014#@#3D-Modellverarbeitung abgeschlossen",
"When a feedback is commented": "20174#@#Wenn ein Feedback kommentiert wird",
"Feedback Management": "16310#@#Feedback-Verwaltung",
"Alarming": "14458#@#Alarmierungen",
"When you get invited to receive alarm Notification...": "20194#@#Wenn Sie zum Empfang von Alarmbenachrichtigung eingeladen werden...",
"When an invitation for an alarm is revoked": "20186#@#Wenn eine Einladung f\u00fcr einen Alarm widerrufen wird",
"When you receive an alarm": "20202#@#Wenn Sie einen Alarm erhalten",
"When a new report is available": "20178#@#Wenn ein neuer Bericht verf\u00fcgbar ist",
"Information": "16762#@#Information",
"When you receive a report about missed notificatio...": "4650#@#Wenn Sie einen Bericht \u00fcber verpasste Benachrichtigungen erhalten...",
"When a 3D-Model rendering is finished": "20170#@#Wenn ein 3D-Rendering abgeschlossen ist",
"Support": "21150#@#Support",
"When a user sends a help request.": "20182#@#Wenn ein Benutzer eine Hilfeanfrage sendet.",
"Delete role {name}": "15626#@#Rolle {name} l\u00f6schen",
"Edit {name}": "16082#@#{name} \u00e4ndern",
"Are you sure you want to delete the role {name}<\/b>?": "14594#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Rolle {name}<\/b>\u00a0l\u00f6schen wollen? ",
"Stream not available.": "19270#@#Datenstrom nicht verf\u00fcgbar.",
"Value in {unit}": "19970#@#Wert in {unit}",
"Must be greater<\/b> or equal<\/b> {number}": "17354#@#Muss gr\u00f6\u00dfer<\/b> oder gleich<\/b> {number} sein",
"Send after {amount}": "18866#@#Senden nach {amount}",
"Every {duration}": "16234#@#Alle {duration}",
"on change (or after {interval})": "17838#@#bei \u00c4nderung (oder nach {interval})",
"on change": "17834#@#bei \u00c4nderung",
"Reload App": "18426#@#App erneut laden",
"Click on the image to view full size.": "14978#@#Klicken Sie auf das Bild, um es in voller Gr\u00f6\u00dfe zu sehen",
"Hysterese": "16630#@#Hysterese",
"The difference to the last sent value": "19430#@#Die Differenz zum zuletzt gesendeten Wert",
"Check for changes": "14858#@#Nach Aktualisierungen suchen",
"If no change happens": "16662#@#Wenn keine Ver\u00e4nderung eintritt",
"Use this settings": "19874#@#Diese Einstellung verwenden",
"Relative": "18414#@#Relativ",
"Absolute": "14134#@#Absolut",
"Notification Logs": "21324#@#Benachrichtigungsprotokoll",
"No logs available": "17606#@#Keine Protokolle verf\u00fcgbar",
"Config": "15058#@#Konfiguration",
"Initiated": "16778#@#Initiiert",
"Sent at": "18930#@#Gesendet am",
"Show Server Logs": "19110#@#Serverprotokolle (Logs) anzeigen",
"No users": "17690#@#Keine Benutzer",
"add option": "14334#@#Option hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Sign now": "4729#@#Jetzt unterschreiben",
"No coordinates available": "4730#@#Keine Koordinaten verf\u00fcgbar",
"No file": "4731#@#Keine Datei",
"Error Log": "4732#@#Fehlerprotokoll (Logs)",
"\/\/ no relevant logs collected for this notification": "4733#@#Keine relevanten Protokolle f\u00fcr diese Meldung gesammelt",
"Upload attachment": "4734#@#Anhang hochladen",
"The value you want to send": "4739#@#Der Wert, den Sie senden m\u00f6chten",
"Set value": "4740#@#Wert einstellen",
"Are you sure you want do delete this action?": "4741#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Aktion l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Get in contact": "4747#@#Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf",
"Contact now": "4748#@#Jetzt kontaktieren",
"Close window": "4749#@#Fenster schlie\u00dfen",
"Export other data": "4750#@#Andere Daten exportieren",
"Job export": "4751#@#Export eines Jobs (Auftrages)",
"Create a new event inspection": "4753#@#Erstellen Sie eine neue Ereignispr\u00fcfung",
"Edit event inspection": "4754#@#Ereignispr\u00fcfung bearbeiten",
"Key": "4755#@#Schl\u00fcssel",
"Expected data interval": "4757#@#Erwartetes Datenintervall",
"Allow sending values to this datastream": "4758#@#Senden von Werten an diese Datenstr\u00f6me zulassen",
"Add to account": "4759#@#Zum Konto hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Name of signee": "4760#@#Name des Unterzeichners",
"Fullscreen": "4762#@#Vollbild Modus",
"Yes, delete this field": "4771#@#Ja, dieses Feld l\u00f6schen",
"No images available": "4772#@#Keine Bilder verf\u00fcgbar",
"No image uploaded": "4773#@#Kein Bild hochgeladen",
"No comments available": "17506#@#Keine Kommentare vorhanden",
"Delete comment": "15562#@#Kommentar l\u00f6schen",
"Create a new template": "15234#@#Neue Vorlage erstellen",
"Edit step": "16038#@#Prozessschritt bearbeiten",
"Select method": "18818#@#Methode ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Info: No parameter defined for this method.": "16758#@#Info: kein Parameter f\u00fcr diese Methode definiert",
"Custom Parameter": "15402#@#Benutzerdefinierte Parameter",
"Send RPC": "18886#@#RPC senden",
"Request not available": "18514#@#Anfrage nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Replace widget": "18478#@#Widget ersetzen",
"Event inspection (Internal)": "4788#@#Ereignispr\u00fcfung (intern)",
"+ Create event inspection": "4789#@#+ Ereignispr\u00fcfung erstellen",
"Service Booklet": "18942#@#Serviceheft",
"Visual event correlation": "20054#@#Visuelle Ereigniskorrelation",
"Delete this inspection": "15642#@#Diese Inspektion l\u00f6schen",
"Edit correlation": "15946#@#Korrelation bearbeiten",
"Delete correlation": "15574#@#Korrelation l\u00f6schen",
"Operating users": "17942#@#Bediener",
"Get more out of your machine": "16466#@#Holen Sie mehr aus Ihrer Maschine heraus",
"Developer": "15730#@#Entwickler",
"Featureflags": "16298#@#Funktions-Flaggen",
"UML Diagrams": "19754#@#UML Diagramme",
"+ Add UML Diagram": "13998#@#+ UML Diagramm hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Missing image": "17238#@#Bild fehlt",
"Missing configuration": "17234#@#Konfiguration fehlt",
"Saving scene...": "18662#@#Speichere Szene...",
"Input": "16782#@#Datenstrom",
"Rectangle": "18394#@#Rechteck",
"Datapoint": "15454#@#Datenpunkt",
"Go to device": "16502#@#Zum Asset gehen",
"Are you sure you want do delete this comment?": "14570#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Kommentar l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Yes, delete this comment": "20282#@#Ja, diesen Kommentar l\u00f6schen",
"Edit comment": "15930#@#Kommentar bearbeiten",
"Updating...": "19810#@#Aktualisiere...",
"Yes, delete this action": "20270#@#Ja, diese Aktion l\u00f6schen",
"Formular": "16414#@#Formular",
"Please choose a form": "18118#@#Bitte w\u00e4hle ein Formular",
"Upload file": "19838#@#Datei hochladen",
"Features": "16302#@#Funktionen",
"Create a new Diagram": "15210#@#Ein neues Diagramm erstellen",
"Are you sure you want to delete the element?": "14582#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass sie dieses Element l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chten?",
"Decimal points": "15502#@#Dezimalstellen",
"Yes, delete this alert": "20274#@#Ja, diesen Alarm l\u00f6schen",
"Signature": "19130#@#Unterschrift",
"Delete role": "15622#@#Rolle l\u00f6schen",
"Download excel template": "15838#@#Excel Vorlage herunterladen",
"Download template": "15854#@#Vorlage herunterladen",
"Import users": "16738#@#Benutzer importieren",
"Edit role": "16026#@#Rolle bearbeiten",
"Please assign at least one role to the user before saving": "18114#@#Bitte weisen Sie dem Benutzer vor dem Speichern mindestens eine Rolle zu",
"Interval": "16826#@#Interval",
"Trying to connect to OPC UA server...": "19730#@#Aufbau einer Verbindung mit dem OPC UA Server wird getestet...",
"Create a new step": "15226#@#Einen neuen Prozessschritt erstellen",
"Thank you for submitting the form.": "19390#@#Vielen Dank f\u00fcr das Ausf\u00fcllen des Formulars.",
"Select a connector": "18734#@#Einen Konnektor ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Loading dashboards": "17050#@#Dashboards werden geladen",
"Event analysis": "16218#@#Ereignisanalyse",
"Events with the biggest potential": "16222#@#Ereignisse mit dem gr\u00f6\u00dften Potenzial",
"It looks like you didn\\'t create any asset yet.": "16886#@#Es sieht so aus, als h\u00e4tten Sie noch kein Asset erstellt",
"Forms": "16402#@#Formulare",
"No forms found": "17562#@#Keine Formulare verf\u00fcgbar",
"Show form": "19042#@#Formular anzeigen",
"Delete form": "15582#@#Formular l\u00f6schen",
"Shapes": "18998#@#Formen",
"Media": "17162#@#Medien",
"Edit Diagram": "15962#@#Diagramm bearbeiten",
"Select an element": "18770#@#Ein Element ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Remove Element": "18438#@#Element entfernen",
"Show Name": "19082#@#Namen anzeigen",
"Fill": "16330#@#Ausf\u00fcllen",
"Border": "14738#@#Grenze",
"Level": "16990#@#Level",
"Scene Graph": "4889#@#Graphen der Szene",
"Scene Tree": "4890#@#Baumstruktur der Szene",
"Show Helpcenter": "19046#@#Hilfecenter anzeigen",
"Select a part of the model by clicking on it in the 3D view.": "4936#@#W\u00e4hle einen Teil des Modelles durch einen Klick darauf aus",
"Edit form template": "15966#@#Formularvorlage bearbeiten",
"Delete form template": "15586#@#Formularvorlage l\u00f6schen",
"There are no fields defined yet": "19534#@#Es sind noch keine Felder definiert",
"Add field": "14270#@#Eingabefeld hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"field": "16314#@#Eingabefeld",
"No fields available for definition.": "17546#@#Es sind keine Felder f\u00fcr die Definition verf\u00fcgbar",
"Tasks": "19358#@#Aufgaben",
"There are no forms created yet": "19538#@#Es wurden noch keine Formular erstellt",
"+ Add form": "13982#@#+ Formular hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Saved": "18654#@#Gespeichert",
"add step": "14358#@#Prozessschritt hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Please focus a form field to edit the details": "18198#@#Bitte fokussiere ein Formularfeld, um die Details zu bearbeiten",
"Steps": "19254#@#Schritte",
"Delete step": "15630#@#Prozessschritt l\u00f6schen",
"Test NEW RPC Call (Alpha)": "4951#@#NEUEN RPC Call testen (Alpha)",
"no.actions.found": "17714#@#Test",
"form-components.slider": "4914#@#form-components.slider",
"Please connect an input": "18154#@#Bitte einen Datenstrom verbinden",
"Zoom": "20498#@#Vergr\u00f6\u00dfern",
"Keep Aspect Ratio": "16926#@#Seitenverh\u00e4ltnis beibehalten",
"Target": "19354#@#Ziel",
"Asset": "14610#@#Asset",
"Updated": "19802#@#Aktualisiert",
"No stream available with the type \"{type}\"": "17654#@#Kein Datenstrom verf\u00fcgbar mit dem Typ \"{type}\"",
"Datastream does not exist in this asset. Please replace this widget.": "15474#@#Datenstrom existiert nicht in diesem Asset. Tauschen Sie bitte das Widget aus.",
"Some widgets are using datastreams which cannot be matched with available inputs of this asset. Those widgets will be empty and can be replaced afterwards.": "19190#@#Einige Widgets verwenden Datenstr\u00f6me, die nicht mit den Datenstr\u00f6men in diesem Asset zusammenpassen. Diese Widgets sind leer und k\u00f6nnen sp\u00e4ter ersetzt werden.",
"Please select an element": "4986#@#Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie ein Element",
"This user is not valid or is not available in this account.": "5192#@#Dieser Benutzer ist nicht g\u00fcltig oder in diesem Konto nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Importing...": "5193#@#Import aktiv..",
"Imported successfully": "5194#@#Import war erfolgreich",
"Update Preprocess": "5195#@#Vorverarbeitung aktualisieren",
"Update Connectors": "5196#@#Konnektoren aktualisieren",
"Finish import": "5197#@#Import wird abgeschlossen",
"Upload object model import file (.omif)": "5198#@#Laden Sie ein Objektmodell-Importdatei (.omif) hoch",
"Match datastreams": "5199#@#Datenstr\u00f6me abgleichen",
"Datastreams cannot be loaded": "5200#@#Datastreams k\u00f6nnen nicht geladen werden",
"No datastreams available": "5201#@#Keine Datenstr\u00f6me verf\u00fcgbar",
"Import file looks good! You can start the import now": "5202#@#Die Importdatei ist valide. Sie k\u00f6nnen den Import jetzt starten.",
"Datastreams that could not be mapped": "5203#@#Datenstr\u00f6me, die nicht abgeglichen werden konnten",
"Update preprocess functions of datastreams": "5204#@#Aktualisierung der Vorverarbeitungsfunktionen von Datenstr\u00f6men",
"Update connector configuration": "5205#@#Konfiguration des\u00a0Konnektors\u00a0aktualisieren",
"Choose a gateway for your new asset": "14902#@#Gateway f\u00fcr das neue Asset w\u00e4hlen",
"Choose a gateway": "14898#@#Gateway w\u00e4hlen",
"Configure available connectors": "5208#@#Verf\u00fcgbare Konnektoren konfigurieren",
"No gateway": "17570#@#Kein Gateway",
"Export report": "5210#@#Bericht exportieren",
"Move gateway to another account": "17326#@#Gateway in anderen Account verschieben",
"Checking if gateway can be moved...": "14882#@#Pr\u00fcfe, ob Gateway verschoben werden kann\u2026",
"There are still assets connected to this gateway.": "19550#@#Dem Gateway sind noch Assets zugewiesen.",
"Disconnect them before moving the gateway or move the whole asset.": "5216#@#Um das Gateway verschieben zu k\u00f6nnen m\u00fcssen alle verkn\u00fcpften Assets entfernt werden.",
"Move gateway now": "17322#@#Gateway verschieben",
"Go to gateway overview": "16506#@#Zur Gateway\u00fcbersicht",
"On :created<\/b> you gave us some feedback:
:summary": "5219#@#Am :created<\/b> haben Sie uns ein Feedback gesendet:
":invitor invited you to join account :accountName": "14038#@#:invitor hat dich zum Account :accountName eingeladen",
"Account Invitation": "20598#@#Kontoeinladung",
"If the button below isn't working properly, just open the following link:
:link<\/a>": "16670#@#Wenn der Button unterhalb nicht funktioniert, \u00f6ffnen Sie einfach folgende Addresse mit Ihrem Browser:
"We just got a request to reset your password": "20934#@#Wir haben gerade eine Anfrage zum Zur\u00fccksetzen Ihres Passworts erhalten",
"Below you can find your reset link for your password. The link is valid for 48 hours": "20938#@#Unten finden Sie Ihren Link zum Zur\u00fccksetzen Ihres Passworts. Der Link ist 48 Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"Please click on the button below to set a password and get started. You can change the password anytime in your account settings (On the top right, click on your name -> Account settings).": "21054#@#Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che unten, um ein Passwort festzulegen und loszulegen. Sie k\u00f6nnen das Passwort jederzeit in Ihren Kontoeinstellungen \u00e4ndern (Klicken Sie oben rechts auf Ihren Namen -> Kontoeinstellungen).",
"Here is your new report \":reportName\" for the asset :assetName<\/a>.": "16566#@#Hier ist Ihr neuer Bericht \":reportName\" f\u00fcr die Anlage :assetName<\/a>.",
"You can find your report attached to this email.": "20954#@#Sie finden Ihren Bericht in der angeh\u00e4ngten E-Mail.",
"Show report": "19102#@#Bericht anzeigen",
"Welcome to :accountName": "20546#@#Willkommen bei :accountName",
":firstname :lastname invited you to join :accountName's account
to access your digital assets.": "14034#@#:firstname :lastname hat dich eingeladen, dem account :accountName beizutreten.",
"If clicking on the button doesn't work for you, just open the following link in your browser:": "21062#@#Wenn das Klicken auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che f\u00fcr Sie nicht funktioniert, \u00f6ffnen Sie einfach den folgenden Link in Ihrem Browser:",
"Alarm triggered": "20554#@#Alarm ausgel\u00f6st",
"New question from a website visitor!": "20978#@#Neue Frage von einem Website-Besucher!",
"If you did not request this, please ignore this email.": "21026#@#Wenn Sie dies nicht angefordert haben, ignorieren Sie bitte diese E-Mail.",
"Click on the following button to set your password and get started: ": "21058#@#Klicken Sie auf die folgende Schaltfl\u00e4che, um Ihr Passwort festzulegen und loszulegen:",
"Please click on the button below to login with your email address. You can change the password anytime in your account settings (On the top right, click on your name -> Account settings).": "18138#@#Bitte klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che unten, um sich mit Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse anzumelden. Sie k\u00f6nnen das Passwort jederzeit in Ihren Kontoeinstellungen \u00e4ndern (Klicken Sie oben rechts auf Ihren Namen -> Kontoeinstellungen).",
"How do I join?": "21050#@#Wie kann ich teilnehmen?",
"Download Image": "20918#@#Bild herunterladen",
"Your rendering is ready!": "20882#@#Ihr Rendering ist fertig!",
"View model": "20050#@#Modell anzeigen",
"Your model is ready!": "21046#@#Ihr Modell ist fertig!",
"Show invitation": "20962#@#Einladung anzeigen",
"Your new password is:": "20994#@#Ihr neues Passwort lautet:",
"Below you can find your new password. Please change it afterwards in your profile settings.": "20990#@#Unten finden Sie Ihr neues Passwort. Bitte \u00e4ndern Sie es anschlie\u00dfend in Ihren Profileinstellungen.",
"Login now": "20998#@#Jetzt anmelden",
"If the change was triggert by you, everything is fine. If not, please contact us immediately.": "21022#@#Wenn die \u00c4nderung von Ihnen ausgel\u00f6st wurde, ist alles in Ordnung. Wenn nicht, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte umgehend.",
"Your password was changed a few moments ago": "21018#@#Ihr Passwort wurde vor wenigen Augenblicken ge\u00e4ndert",
"There were changes to your account recently": "21014#@#Ihr Konto wurde k\u00fcrzlich ge\u00e4ndert",
"Show notifications": "20946#@#Benachrichtigungen anzeigen",
"Open Feedback": "20950#@#Feedback \u00f6ffnen",
"A new Feedback was created!": "14090#@#Ein neues Feedback wurde erstellt!",
"Check translations": "20974#@#\u00dcbersetzungen \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen",
"Please follow the link below and adjust the translations asap": "20970#@#Bitte folgen Sie dem Link unten und passen Sie die \u00dcbersetzungen so schnell wie m\u00f6glich an.",
"The latest release includes some untranslated strings": "5257#@#Die neueste Version enth\u00e4lt einige un\u00fcbersetzte Zeichenfolgen",
"View message": "21038#@#Nachricht anzeigen",
"Below you can find your reset-link for your password. The link is valid for 48 hours": "5260#@#Unten finden Sie Ihren Link zum Zur\u00fccksetzen Ihres Passworts. Der Link ist 48 Stunden g\u00fcltig",
"Your password reset link": "20562#@#Ihr Passwort-Reset-Link",
"We just got an request to reset your password": "20982#@#Wir haben gerade eine Anfrage zum Zur\u00fccksetzen Ihres Passworts erhalten",
"We are happy to tell you that we worked on it and fixed the issue. You can test it now.<\/b>
If the problem still exists, please let us know.": "5263#@#Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu k\u00f6nnen, dass wir daran gearbeitet und das Problem behoben haben. Sie k\u00f6nnen es jetzt testen.<\/b>
Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, lassen Sie es uns bitte wissen.",
"We have good news!": "20910#@#Wir haben gute Neuigkeiten!",
"A feedback you reported was recently closed by a reporter!": "20958#@#Ein von Ihnen gemeldetes Feedback wurde k\u00fcrzlich von einem Reporter geschlossen!",
"Review feedback": "20930#@#Feedback \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen",
"Click the button below to review the issue.": "20926#@#Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che unten, um das Problem zu \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen.",
"A new problem was reported!": "20922#@#Ein neues Problem wurde gemeldet!",
"View Feedback": "20914#@#Feedback anzeigen",
"A new comment was added to a feedback!": "21030#@#Ein neuer Kommentar wurde zu einem Feedback hinzugef\u00fcgt!",
"Show event in browser": "20586#@#Ereignis im Browser anzeigen",
":name raised above :value :unit<\/b>": "14042#@#:name auf \u00fcber :value :unit<\/b> gestiegen",
"Threshold alarm": "20578#@#Schwellenwert-Alarm",
"No connectors availabe": "5278#@#Keine Konnektoren verf\u00fcgbar",
"Exporting...": "5289#@#Export l\u00e4uft...",
"Exported successfully": "5290#@#Export erfolgreich abgeschlossen",
"Show stream details": "5288#@#Datenstrom anzeigen",
"3D Scenes": "5286#@#Digitaler Zwilling",
"+ Add 3D scene": "5291#@#+ 3D Szene hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Approval needed": "5344#@#Genehmigung erforderlich",
"Selected for development": "5345#@#Zur Entwicklung ausgew\u00e4hlt",
"Ready for deployment": "5346#@#Bereit zur Freigabe",
"": "5347#@#Helpcenter",
"On :timestamp, :authorName commented on the following ticket:
<\/b>": "5352#@#Am :timestamp hat :authorName folgendes Ticket kommentiert:
"Send on": "5359#@#Senden am",
"The report will be sent on the following day.": "5360#@#Der Report wird am Folgetag ausgeschickt.",
"Xth of month": "5361#@#Xter im Monat",
"Daily report": "5362#@#T\u00e4glicher Bericht",
"Weekly report": "5363#@#W\u00f6chentlicher Bericht",
"Monthly report": "5364#@#Monatlicher Bericht",
":name fell below :value :unit<\/b>": "5365#@#:name unter :value :unit<\/b> gefallen",
"Stick them on the position shown below:": "21162#@#Kleben Sie sie an die unten gezeigte Position:",
"Scan them to check if the code can be read successfully": "21166#@#Scannen Sie sie, um zu pr\u00fcfen, ob der Code erfolgreich gelesen werden kann",
"You should be able to see all information for this spot right on your mobilephone.": "21170#@#Sie sollten alle Informationen f\u00fcr diesen Spot direkt auf Ihrem Mobiltelefon sehen k\u00f6nnen.",
"Hide camera Scanner": "5369#@#Kamera Scan abbrechen",
"Cutout the QR code in the desired size": "21154#@#Schneiden Sie den QR-Code in der gew\u00fcnschten Gr\u00f6\u00dfe aus",
"This feature is only available on desktop.": "5371#@#Diese Funktion ist nur auf gr\u00f6\u00dferen Bildschirmen verf\u00fcgbar.",
"Select timerange": "5372#@#Zeitbereich ausw\u00e4hlen",
"Predefined": "5373#@#Vordefiniert",
"Custom": "5374#@#Benutzerdefiniert",
"Integrations": "5375#@#Integrationen",
"This field is only visible for user with the developer tag.": "5380#@#Dieses Feld ist nur f\u00fcr Benutzer mit dem Entwickler-Tag sichtbar.",
"Optional slug for API identification": "5381#@#Optionaler Identifikator zur API-Identifizierung",
"Additional information": "21066#@#Zus\u00e4tzliche Informationen",
"Download certificate": "5384#@#Zertifikat herunterladen",
"No certificate available": "5385#@#Kein Zertifikat verf\u00fcgbar",
"Certificate valid": "5386#@#Zertifikat g\u00fcltig",
"Certificate invalid": "5387#@#Zertifikat ung\u00fcltig",
"Uploaded": "5388#@#Hochgeladen",
"{amount} matching item found | {amount} matching items found": "5395#@#{amount} passendes Element gefunden |\u00a0{amount} passende Elemente gefunden",
"+ Add datastream": "5396#@#+ Datenstrom hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Remove column": "5397#@#Spalte l\u00f6schen",
"+ Add metadata": "5398#@#+ Metadaten hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Add column": "5399#@#Spalte hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"No further configuration needed. You can add the new column now.": "5400#@#Es ist keine weitere Konfiguration erforderlich. Sie k\u00f6nnen die neue Spalte jetzt hinzuf\u00fcgen.",
"Choose identifier": "5401#@#Identifikator w\u00e4hlen",
"Column name": "5402#@#Spaltenname",
"Add custom column": "5403#@#Benutzerdefinierte Spalte hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Datastreams": "5404#@#Datenstr\u00f6me",
"Metadatas": "5405#@#Metadaten",
"Import config": "5410#@#Konfiguration importieren",
"Invalid stream configuration for the connector": "5411#@#Ung\u00fcltige Datenstromkonfiguration f\u00fcr den Konnektor",
"missing data": "5412#@#fehlende Daten",
"When the status of a reported feedback changes": "5424#@#Wenn sich der Status eines eingemeldeten Feedbacks \u00e4ndert",
"We have updates regarding your feedback!": "21042#@#Wir haben Updates zu Ihrem Feedback!",
"\r\n \r\nWe are happy to inform you that the status of your ticket has changed:": "5426#@#Wir m\u00f6chten Sie dar\u00fcber informieren, dass sich der Status ge\u00e4ndert hat: ",
"Your feedback was approved and will now be forwarded to the development team.": "20846#@#Ihr Feedback wurde genehmigt und wird nun an das Entwicklungsteam weitergeleitet.",
"We started working on your issue. You will receive an update once it is solved.": "20850#@#Wir haben mit der Bearbeitung Ihres Vorgangs begonnen. Sie erhalten ein Update, sobald es gel\u00f6st ist.",
"Your feedback was solved and is currently under testing. We will inform you once it is released.": "20854#@#Ihr Feedback wurde gel\u00f6st und wird derzeit getestet. Wir informieren Sie, sobald es ver\u00f6ffentlicht wird.",
"Apply to {count} accounts": "5430#@#Auf {count} Konten anwenden",
"We are happy to inform you that the status of your ticket has changed:": "5432#@#Wir m\u00f6chten Sie informieren, dass der Status Ihres Tickets aktualisiert wurde:",
"Feedback status changed": "20550#@#Feedback-Status ge\u00e4ndert",
"Hysterese is disabled for this datastream type": "5441#@#Die Hysterese ist f\u00fcr diesen Datenstromtyp deaktiviert.",
"Push notifications work!": "20610#@#Push-Benachrichtigungen funktionieren!",
"Edit view": "5456#@#Ansicht bearbeiten",
"Delete view": "5457#@#Ansicht l\u00f6schen",
"+ Save current layout as view": "5458#@#+ Layout als neue Ansicht speichern",
"Edit preference": "5459#@#Pr\u00e4ferenz bearbeiten",
"Save new preference": "5460#@#Neue Pr\u00e4ferenz speichern",
"Optional identifier for API identification": "5462#@#Optionaler Identifikator f\u00fcr die API-Identifikation",
"Save new view": "5463#@#Neue Ansicht speichern",
"Some of our features use push-notifications to keep you updated. Prompt Allow to receive notifications.": "5468#@#Einige unserer Funktionen verwenden Push-Benachrichtigungen, um Sie auf dem Laufenden zu halten. W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Erlauben\", um Benachrichtigungen zu empfangen.",
"It seems that your notification settings for this app block us from sending you notifications. Please check the browser settings for this app to enable the Notification permission.": "5469#@#Es scheint, dass Ihre Benachrichtigungseinstellungen f\u00fcr diese App uns daran hindern, Ihnen Benachrichtigungen zu senden. Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie die Browsereinstellungen f\u00fcr diese App, um die Benachrichtigungsberechtigung zu aktivieren.",
"Must be a numeric value": "5470#@#Es muss ein numerischer Wert sein",
"Text": "5471#@#Text",
"Geo": "5472#@#Position",
"Link to object": "5473#@#Verkn\u00fcpfung zum Objekt",
"Form": "5474#@#Formular",
"Simple example for correct code syntax": "5475#@#Einfaches Beispiel f\u00fcr korrekte Code-Syntax",
"Request support button": "5476#@#Button f\u00fcr Supportanfrage",
"Issued on {date}": "5478#@#Ausgestellt am {date}",
"Expires on {date}": "5480#@#G\u00fcltig bis {date}",
"Click to send email": "5481#@#Zum Senden einer E-Mail klicken",
"Click to call": "5482#@#Zum Anrufen klicken",
"Enable internal features": "5483#@#Interne Features aktivieren",
"Disable internal features": "5484#@#Interne Features deaktivieren",
"No streams available": "5485#@#Keine Datenstr\u00f6me verf\u00fcgbar",
"Live data": "5486#@#Live-Daten",
"Add this SSID": "5487#@#SSID hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Select an SSID": "5488#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie eine SSID",
"No wifi networks found.": "5489#@#Keine Wifi-Netzwerke gefunden",
"Age": "5495#@#Alter",
"No active errorcodes": "5499#@#Keine aktiven Fehlercodes",
"Started": "5500#@#Gestartet",
"Applied error code list": "5501#@#Fehlercodeliste angewandt",
"Create new errorlist": "5502#@#Fehlercodeliste anlegen",
"Create errorlist": "5503#@#Fehlercodeliste anlegen",
"Delete list": "5504#@#Liste l\u00f6schen",
"Upload new list": "5505#@#Neue Liste hochladen",
"Update List": "5506#@#Liste aktualisieren",
"Code": "5507#@#Code",
"Error code lists": "5508#@#Fehlercodelisten",
"Add new errorlist": "5509#@#Neue Fehlercodeliste hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Edit error code list": "5510#@#Fehlercodeliste bearbeiten",
"Delete error code list": "5511#@#Fehlercodeliste l\u00f6schen",
"Sort datastreams": "5582#@#Datenstr\u00f6me sortieren",
"About app": "5591#@#\u00dcber die Anwendung",
"About this application": "5592#@#\u00dcber die Anwendung",
"App version": "5593#@#Version der Anwendung",
"New version available, click to update": "5594#@#Neue Version verf\u00fcgbar, zum Aktualisieren anklicken",
"App update available": "5595#@#Anwendungs-Update\u00a0\nverf\u00fcgbar",
"Update application": "5596#@#Anwendung\u00a0aktualisieren",
"{connectionType} connection": "5598#@#{connectionType} Verbindung",
"No report": "5601#@#Kein Bericht",
"Check available features for role {name}": "5603#@#Verf\u00fcgbare Funktionen f\u00fcr die Rolle {name}",
"Check available features for role {name}<\/b>": "5605#@#Verf\u00fcgbare Funktionen f\u00fcr die Rolle {name}<\/b>",
"MAC": "5606#@#MAC",
"Please provide files of the following types only: {extensions}": "5609#@#Bitte laden Sie nur Dateien mit folgenden Formaten hoch: {extensions}",
"Last updated on {date} by {name}": "5611#@#Zuletzt aktualisiert am {date} von {name}",
"The file is too large. The maximum allowed file size is {maxSize}Mb": "5613#@#Die Datei \u00fcberschreitet die maximale Gr\u00f6\u00dfe von {maxSize}Mb",
"State": "5614#@#Status",
"Percentage": "5615#@#Prozentsatz",
"Currently active": "6440#@#Gerade aktiv",
"Last seen": "6441#@#Zuletzt aktiv",
"Last seen: never": "6442#@#Zuletzt aktiv: nie",
"Last seen {timeago}": "6444#@#Zuletzt aktiv {timeago}",
"Last 15 minutes": "6445#@#Letzte 15 Minuten",
"Last hour": "6446#@#Letzte Stunde",
"Today": "6447#@#Heute",
"Yesterday": "6448#@#Gestern",
"This week": "6449#@#Diese Woche",
"Last week": "6450#@#Letzte Woche",
"This month": "6451#@#Dieses Monat",
"Last month": "6452#@#Letztes Monat",
"Remove Part": "6454#@#Ersatzteil entfernen",
"Request parts": "6455#@#Ersatzteile anfragen",
"Select parts from the model by clicking on them": "6456#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie Teile des Modells aus, indem Sie darauf klicken.",
"No integrations available": "6457#@#Keine Integrationen verf\u00fcgbar",
"Please select all services you want to enable for this asset.": "6458#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie alle Services, die Sie f\u00fcr dieses Asset aktivieren m\u00f6chten",
"No services available in this account.": "6459#@#In diesem Account sind keine Services verf\u00fcgbar",
"Manage service": "6460#@#Service verwalten",
"Update Service": "6461#@#Service aktualisieren",
"Add new service": "6462#@#Service hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"No services created yet": "6463#@#Noch keine Services erstellt",
"Edit service": "6464#@#Service bearbeiten",
"Spare Parts": "6475#@#Ersatzteile",
"No live data": "6484#@#Keine Livedaten",
"Search all users": "6486#@#Benutzer suchen",
"You got a new report": "6487#@#Ein neuer Bericht ist verf\u00fcgbar",
"Show in app": "6488#@#In der App anzeigen",
":invitor invited you to join account :accountName and :count others": "6496#@#:invitor hat dich zum Account :accountName und :count weiteren eingeladen",
"Can create helpcenter page": "6501#@#Kann Hilfecenter-Seite erstellen",
"Can edit page": "6502#@#Kann Seiten bearbeiten",
"Can reorder pages": "6503#@#Kann Seiten neu anordnen",
"Can delete pages": "6504#@#Kann Seiten l\u00f6schen",
"Can view gateways": "6505#@#Kann Gateways ansehen",
"Can view accounts": "6506#@#Kann Konten ansehen",
"Can view assets": "6507#@#Kann Assets ansehen",
"Can create assets": "6508#@#Kann Assets erstellen",
"Can manage asset metadata": "6509#@#Kann Asset-Metadaten verwalten",
"Can create asset dashboards": "6510#@#Kann Asset-Dashboards erstellen",
"Can manage asset datastreams": "6511#@#Kann Asset-Datenstr\u00f6me verwalten",
"Can create template from asset": "6512#@#Kann Vorlagen aus Assets erstellen",
"Can delete asset": "6513#@#Kann Asset l\u00f6schen",
"Can manage alerts": "6514#@#Kann Alarme verwalten",
"Can delete asset datastreams": "6515#@#Kann Asset-Datenstr\u00f6me l\u00f6schen",
"Can delete asset dashboards": "6516#@#Kann Asset-Dashboards l\u00f6schen",
"Can delete asset metadatas": "6517#@#Kann Asset-Metadaten l\u00f6schen",
"Can create hotspots": "6518#@#Kann Hotspots erstellen",
"Can view hotspots": "6519#@#Kann Hotspots ansehen",
"Can create renderings": "6520#@#Kann Renderings erstellen",
"Can view renderings": "6521#@#Kann Renderings ansehen",
"Can create dashoard widgets": "6522#@#Kann Dashboard-Widgets erstellen",
"Can delete dashoard widgets": "6523#@#Kann Dashboard-Widgets l\u00f6schen",
"Can create datastream KPIs": "6524#@#Kann Datenstrom-KPIs erstellen",
"Can delete datastream KPIs": "6525#@#Kann Datenstrom-KPIs l\u00f6schen",
"Can create 3D Models": "6526#@#Kann 3D-Modelle erstellen",
"Can create a new 3D scene": "6527#@#Kann neue 3D-Szene erstellen",
"Can create hotspot metadata": "6528#@#Kann Hotspot-Metadaten erstellen",
"Enable service requests": "6529#@#Kann Support anfordern",
"Enable video support": "6530#@#Kann Video-Support anfordern",
"Can translate assets": "6531#@#Kann Assets \u00fcbersetzen",
"Can create an action": "6532#@#Kann Aktionen erstellen",
"Can edit roles": "6533#@#Kann Rollen bearbeiten",
"Can create a report": "6534#@#Kann Berichte erstellen",
"Can delete a report": "6535#@#Kann Berichte l\u00f6schen",
"Can create\/edit calculations": "6536#@#Kann Berechnungen erstellen\/bearbeiten",
"Can edit asset permissions": "6537#@#Kann Asset-Berechtigungen bearbeiten",
"Can view notification logs": "6538#@#Kann Benachrichtigungsprotokolle ansehen",
"Can edit other users base data": "6539#@#Kann Basisdaten anderer Benutzer bearbeiten",
"Can edit user tags": "6540#@#Kann Benutzer-Tags bearbeiten",
"Can reset user passwords": "6541#@#Kann Benutzerpassw\u00f6rter zur\u00fccksetzen",
"Can export\/import assets": "6542#@#Kann Assets exportieren\/ importieren",
"Can export\/import details of an asset": "6543#@#Kann Details eines Assets exportieren\/ importieren",
"Can manage deviceinput states": "6544#@#Kann Datenstrom Status bearbeiten",
"Can move assets between accounts": "6545#@#Kann Assets zwischen Konten verschieben",
"Can move gateways between accounts": "6546#@#Kann Gateways zwischen Konten verschieben",
"Can view helpcenter": "6593#@#Kann Hilfecenter ansehen",
"Data source": "6594#@#Datenquelle",
"deviceinputs": "6619#@#Datenstr\u00f6me",
"dashboards": "6621#@#Dashboards",
"metadatas": "6623#@#Metadaten",
"actions": "6625#@#Aktionen",
"scenes": "6627#@#3D-Szenen",
"reports": "6628#@#Berichte",
"devices": "6630#@#Assets",
"Can create hotspots on digital twins": "6631#@#Kann Hotspots auf digitalen Zwillingen erstellen",
"Can view hotspots on digital twins": "6632#@#Kann Hotspots auf digitalen Zwillingen ansehen",
"Can create digital twins": "6633#@#Kann digitale Zwillinge erstellen",
"Can create a new digital twin scene": "6634#@#Kann eine neue Szene f\u00fcr digitale Zwillinge erstellen",
"Digital Twins": "6643#@#Digitale Zwillinge",
"The appropriate use of the software solution is possible without any restrictions. The error has no or only negligible impact on the functionality and\/or security of the software solution. The use of the software solution remains fully unrestricted.": "6653#@#Die zweckm\u00e4\u00dfige Nutzung der Softwarel\u00f6sung ist ohne Einschr\u00e4nkung m\u00f6glich.\r\nDer Fehler hat keinen oder nur unerheblichen Einfluss auf die Funktionalit\u00e4t und\/oder die Sicherheit der Softwarel\u00f6sung. Die Nutzung der Softwarel\u00f6sung bleibt uneingeschr\u00e4nkt m\u00f6glich.",
"The appropriate use of the software solution is slightly restricted. The error has a negligible impact on the functionality and\/or security of the software solution and allows continued use of the software solution with only minor limitations.": "6654#@#Die zweckm\u00e4\u00dfige Nutzung der Softwarel\u00f6sung ist leicht eingeschr\u00e4nkt. Der Fehler\r\nhat unwesentlichen Einfluss auf die Funktionalit\u00e4t und\/oder die Sicherheit der\r\nSoftwarel\u00f6sung und l\u00e4sst eine weitere Verwendung der Softwarel\u00f6sung mit nur geringen Einschr\u00e4nkungen zu.",
"The appropriate use of the software solution is seriously restricted. The error significantly impacts the functions and\/or security of the software solution but still allows continued use of the software solution.": "6655#@#Die zweckm\u00e4\u00dfige Nutzung der Softwarel\u00f6sung ist ernstlich eingeschr\u00e4nkt. Der\nFehler hat wesentlichen Einfluss auf Funktionen und\/oder die Sicherheit der\nSoftwarel\u00f6sung, l\u00e4sst aber eine Weiterverwendung der Softwarel\u00f6sung zu.",
"The use of the software solution is impossible or unreasonably restricted. The error has a severe impact on essential functions and\/or the security of the software solution. The software solution can no longer be used.": "6656#@#Die Nutzung der Softwarel\u00f6sung ist nicht m\u00f6glich oder unzumutbar\r\neingeschr\u00e4nkt. Der Fehler hat schwerwiegenden Einfluss auf wesentliche Funktionen\r\nund\/oder die Sicherheit der Softwarel\u00f6sung; die Softwarel\u00f6sung kann nicht\r\nweiterverwendet werden.",
"Priority": "6665#@#Priorit\u00e4t",
"en-GB": "13966#@#de-DE",
"Are you sure you want do start the action?": "14578#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Aktion starten wollen?",
"Hello": "15422#@#Hallo",
"Keyword": "15426#@#Schl\u00fcsselwort",
"Delete but keep datastreams": "15554#@#L\u00f6schen aber Datenstr\u00f6me behalten",
"Disconnect asset from this gateway before moving the gateway or move the whole asset.": "15770#@#Das Asset von diesem Gateway trennen bevor das Gateway verschoben wird. Oder Asset zusammen mit dem Gateway verschieben.",
"Finish Setup": "16342#@#Einrichtung beenden",
"Service History": "17194#@#Vergangene Service-Anfragen",
"Service requests": "17198#@#Service-Anfragen",
"Themes": "17202#@#Themes",
"Translations": "17206#@#\u00dcbersetzungen",
"Release Mgmt": "17214#@#Release Mgmt",
"No Data": "17718#@#Keine Daten",
"No inputs found": "17722#@#Keine Eingaben gefunden",
"On :created<\/b> you gave us some feedback:
:summary<\/b>": "17830#@#Am :created<\/b> hast du uns ein Feedback gesendet:
"Option is not valid<\/b>: \"{value}\"": "17946#@#Option ist nicht g\u00fcltig<\/b>: \"{value}\"",
"Our support agents are currently not available.": "18018#@#Unsere Support-Mitarbeiter sind derzeit nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Position:": "18250#@#Position:",
"Select a part of the model by clicking on it.": "18746#@#W\u00e4hle einen Teil des Modelles durch einen Klick darauf aus.",
"Static IP configuration is wrong! Please set the gateway IP to {ipFrom}<\/b> and the gateway to {ipTo}<\/b>.": "19238#@#Die statische IP-Konfiguration ist falsch! Bitte setzen Sie die Gateway-IP auf {ipFrom}<\/b> und das Gateway auf {ipTo}<\/b>.",
"Please enter a valid date.": "19502#@#Bitte geben Sie ein g\u00fcltiges Datum ein.",
"Desktop Logo": "19514#@#Desktop-Logo",
"Login Image": "19918#@#Login",
"Mobile Logo": "19522#@#Mobiles Logo",
"Title": "19530#@#Titel",
"This ticket was created by your customer and was not forwarded to the technical development team. What shall happen with this ticket?": "19650#@#Dieses Ticket wurde von Ihrem Kunden erstellt und nicht an das technischen Entwicklungsteam weitergeleitet. Was soll mit diesem Ticket geschehen?",
"Use WASD to move the camera and arrow down and up to move up and down": "19878#@#Verwende WASD, um die Kamera zu bewegen, und die Pfeiltasten nach oben und unten, um nach oben und unten zu bewegen.",
"E-Mail": "19894#@#E-Mail",
"Fullname": "19910#@#Voller Name",
"Welcome": "19922#@#Willkommen",
"Password again": "19930#@#Kennwort wiederholen",
"Register": "21070#@#Registrieren",
"We are happy to tell you that we fixed the issue. You can test it now.<\/b>
If the problem still exists, please let us know.": "20094#@#Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu k\u00f6nnen, dass wir das Problem behoben haben. Sie k\u00f6nnen es jetzt testen.<\/b>
Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, lassen Sie es uns bitte wissen.",
"When you receive a report about missed notifications": "20198#@#Wenn Sie einen Bericht \u00fcber verpasste Benachrichtigungen erhalten",
"It works!": "20538#@#Es funktioniert",
"Feedback commented": "20542#@#Feedback kommentiert",
"Your password was changed": "20558#@#Ihr Passwort wurde ge\u00e4ndert",
"Changing the admin role is not allowed!": "20566#@#Das \u00c4ndern der Administratorrolle ist nicht erlaubt!",
"Role successfully created!": "20570#@#Rolle erfolgreich erstellt!",
"Feature set successfully!": "20574#@#Feature erfolgreich eingestellt!",
"Just a test": "20590#@#Nur ein Test",
"Feedback was solved": "20594#@#Feedback wurde gel\u00f6st",
"Password changed": "20602#@#Passwort ge\u00e4ndert",
"Your password was recently changed": "20606#@#Ihr Passwort wurde k\u00fcrzlich ge\u00e4ndert",
"Parameter 'seen' is missing!": "20614#@#Parameter 'gesehen' fehlt!",
"Parameter 'active' is missing!": "20618#@#Parameter 'aktiv' fehlt!",
"Communicationchannel deleted!": "20622#@#Kommunikationskanal gel\u00f6scht!",
"No entry found!": "20626#@#Kein Eintrag gefunden!",
"Communicationchannel changed!": "20630#@#Kommunikationskanal ge\u00e4ndert!",
"Channel successfully updated!": "20634#@#Kanal erfolgreich aktualisiert!",
"Times successfully updated!": "20638#@#Zeiten erfolgreich aktualisiert!",
"Changed trigger successfully!": "20642#@#Ausl\u00f6ser erfolgreich ge\u00e4ndert!",
"Phone number is already in use!": "20646#@#Telefonnummer wird bereits verwendet!",
"Code sent successfully!": "20650#@#Code erfolgreich gesendet!",
"Error sending code!": "20654#@#Fehler beim Senden des Codes!",
"Code does not match!": "20658#@#Code stimmt nicht \u00fcberein!",
"Email address is already in use!": "20662#@#E-Mail-Adresse wird bereits verwendet!",
"Test notification sent successfully!": "20666#@#Testbenachrichtigung erfolgreich gesendet!",
"Invitation updated successfully!": "20670#@#Einladung erfolgreich aktualisiert!",
"Invitation accepted!": "20674#@#Einladung akzeptiert!",
"Invitation decline!": "20678#@#Einladung abgelehnt!",
"Invitation revoked successfully!": "20682#@#Einladung erfolgreich widerrufen!",
"Invalid issue type": "20686#@#Ung\u00fcltiger Vorgangstyp",
"The requested feedback does not exis or was removed!": "20690#@#Das angeforderte Feedback existiert nicht oder wurde entfernt!",
"No one to notify, just a internal comment": "20694#@#Niemand zu benachrichtigen, nur ein interner Kommentar",
"Issue was successfully closed": "20698#@#Vorgang wurde erfolgreich geschlossen",
"Issue was successfully sent to the technical team": "20702#@#Vorgang wurde erfolgreich an das Technikteam gesendet",
"The affected user was informed about the status change of the issue.": "20706#@#Der betroffene Benutzer wurde \u00fcber die Status\u00e4nderung des Vorgangs informiert.",
"No reporter found. Maybe the ticket was manually created in jira and not submitted by the cloud platform?": "20710#@#Kein Melder gefunden. Vielleicht wurde das Ticket manuell in Jira erstellt und nicht \u00fcber die Cloud-Plattform eingereicht?",
"Invalid or expired link. Please request a new one!": "20714#@#Ung\u00fcltiger oder abgelaufener Link. Bitte fordern Sie einen neuen an!",
"Password successfully changed!": "20718#@#Passwort erfolgreich ge\u00e4ndert!",
"Dashboard successfully deleted!": "20722#@#Dashboard erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht!",
"Account successfully updated!": "20726#@#Konto erfolgreich aktualisiert!",
"Email field missing!": "20730#@#E-Mail-Feld fehlt!",
"Roles field missing!": "20734#@#Rollenfeld fehlt!",
"The user is already a member of the account!": "20738#@#Der Benutzer ist bereits Mitglied des Kontos!",
"User invited!": "20742#@#Benutzer eingeladen!",
"User removed!": "20746#@#Benutzer entfernt!",
"Account successfully created!": "20750#@#Konto erfolgreich erstellt!",
"Please provide at least one role!": "20754#@#Bitte geben Sie mindestens eine Rolle an!",
"Roles successfully assigned!": "20758#@#Rollen erfolgreich zugewiesen!",
"Can not delete a role which is still assigned to users!": "20762#@#Kann keine Rolle l\u00f6schen, die noch Benutzern zugewiesen ist!",
"Role successfully deleted!": "20766#@#Rolle erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht!",
"Account successfully deleted!": "20770#@#Konto erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht!",
"Please provide an array of users!": "20774#@#Bitte geben Sie ein Array von Benutzern an!",
"User list successfully imported!": "20778#@#Benutzerliste erfolgreich importiert!",
"Asset successfully created!": "20782#@#Asset erfolgreich erstellt!",
"Template successfully created!": "20786#@#Vorlage erfolgreich erstellt!",
"Connector not found!": "20790#@#Connector nicht gefunden!",
"Parameter 'architecture' missing!": "20794#@#Parameter 'Architektur' fehlt!",
"Parameter 'path' missing!": "20798#@#Parameter 'Pfad' fehlt!",
"Parameter 'platform' missing!": "20802#@#Parameter 'Plattform' fehlt!",
"Binary successfully saved!": "20806#@#Binary erfolgreich gespeichert!",
"No parent with slug :slug found.": "20810#@#Kein Elternteil mit Slug :slug gefunden.",
"Module version successfully created!": "20814#@#Modulversion erfolgreich erstellt!",
"Please provide a valid json config.": "20818#@#Bitte geben Sie eine g\u00fcltige JSON-Konfiguration an.",
"Config updated successfully": "20822#@#Konfiguration erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"Actions updated successfully": "20826#@#Aktionen erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"A valid version number is required": "20830#@#Eine g\u00fcltige Versionsnummer ist erforderlich",
"Module updated successfully": "20834#@#Modul erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"Featureflags updated correctly": "20838#@#Featureflags korrekt aktualisiert",
"A new feedback was created!": "20842#@#Ein neues Feedback wurde erstellt!",
"New comment on feedback": "20858#@#Neuer Kommentar zum Feedback",
"Mail Verification Code": "20862#@#E-Mail-Best\u00e4tigungscode",
"You missed some notifications": "20866#@#Sie haben einige Benachrichtigungen verpasst",
"Some notifications arrived while you were away!": "20870#@#Einige Benachrichtigungen sind eingetroffen, w\u00e4hrend Sie abwesend waren!",
"Invitation revoked": "20874#@#Einladung widerrufen",
"New invitation": "20878#@#Neue Einladung",
"Your 3D model was rendered successfully!": "20886#@#Ihr 3D-Modell wurde erfolgreich gerendert!",
"Password reset requested": "20890#@#Passwort-Reset angefordert",
"A password reset was requested for your account.": "20894#@#F\u00fcr Ihr Konto wurde ein Passwort-Reset angefordert.",
"You got a new help request": "20898#@#Sie haben eine neue Hilfsanfrage erhalten",
"Your 3D Model is ready!": "20902#@#Ihr 3D-Modell ist fertig!",
"Then processing of your uploaded 3D Model is finished": "20906#@#Die Verarbeitung Ihres hochgeladenen 3D-Modells ist abgeschlossen.",
" The latest release includes some untranslated strings": "20966#@#Die neueste Version enth\u00e4lt einige nicht \u00fcbersetzte Zeichenketten",
"View Model": "21034#@#Modell anzeigen",
"E-Mail Address": "21078#@#E-Mail-Adresse",
"Confirm Password": "21086#@#Passwort best\u00e4tigen",
"Please confirm your password before continuing.": "21090#@#Bitte best\u00e4tigen Sie Ihr Passwort, bevor Sie fortfahren.",
"Forgot Your Password?": "21094#@#Passwort vergessen?",
"Send Password Reset Link": "21098#@#Passwort-Reset-Link senden",
"Verify Your Email Address": "21102#@#E-Mail-Adresse best\u00e4tigen",
"A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "21106#@#Ein neuer Best\u00e4tigungslink wurde an Ihre E-Mail-Adresse gesendet.",
"Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "21110#@#Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie vor dem Fortfahren Ihre E-Mails auf einen Best\u00e4tigungslink.",
"If you did not receive the email": "21114#@#Wenn Sie die E-Mail nicht erhalten haben",
"click here to request another": "21118#@#hier klicken, um eine neue anzufordern",
"Login": "21122#@#Anmelden",
"Remember Me": "21126#@#Angemeldet bleiben",
"Sign in": "21134#@#Einloggen",
"Contact": "21142#@#Kontakt",
"Digitalization made easy!": "21146#@#Digitalisierung leicht gemacht!",
"Visit": "21158#@#Besuchen",
"Toggle navigation": "21174#@#Navigation umschalten",
"Logout": "21178#@#Abmelden",
"1.0": "21238#@#Export aller App (Frontend) Texte, Regeldefinitionen",
"2.0": "21242#@#Export aller Server (Backend) Texte",
"3.0": "21246#@#Cleanup, nur englische Grundtexte (keine Keys) und nur externe, customer facing Texte, fehlende Deutsche (de) Texte erg\u00e4nzt",
"4.0": "21250#@#Deutsche Texte korrigiert",
"5.0": "21254#@#Deutsche Texte korrigiert + Kl\u00e4rung B. Klinglmayr",
"6.0": "21258#@#Master f\u00fcr \u00dcbersetzung",
"7.0": "21262#@#ES IT FR \u00dcbersetzung hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"Occurrence": "21272#@#Vorkommen",
"Time": "21273#@#Zeit",
"Software Architecture": "21284#@#Software Architektur",
"Admin is a reserved name, please choose another": "21300#@#Admin ist ein reservierter Name, bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie einen anderen",
"Can invite and remove users from the account": "21301#@#Kann Benutzer zum Account einladen und entfernen",
"Switching to account {accountName}...": "21304#@#Wechsel zu Account {accountName}...",
"When you are mentioned in a comment": "21305#@#Wenn Sie in einem Kommentar erw\u00e4hnt werden",
"When spare parts are requested": "21306#@#Wenn Ersatzteile angefragt werden",
"When a feedback was solved": "21307#@#Wenn eine Problemmeldung gel\u00f6st wurde",
"When you are a reporter and a new feedback is reported": "21308#@#Wenn Sie ein Reporter sind und neues Feedback eingemeldet wird",
"When you get invited to receive alarm Notifications": "21309#@#Wenn Sie eingeladen werden Alarme zu erhalten",
"Notification logs": "21325#@#Benachrichtigungsprotokoll",
"Please use your credentials to login.": "21326#@#Bitte verwenden Sie Ihre Anmeldedaten, um sich anzumelden.",
"Deleted user": "21329#@#Gel\u00f6schter Benutzer",
"Exporting entities has been updated. Please export your entities again to ensure they are up to date.": "21330#@#Der Export von Entit\u00e4ten wurde aktualisiert. Bitte exportieren Sie Ihre Entit\u00e4ten erneut, um sicherzustellen, dass sie auf dem neuesten Stand sind.",
"Uploaded entity type is not supported here.": "21331#@#Der hochgeladene Entit\u00e4tstyp wird hier nicht unterst\u00fctzt.",
"Thank you for submitting your feedback!": "21340#@#Danke f\u00fcr Ihr Feedback!",
"Export translations": "21341#@#\u00dcbersetzungen exportieren",
"Import translations": "21342#@#\u00dcbersetzungen importieren",
"Upgrade connector": "21345#@#Konnektor upgraden",
"Are you sure you want to delete the digital twin {name}<\/b>?": "21358#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den digitalen Zwilling {name}<\/b> l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"Module-id or new version not available": "21359#@#Modul-ID oder neue Version nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Asset not available": "21360#@#Asset nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Connector not available on asset": "21361#@#Konnektor auf dem Asset nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Connector is already on version :version": "21362#@#Der Konnektor ist bereits auf Version :version",
"New connector-version not available": "21363#@#Neue Konnektor-Version nicht verf\u00fcgbar",
"Gateway and connector-template are not compatible with the software architecture version": "21364#@#Gateway und Konnektor-Vorlage sind nicht mit der Version der Softwarearchitektur kompatibel",
"Connector version upgraded correctly. Please verify if everything works as expected.": "21365#@#Die Konnektor-Version wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert. Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob alles wie erwartet funktioniert.",
"Config creation for new connector version not possible. Version did not get upgraded.": "21366#@#Die Erstellung der Konfiguration f\u00fcr die neue Konnektor-Version ist nicht m\u00f6glich. Die Version wurde nicht aktualisiert.",
"No gateway available with uuid :uuid": "21367#@#Kein Gateway mit der UUID :uuid verf\u00fcgbar",
"No connector found for given module-id on specified gateway": "21368#@#Kein Konnektor f\u00fcr die angegebene Modul-ID auf dem angegebenen Gateway gefunden",
"Connector :connectorName upgraded on asset :assetName": "21369#@#Konnektor :connectorName wurde auf dem Asset :assetName aktualisiert",
"The connector :connectorName for asset :assetName in account :accountName has been upgraded from version :oldVersion to :newVersion.": "21370#@#Der Konnektor :connectorName f\u00fcr das Asset :assetName im Account :accountName wurde von Version :oldVersion auf :newVersion aktualisiert.",
"Connector upgraded": "21371#@#Konnektor aktualisiert",
"The connector :connectorName<\/b> has been upgraded from version :oldVersion<\/b> to :newVersion<\/b>": "21372#@#Der Konnektor :connectorName<\/b> wurde von Version :oldVersion<\/b> auf :newVersion<\/b> aktualisiert",
"Config could not be created because of missing data. The attribute ':key' is missing for the stream ':streamName'.": "21373#@#Die Konfiguration konnte aufgrund fehlender Daten nicht erstellt werden. Das Attribut ':key' fehlt f\u00fcr den Datenstrom ':streamName'.",
"min": "21384#@#Minimum",
"max": "21386#@#Maximum",
"avg": "21388#@#Durchschnitt",
"sum": "21390#@#Summe",
"count": "21392#@#Datenpunkte",
"difference": "21394#@#Delta",
"sumDuration": "21396#@#Summe",
"avgDuration": "21398#@#Durchschnittliche Dauer",
"minDuration": "21400#@#Minimale Dauer",
"maxDuration": "21402#@#Maximale Dauer",
"countDuration": "21404#@#Vorkommnisse",
"sumDurationPercent": "21406#@#Summe in Prozent",
"csum": "21408#@#Kumulative Summe",
"csuminverted": "21410#@#Kumulierte Summe Invertiert",
"lastvalue": "21412#@#Letztwert",
"history": "21414#@#Historie",
"Dynamic values": "21415#@#Dynamische Werte",
"Moving this asset also moves the assigned gateway.": "21420#@#Beim Verschieben dieses Assets wird auch das zugewiesene Gateway verschoben.",
"As there are multiple assets assigned to this gateway, moving this asset is not allowed. Disconnect the other assets from the gateway or the gateway from this asset to move it.": "21421#@#Da diesem Gateway mehrere Assets zugewiesen sind, ist das Verschieben dieses Assets nicht m\u00f6glich. Trennen Sie die anderen Assets vom Gateway oder das Gateway von diesem Asset, um es zu verschieben.",
"Dynamic values of datastreams are translated using your datastream name translations. Other dynamic values (yellow variables) are translated automatically.": "21422#@#Dynamische Werte von Datenstr\u00f6men werden mit Hilfe der \u00dcbersetzungen Ihrer Datenstromnamen \u00fcbersetzt. Andere dynamische Werte (gelbe Variablen) werden automatisch \u00fcbersetzt.",
"The collected data will be migrated to the new account. This can take several hours, depending on the amount of data.": "21423#@#Die gesammelten Daten werden auf das neue Konto migriert. Dies kann je nach Datenmenge mehrere Stunden dauern.",
"menu.platform": "21427#@#Plattform",
"menu.hardware": "21429#@#Hardware",
"menu.operations": "21431#@#Operations",
"Choose a topic for your feedback": "21434#@#W\u00e4hlen Sie einen Bereich",
"Category": "21435#@#Kategorie",
"Alternative reporter": "21437#@#Alternativer Melder",
"Platform": "21439#@#Plattform",
"Download QR Code": "21466#@#QR Code herunterladen",
"As SVG file": "21467#@#Als SVG Datei",
"As EPS file": "21468#@#Als EPS Datei",
"As PDF file": "21469#@#Als PDF Datei",
"As PNG file": "21470#@#Als PNG Datei",
"Show QR Code": "21471#@#QR Code anzeigen",
"QR code for asset {name}": "21472#@#QR Code f\u00fcr {name}",
"Click to show items": "21478#@#Klicken, um Eintr\u00e4ge anzuzeigen",
"Loading assets": "21479#@#Assets laden",
"Load assets": "21483#@#Assets laden",
"Lightning": "21498#@#Beleuchtung",
"Brightness": "21499#@#Helligkeit",
"The brightness of the model. Used to correct extreme lighting conditions": "21500#@#Die Helligkeit des Modells. Kann verwendet werden, um extreme Beleuchtungen auszugleichen.",
"Apply lightning": "21501#@#Beleuchtung anwenden",
"Are you sure you want to stop the service?": "21512#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Service anhalten wollen?",
"Are you sure you want to start the service?": "21513#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Service starten wollen?",
"Are you sure you want to restart the service?": "21514#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Service neu starten wollen?",
"Stop service": "21515#@#Service stoppen",
"Start service": "21516#@#Service starten",
"Restart service": "21517#@#Service neu starten",
"No action available": "21518#@#Keine Aktion verf\u00fcgbar",
"Are you sure you want to complete this action?": "21519#@#Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Aktion durchf\u00fchren wollen?",
"Yes, complete this action": "21520#@#Aktion durchf\u00fchren",
"gateway successfully moved to account {account}": "21530#@#Gateway erfolgreich in Account {account} verschoben",
"Image visualization": "21545#@#Bildvisualisierung",
"Show full image": "21546#@#Ganzes Bild anzeigen",
"Cover full space": "21547#@#Bereich mit Bild f\u00fcllen"
"it": {
"en-GB": "13968#@#it-IT",
"+ add component": "13972#@#+ Aggiungi componenti",
"+ Add Dashboard": "13976#@#+ Aggiungi dashboard",
"+ Add Data": "13980#@#+ Aggiungi dati",
"+ Add form": "13984#@#+ Aggiungi formulario",
"+ add hotspot": "13988#@#+ Aggiungi hotspot",
"+ add module": "13992#@#+ Aggiungi modulo",
"+ Add Report": "13996#@#+ Aggiungi rapporto",
"+ Add UML Diagram": "14000#@#+ Aggiungi diagramma UML",
"1 year": "14004#@#1 anno",
"30 days": "14008#@#30 giorni",
"3D model": "14012#@#Modello 3D",
"3D Model processing finished": "14016#@#Elaborazione modello 3D conclusa",
"3D Models": "14020#@#Modelli 3D",
"3D scene": "14024#@#Scena 3D",
"6 months": "14028#@#6 mesi",
"90 days": "14032#@#90 giorni",
":firstname :lastname invited you to join :accountName's account
to access your digital assets.": "14036#@#:firstname :lastname ti ha invitato ad unirti all'account :accountName.",
":invitor invited you to join account :accountName": "14040#@#:invitor ti ha invitato all'account :accountName",
":name raised above :value :unit<\/b>": "14044#@#:name salito ad oltre :value :unit<\/b>",
"Gateway network configuration is ok!<\/b>": "14048#@#La configurazione di rete del gateway \u00e8 corretta!<\/b>`",
"Please note:<\/b> The test-alarm will only be sent to users who have already accepted the invitation to receive the alarm. If you selected yourself as a recipient, you will recieve the test-alarm immediately without accepting an invitation": "14052#@#Nota bene<\/b>: l'allarme di prova viene inviato solo agli utenti che hanno gi\u00e0 accettato l'invito a ricevere l'allarme. Se ci si \u00e8 selezionati come destinatario, si ricever\u00e0 l'allarme di prova subito, senza accettare un invito",
"Supported:<\/b>": "14056#@#Supportato:<\/b>",
"A datapoint will be generated every 10 seconds": "14060#@#Ogni 10 secondi viene creato un punto dati",
"A description to the tag": "14064#@#Una descrizione del tag",
"A descriptive name": "16092#@#Un nome descrittivo",
"A feedback you reported was recently closed by a reporter!": "20960#@#Un feedback comunicato da voi \u00e8 stato appena chiuso da un relatore!",
"A general description which helps the user": "14076#@#Una descrizione generale che aiuta l'utente",
"A new comment was added to a feedback!": "21032#@#\u00c8 stato aggiunto un nuovo commento ad un feedback!",
"A new configuration has been saved but not yet applied.": "14084#@#Una nuova configurazione \u00e8 stata salvata ma non ancora applicata.",
"A new device was created! Do you want to show its details?": "14088#@#\u00c8 stato creato un nuovo apparecchio! Visualizzarne i dettagli?",
"A new Feedback was created!": "14092#@#\u00c8 stato creato un nuovo feedback!",
"A new model is available. Click to refresh the scene": "14096#@#\u00c8 disponibile un nuovo modello. Cliccare per aggiornare la scena",
"A new password will be sent to {email}<\/b>": "14100#@#\u00c8 stata inviata una nuova password a {email}<\/b>\".",
"A new problem was reported!": "20924#@#\u00c8 stato segnalato un nuovo problema!",
"A personal access token is a key that allows you to access and use our data without needing to enter your username and password every time": "14108#@#Un token di accesso personale \u00e8 un codice che consente di accedere ai nostri dati e di utilizzarli senza dover immettere ogni volta il nome utente e la password",
"A short title:": "14112#@#Un titolo breve:",
"A threshold value": "14116#@#Un valore di soglia",
"About": "14120#@#Informazioni su",
"About this account": "14124#@#Informazioni su questo account",
"About this account:": "14128#@#Informazioni su questo account:",
"About this user": "14132#@#Informazioni su questo utente",
"Absolute": "14136#@#Assoluto",
"Accent color": "14140#@#Colore di accento",
"Accept Invitation": "14144#@#Accetta invito",
"Account": "14148#@#Account",
"Account change detected": "14152#@#Modifica account rilevata",
"Account Invitation": "20600#@#Invito all'account",
"Account:": "14160#@#Account:",
"Accounts": "17180#@#Account",
"Action": "14168#@#Azione",
"Action required:": "14172#@#Misure necessarie",
"Actions": "14176#@#Azioni",
"Activate": "14180#@#Attiva",
"Activate account": "14184#@#Attiva account",
"Activate preview": "14188#@#Attiva anteprima",
"Activated": "14192#@#Attivato",
"Activation code": "14196#@#Codice di attivazione",
"Active": "14200#@#Attivo",
"Active configuration": "14204#@#Configurazione attiva",
"Active state starts to send the report at the specified interval. Paused stops sending the report until it gets activated again": "14208#@#In stato di attivazione il rapporto viene inviato nell'intervallo indicato. In stato di pausa il rapporto non viene pi\u00f9 inviato finch\u00e9 non viene riattivato.",
"Active version": "14212#@#Versione attiva",
"Adapt available connector": "14216#@#Modifica connettore disponibile",
"Adapt your accounts design": "14220#@#Modifica design account",
"Add a comment": "14224#@#Aggiungi un commento",
"Add a new model to this scene": "14228#@#Aggiungi un nuovo modello a questa scena",
"Add a reference object": "14232#@#Aggiungi oggetto di riferimento",
"Add Action": "14236#@#Crea nuova azione",
"Add alert": "14240#@#Aggiungi allarme",
"Add app": "14244#@#Aggiungi applicazione",
"Add attributes": "14248#@#Aggiungi attributi",
"Add child object": "14252#@#Aggiungi oggetto di livello inferiore",
"Add comment": "14256#@#Aggiungi commento",
"Add Connector": "14260#@#Aggiungi connettore",
"Add Dashboard": "14264#@#Aggiungi dashboard",
"Add device": "14268#@#Aggiungi apparecchio",
"Add field": "14272#@#Aggiungi campo di immissione",
"Add filter": "14276#@#Aggiungi filtro",
"Add Gateway": "14280#@#Aggiungi gateway",
"Add group": "14284#@#Gruppo",
"Add information": "14288#@#Aggiungi informazioni",
"Add Input": "14292#@#Crea nuovo flusso di dati",
"Add Item": "14296#@#Aggiungi elemento",
"Add metadata": "14300#@#Aggiungi metadati",
"Add metric": "14304#@#Aggiungi metrica",
"Add model": "14308#@#Aggiungi modello",
"Add Module": "14312#@#Aggiungi modulo",
"Add new action": "14316#@#Aggiungi nuova azione",
"Add new datastream": "14320#@#Aggiungi nuovo flusso di dati",
"Add new information": "14324#@#Aggiungi nuove informazioni",
"Add new tag": "14328#@#Aggiungi nuovo tag",
"Add object": "14332#@#Aggiungi oggetto",
"add option": "14336#@#Aggiungi opzione",
"Add page": "14340#@#Aggiungi pagina",
"add recipient": "14344#@#Aggiungi destinatario",
"Add recipients": "14348#@#Aggiungi destinatario",
"Add row": "14352#@#Aggiungi riga",
"Add Sensor": "14356#@#Aggiungi sensore",
"add step": "14360#@#Aggiungi fase di processo",
"Add Stream": "14364#@#Aggiungi stream",
"add streams": "14368#@#Aggiungi flussi",
"Add this as new tag": "14372#@#Aggiungi come nuovo tag",
"Add this IP at your own risk": "14376#@#Aggiungere questa IP a proprio rischio",
"Add users to account": "14380#@#Aggiungi utente ad account",
"Add widget": "14384#@#Aggiungi widget",
"Add\/Remove Roles": "14388#@#Aggiungi\/rimuovi ruoli",
"Added date": "14392#@#Aggiungi data",
"Additional": "14396#@#Aggiuntiva",
"Additional description": "14400#@#Descrizione aggiuntiva",
"Additional description, shown as help": "14404#@#Descrizione aggiuntiva, visualizzata come aiuto",
"Additional images": "14408#@#Figure aggiuntive",
"Additional placing information": "14412#@#Informazioni aggiuntive sulla collocazione",
"Additional, gives hints how to place the QR Code": "14416#@#Fornisce indicazioni aggiuntive sulla collocazione del codice QR",
"Address": "14420#@#Indirizzo",
"Administration": "14424#@#Amministrazione",
"Affected asset": "20584#@#Asset interessato",
"After accepting the invitation": "14432#@#Dopo l'accettazione dell'invito",
"After accepting the invitation, you will receive this notification for all checked channels": "14436#@#Una volta accettato l'invito, si ricever\u00e0 questa notifica per tutti i canali accettati",
"After closing this window the key can't be shown again!": "14440#@#Dopo la chiusura di questa finestra non sar\u00e0 pi\u00f9 possibile visualizzare il codice!",
"After this time your token is no longer valid.": "14444#@#Trascorso questo tempo il token non \u00e8 pi\u00f9 valido.",
"alarm": "14448#@#Allarme",
"Alarm triggered": "20556#@#Allarme scattato",
"Alarm updates invitation": "14456#@#Invito agli aggiornamenti dell'allarme",
"Alarming": "14460#@#Emissioni di allarmi",
"Alerts": "14464#@#Avvertenze",
"All displayed datastreams are saved for later use.": "14468#@#Tutti i flussi di dati mostrati vengono salvati per un successivo utilizzo.",
"All our agents are currently busy.": "14472#@#Tutti i nostri collaboratori dell'assistenza sono attualmente occupati",
"All pins": "14476#@#Tutti i pin",
"Allow": "14480#@#Consenti",
"Amount needs to be bigger than 0": "14484#@#La quantit\u00e0 dev'essere maggiore di 0",
"Analyze now": "14488#@#Analizza adesso",
"Answer": "14492#@#Risposta",
"answered": "14496#@#risposto",
"API Access Tokens": "14500#@#Token di accesso API",
"Applying the new config to the gateway...": "14504#@#Applica nuova configurazione al gateway...",
"Aquire data": "14508#@#Raccogli dati ",
"Are you sure you want do delete {name}<\/b>": "14512#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare {name}<\/b>?",
"Are you sure you want do delete {name}<\/b>?": "14516#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare {name}<\/b>?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the access token": "14520#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare il token di accesso?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the app {dataflowname}<\/b>?": "14524#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare l'applicazione {dataflowname}<\/b>?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the asset {assetname}<\/b>": "14528#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare l'asset {assetname}<\/b>?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the dataflow {dataflowname}<\/b>?": "14532#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare il flusso di dati 'dataflowname'<\/b>?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the device {devicename}<\/b>?": "14536#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare l'apparecchio{devicename}<\/b>?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the gateway": "14540#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare il gateway?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the input": "14544#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare l'input?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the page?": "14548#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare la pagina?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the report {name}<\/b>?": "14552#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare il rapporto {name}<\/b>?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the widget?": "14556#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare il widget?",
"Are you sure you want do delete the {type} {devicename}<\/b>?": "14560#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare il tipo {type} {devicename}<\/b>?",
"Are you sure you want do delete these datastreams?": "14564#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare questi flussi di dati?",
"Are you sure you want do delete this alert?": "14568#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare questo allarme?",
"Are you sure you want do delete this comment?": "14572#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare questo commento?",
"Are you sure you want do delete this dashboard?": "14576#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare questa dashboard?",
"Are you sure you want do start the action?": "14580#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler avviare questa azione?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the element?": "14584#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare questo elemento?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the group with all items?": "14588#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare il gruppo con tutti gli elementi?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the group?": "14592#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare il gruppo?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the role {name}<\/b>?": "14596#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare il ruolo {name}<\/b>? ",
"Are you sure you want to delete this connector?": "14600#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler eliminare questo connettore?",
"Are you sure you want to remove this model?": "14604#@#Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler rimuovere questo modello?",
"Ask for help": "14608#@#Richiedi aiuto",
"Asset": "14612#@#Asset",
"Asset successfully moved to account {account}": "14616#@#L'asset \u00e8 stato spostato correttamente {account} nell'account",
"Assets": "17184#@#Asset",
"Assigned": "14624#@#Assegnato",
"Attachments": "14628#@#Allegati",
"Attribute was auto-translated. Click to approve translation": "14632#@#L'attributo \u00e8 stato tradotto automaticamente. Cliccare per confermare a traduzione",
"Augmented Reality is not available on your current device": "14636#@#La realt\u00e0 aumentata non \u00e8 disponibile nel dispositivo attuale",
"Auto translate missing": "14640#@#Traduci automaticamente",
"Auto translation not available for plain translation": "14644#@#Traduzione automatica non disponibile per la traduzione indipendente dalla lingua",
"Auto-select model quality when loading on mobile devices for best performance (recommended)": "14648#@#Selezione automatica della qualit\u00e0 del modello durante il caricamento su dispositivi mobili per le migliori prestazioni (raccomandato)",
"Auto-select quality (mobile)": "14652#@#Selezione automatica della qualit\u00e0 (mobile)",
"Available Channels": "14656#@#Canali disponibili",
"Available data": "14660#@#Dati disponibili",
"Available inputs:": "14664#@#Ingressi disponibili:",
"Available options:": "14668#@#Opzioni disponibili:",
"Back": "14672#@#Indietro",
"Back to all modules": "14676#@#Indietro a tutti i moduli",
"Back to all platforms": "14680#@#Indietro a tutte le piattaforme",
"Back to call": "14684#@#Indietro alla chiamata",
"Back to login": "14688#@#Indietro al login",
"Bad": "14692#@#Cattivo",
"badge": "14696#@#Badge",
"Balena status": "14700#@#Stato Balena",
"Balena Uuid": "14704#@#Uuid Balena",
"Basic information": "14708#@#Informazioni di base",
"Below you can find your new password. Please change it afterwards in your profile settings.": "20992#@#Di seguito si trover\u00e0 la nuova password. Modificarla in seguito nelle impostazioi del profilo.",
"Below you can find your reset link for your password. The link is valid for 48 hours": "20940#@#Di seguito \u00e8 riporttao il link per la reimpostazione della password. Il link \u00e8 valido per 48 ore.",
"Beta": "14720#@#Beta",
"Bigger than": "14724#@#Maggiore di",
"Binaries": "14728#@#File binari",
"Bit": "14732#@#Bit",
"Boolean": "14736#@#Booleano",
"Border": "14740#@#Limite",
"Button variant": "14744#@#Pulsante variante",
"Cable": "14748#@#Cavo",
"Calculate KPI's from the datastreams data": "14752#@#Calcola KPI dai flussi di dati",
"Call": "14756#@#Chiama",
"Call request details": "14760#@#Accedi ai dettagli della chiamata",
"Caller": "14764#@#Persona che chiama",
"Cancel": "14768#@#Annulla",
"Cellular connection": "14772#@#Connessione mobile",
"Cellular connectivity does not have any specific configurations.": "14776#@#Per la connessione di telefonia mobile non esistono configurazioni specifiche.",
"Change Account": "14780#@#Cambia account",
"Change account information": "14784#@#Modifica informazioni account",
"Change camera": "14788#@#Cambia camera",
"Change data": "14792#@#Modifica dati",
"Change Design": "14796#@#Modifica design",
"Change Icon": "14800#@#Cambia simbolo",
"Change Language": "14804#@#Cambia lingua",
"Change Loading Screen": "14808#@#Modifica schermata di caricamento",
"Change name": "14812#@#Modifica nome",
"Change password": "14816#@#Modifica password",
"Change Role": "14820#@#Cambia ruolo",
"Change roles for {name}": "14824#@#Cambia ruoli {name} per",
"Change your App Icon": "14828#@#Cambiare il simbolo dell'app",
"Change your general informations": "14832#@#Cambiare le informazioni generali",
"Change your loading screen": "14836#@#Modificare la schermata di caricamento",
"Change your notification settings": "14840#@#Modificare le impostazioni di notifica",
"Change your password": "14844#@#Modificare la password",
"Changelog": "14848#@#Elenco delle modifiche",
"Channel": "14852#@#Canale",
"Channels": "14856#@#Canali",
"Check for changes": "14860#@#Cerca aggiornamenti",
"Check the syntax of your config": "14864#@#Controllare la sintassi della configurazione",
"Check translations": "20976#@#Verifica traduzioni",
"Checking": "14872#@#Controllare...",
"Checking for connector": "14876#@#Cerco connettore",
"Checking if a suitable module is already available on the edge device...": "14880#@#Controllo se nel dispositivo Edge \u00e8 gi\u00e0 presente un modulo adatto...",
"Checking if gateway can be moved...": "14884#@#Controllo se \u00e8 possibile spostare il gateway\u2026",
"Checking IP configuration": "14888#@#Controllo la configurazione IP...",
"Checking...": "14892#@#Controllo...",
"Choose a color": "14896#@#Selezionare il colore",
"Choose a gateway": "14900#@#Selezionare il gateway",
"Choose a gateway for your new asset": "14904#@#Selezionare il gateway per il nuovo asset",
"Choose a perspective by moving around the camera": "14908#@#Selezionare una prospettiva spostando la camera",
"Choose a variant for the button": "14912#@#Selezionare la variante del pulsante",
"Choose action": "14916#@#Selezionare l'azione",
"Choose base theme": "14920#@#Selezionare il design di base",
"Choose colors": "14924#@#Selezionare i colori",
"Choose condition": "14928#@#Selezionare la condizione",
"Choose Datastreams": "14932#@#Selezionare i flussi di dati",
"Choose file": "14936#@#Selezionare il file",
"Choose Gateway": "14940#@#Selezionare il gateway",
"Choose logo": "14944#@#Selezionare il logo",
"Choose or upload an image": "14948#@#Selezionare o caricare un'immagine",
"Choose simulation type": "14952#@#Selezionare il tipo di simulazione",
"Choose Type": "14956#@#Selezionare il tipo",
"Choose unit": "14960#@#Selezionare l'unit\u00e0",
"Choose visualisation": "14964#@#Selezionare il display",
"Choose your color next": "14968#@#Selezionare poi il colore",
"Click on a connection for more information": "14972#@#Cliccare su un collegamento per ulteriori informazioni",
"Click on the following button to set your password and get started: ": "21060#@#Cliccare sul seguente pulsante per stabilire la password e iniziare:",
"Click on the image to view full size.": "14980#@#Cliccare sull'immagine per visualizzarla a grandezza naturale",
"Click or drag a window to add a comment": "14984#@#Cliccare o trascinare una finestra per aggiungere un commento",
"Click the button below to review the issue.": "20928#@#Cliccare sul pulsante in basso per controllare il problema.",
"Click to edit translations": "14992#@#Cliccare per modificare le traduzioni",
"Click to learn more.": "14996#@#Cliccare per maggiori dettagli.",
"Click to try it again": "15000#@#Cliccare per riprovare",
"Client ID:": "15004#@#ID cliente:",
"Close": "15008#@#Chiudi",
"Close help": "15012#@#Chiudi la guida",
"closed the call request": "15016#@#ha concluso la chiamata",
"Cloud": "15020#@#Cloud",
"Collect": "15024#@#Registrare",
"Collect data": "15028#@#Registrare dati",
"Collect {amount} stream | Collect {amount} streams": "15032#@#{amount} Registrare flusso di dati | {amount} Registrare flussi di dati",
"Color": "15036#@#Colore",
"Color shown in chart": "15040#@#Colore come mostrato nella tabella",
"Comment": "21004#@#Commento",
"Comments": "21012#@#Commenti",
"Communication": "15052#@#Comunicazione",
"Components": "15056#@#Componenti",
"Config": "15060#@#Configurazione",
"Config gets applied...": "15064#@#Applicazione della configurazione in corso...",
"Configuration": "15068#@#Configurazione",
"Configure": "15072#@#Configurare",
"Configure network connections": "15076#@#Configurare connessioni di rete",
"Configure new connector": "15080#@#Configurare nuovo connettore",
"Configure new device": "15084#@#Configurare nuovo dispositivo",
"Configure new sensor": "15088#@#Configurare nuovo sensore",
"Configure realtimedata": "15092#@#Configurare dati in tempo reale",
"Connect your Smartphone": "15096#@#Collegare il proprio smartphone",
"Connected": "15100#@#Connesso",
"Connected Asset": "15104#@#Asset collegato",
"Connected assets": "15108#@#Asset collegati",
"Connected Gateway": "15112#@#Gateway collegato",
"Connected Gateway:": "15116#@#Gateway collegato:",
"Connected sensors": "15120#@#Sensori collegati",
"connection": "15124#@#Collegamento",
"Connections": "15128#@#Collegamenti",
"Connectivity limited": "15132#@#Connettivit\u00e0 limitata",
"Connectors are configured for this asset. Please set the needed information": "15136#@#Per questo asset sono configurati collegamenti. Impostare le informazioni necessarie.",
"Container": "15140#@#Container",
"Conversation from": "15144#@#Conversazione di",
"Copied to clipboard!": "15148#@#Copiato negli appunti!",
"Copy and save this token!": "15152#@#Copiare e salvare questo token!",
"Copy config to clipboard": "15156#@#Copia la configurazione negli appunti",
"Copy configuration to clipboard": "15160#@#Copia la configurazione negli appunti",
"Copy data": "15164#@#Copia dati",
"Copy topic": "15168#@#Copia argomento",
"Could not copy to clipboard!": "15172#@#Non pu\u00f2 essere copiato negli appunti!",
"Couldn't sync data": "15176#@#Sincronizzazione dati non riuscita",
"Country code": "15180#@#Codice paese",
"Create": "15184#@#Crea",
"Create a new action": "15188#@#Crea una nuova azione",
"Create a new alarm": "15192#@#Crea un nuovo allarme",
"Create a new asset": "15196#@#Crea un nuovo asset",
"Create a new dashboard": "15200#@#Crea una nuova dashboard",
"Create a new demo asset": "15204#@#Crea un nuovo asset demo",
"Create a new device": "15208#@#Crea un nuovo dispositivo",
"Create a new Diagram": "15212#@#Crea un nuovo diagramma",
"Create a new gateway": "15216#@#Crea un nuovo gateway",
"Create a new input": "15220#@#Crea una nuova immissione",
"Create a new report": "15224#@#Creare un nuovo rapporto",
"Create a new step": "15228#@#Creare una nuova fase di processo",
"Create a new tag": "15232#@#Creare un nuovo tag",
"Create a new template": "15236#@#Crea un nuovo modello",
"Create a new threshold": "15240#@#Crea un nuovo valore di soglia",
"Create a new threshold for {inputName}<\/b>": "15244#@#Crea un nuovo valore di soglia per {inputName}<\/b>",
"Create Access token": "15248#@#Crea un token di accesso",
"Create Action": "15252#@#Crea un'azione",
"Create Alarm": "15256#@#Crea un allarme",
"Create alert": "15260#@#Crea un allarme",
"Create asset": "15264#@#Crea un asset",
"Create asset and deploy configuration": "15268#@#Crea un asset e implementa la configurazione",
"Create Board": "15272#@#Crea un board",
"Create design": "15276#@#Crea un design",
"Create device": "15280#@#Crea un asset",
"Create Firmware": "15284#@#Crea un firmware",
"Create from URL": "15288#@#Crea da URL",
"Create new access token": "15292#@#Crea un nuovo token di accesso",
"Create new account": "15296#@#Crea nuovo account",
"Create new design": "15300#@#Crea un nuovo design",
"Create new role": "15304#@#Crea un nuovo ruolo",
"Create new stream": "15308#@#Crea un nuovo stream",
"Create page": "15312#@#Crea pagina",
"Create QR Code": "15316#@#Crea codice QR",
"Create query": "15320#@#Crea richiesta",
"Create Rendering": "15324#@#Crea rendering",
"Create Role": "15328#@#Crea ruolo",
"Create scene": "15332#@#Crea scena",
"Create subaccount": "15336#@#Crea account secondario",
"Create Template": "15340#@#Crea modello",
"Create test config": "15344#@#Crea configurazione di prova",
"Create testreport": "15348#@#Crea rapporto di prova",
"Create token": "15352#@#Crea token",
"Create your first page": "15356#@#Creare la propria prima pagina",
"Created": "15360#@#Creato",
"Created at": "15364#@#Creato il",
"Creating asset...": "15368#@#Crea asset...",
"Creating design...": "15372#@#Crea design...",
"Creating your pdf will still take a few moments...": "15376#@#La creazione del PDF richiede ancora quanche istante...",
"Creator": "15380#@#Autore",
"Critical": "15384#@#Critico",
"CSV Import": "15388#@#Importazione CSV",
"Current primary": "15392#@#Attualmente principale",
"Current scope not in scopes": "15396#@#Scopo attuale non negli scope",
"Custom Functions": "15400#@#Funzioni personalizzate",
"Custom Parameter": "15404#@#Parametri personalizzati",
"Cycletime": "15408#@#Tempo ciclo",
"Daily": "15412#@#Giornalmente",
"Dark Theme": "15416#@#Design scuro",
"Dashboards": "15420#@#Dashboard",
"Hello": "15424#@#Salve",
"Keyword": "15428#@#Parola chiave",
"Type": "19740#@#Tipo",
"Data": "15436#@#Dati",
"Data connector": "15440#@#Connettore dati",
"Data processing": "15444#@#Elaborazione dati",
"Database": "15448#@#Database",
"Dataflow Tasks": "15452#@#Compiti flusso di dati",
"Datapoint": "15456#@#Punto di dati",
"Datapoints": "15460#@#Punti di dati",
"Datarate:": "15464#@#Velocit\u00e0 dati:",
"Datasource": "15468#@#Origine dei dati",
"Datastream": "15472#@#Flusso di dati",
"Datastream does not exist in this asset. Please replace this widget.": "15476#@#Il flusso di dati non esiste in questo asset. Sostituire il widget.",
"Datatype": "15480#@#Tipo di dati",
"Date": "15484#@#Data",
"day": "15488#@#Giorno",
"days": "15492#@#Giorni",
"Deactivate account": "15496#@#Disattiva account",
"Deactivated": "15500#@#Disattivato",
"Decimal points": "15504#@#Posizioni decimali",
"Decline": "15508#@#Rifiuta",
"Decline and answer reporter": "15512#@#Rifiuta e rispondi all'autore",
"Decline Invitation": "15516#@#Rifiuta invito",
"Decline issue": "15520#@#Rifiuta messaggio",
"Declined": "15524#@#Rifiutato",
"Default closed": "15528#@#Chiuso per impostazione predefinita",
"Default open": "15532#@#Aperto per impostazione predefinita",
"Define registers": "15536#@#Definisci scheda",
"Define type of alarm": "15540#@#Definire il tipo di allarme",
"Define what notifications are interesting for you": "15544#@#Definire a quali notifiche si \u00e8 interessati",
"Delete": "15548#@#Elimina",
"Delete account": "15552#@#Elimina account",
"Delete but keep datastreams": "15556#@#Elimina ma conserva i flussi di dati",
"Delete asset": "15560#@#Elimina asset",
"Delete comment": "15564#@#Elimina commento",
"Delete connector": "15568#@#Elimina connettore",
"Delete connector and datastreams": "15572#@#Elimina connettore e flussi di dati",
"Delete correlation": "15576#@#Elimina correlazione",
"Delete device": "15580#@#Elimina asset",
"Delete form": "15584#@#Elimina formulario",
"Delete form template": "15588#@#Elimina modello formulario",
"Delete gateway": "15592#@#Elimina gateway",
"Delete group": "15596#@#Elimina gruppo",
"Delete info": "15600#@#Elimina info",
"Delete input": "15604#@#Elimina",
"Delete item": "15608#@#Elimina elemento",
"Delete marked": "15612#@#Elimina selezionati",
"Delete module": "15616#@#Elimina connettore",
"Delete page": "15620#@#Elimina pagina",
"Delete role": "15624#@#Elimina ruolo",
"Delete role {name}": "15628#@#Elimina {name} ruolo",
"Delete step": "15632#@#Elimina fase di processo",
"Delete stream": "15636#@#Elimina flusso di dati",
"Delete this dashboard": "15640#@#Elimina questa dashboard",
"Delete this inspection": "15644#@#Elimina questa ispezione",
"Delete this report": "15648#@#Elimina questo rapporto",
"Delete widget": "15652#@#Elimina widget",
"Delete {name}": "15656#@#{name} Elimina",
"Deleting": "15660#@#Elimina...",
"Deleting...": "15664#@#Elimina...",
"Demo Mode": "15668#@#Modalit\u00e0 demo",
"Deployed": "15672#@#Implementato",
"Deployed on": "15676#@#Utilizzato il",
"Deployment not possible!": "15680#@#Implementazione non possibile!",
"Describe the desired feature or outline what you aim to achieve": "15684#@#Descrivere la caratteristica desiderata o cosa si vuole ottenere.",
"Describe the issue and provide information on the steps you took to encounter the problem": "15688#@#Descrivere il problema e i passi che hanno portato al problema.",
"Describe what you need to know": "15692#@#Descrivere cosa si desidera sapere",
"Describe your Problem:": "15696#@#Descrivere il problema:",
"description": "15700#@#Descrizione",
"Description is required": "15704#@#La descrizione \u00e8 necessaria",
"Descriptive name": "15708#@#Nome descrittivo",
"Deselect all": "15712#@#Deseleziona tutti",
"Deselect marked": "15716#@#Deseleziona evidenziati",
"Design": "15720#@#Design",
"Design changed": "15724#@#Il design \u00e8 stato modificato",
"details": "15728#@#Dettagli",
"Developer": "15732#@#Sviluppatore",
"Developer Tools": "15736#@#Strumenti sviluppatore",
"Device Brand": "15740#@#Marca dispositivo",
"Device data": "15744#@#Dati dispositivo",
"Device ID": "15748#@#ID dispositivo",
"Device Type": "15752#@#Tipo di dispositivo",
"Devices": "15756#@#Asset",
"Devices and Streams": "15760#@#Dispositivi e stream",
"Devicetype:": "15764#@#Devicetype:",
"Disabled": "15768#@#Disattivato",
"Disconnect asset from this gateway before moving the gateway or move the whole asset.": "15772#@#Scollegare l'asset da questo gateway prima di spostare il gateway. Oppure spostare l'asset insieme al gateway.",
"Discover OPC UA": "15776#@#Discover OPC UA",
"Dns1": "15780#@#Dns1",
"Dns2": "15784#@#Dns2",
"Do you have a request for a feature? Please tell us about it!": "15788#@#Si desidera una funzione in particolare? Basta comunicarcelo!",
"Do you need help? Please tell us!": "15792#@#Si ha bisogno di aiuto? Siamo a disposizione!",
"Do you really want to activate the account": "15796#@#Attivare l'account?",
"Do you really want to deactivate the account": "15800#@#Disattivare l'account?",
"Do you really want to remove": "15804#@#Si desidera eliminare",
"Do you really want to remove {firstname} {lastname}<\/b> from the account {accountName}<\/b>": "15808#@#Si desidera eliminare {firstname} {lastname}<\/b> dall'account {accountName}<\/b>",
"Do you want to save the article before leaving the site?": "15812#@#Salvare l'articolo prima di uscire dalla pagina?",
"Do you want to save the changes before leaving the site?": "15816#@#Salvare le modifiche prima di uscire dalla pagina?",
"Do you want to save the layout before leaving the site?": "15820#@#Salvare il layout prima di uscire dalla pagina?",
"Do you want to save the metrics before leaving the site?": "15824#@#Salvare le metriche prima di uscire dalla pagina?",
"Don't want to wait? Write us a message!": "15828#@#Non si vuole aspettare? Basta scriverci un messaggio!",
"Download": "15832#@#Scarica",
"Download CSV": "15836#@#Scarica CSV",
"Download excel template": "15840#@#Scarica modello Excel",
"Download Image": "20920#@#Scarica immagine",
"Download now": "15848#@#Scarica ora",
"Download SSH Certificates": "15852#@#Scarica certificati SSH",
"Download template": "15856#@#Scarica modello",
"Downloading": "15860#@#Scaricamento in corso...",
"Downloading model...": "15864#@#Scaricamento modello in corso...",
"Downloading...": "15868#@#Scaricamento in corso...",
"Draft": "15872#@#Bozza",
"Drag a field here to make it accessible for this role": "15876#@#Trascire un campo qui per renderlo accessibile a questo ruolo",
"Drag and move to look around": "15880#@#Trascinare e spostare per dare un'occhiata",
"Drag fields in the role to add them to their view": "15884#@#Trascinare campi del ruolo per aggiungerli alla vista",
"Drop files here": "15888#@#Rilasciare i file qui",
"Duplicate page": "15892#@#Duplica pagina",
"Duration": "15896#@#Durata",
"E.g.: Company name": "15900#@#ad es. nome del file",
"Edge Apps": "15904#@#App di Edge",
"Edit": "15908#@#Modifica",
"Edit account": "15912#@#Modifica account",
"Edit asset": "15916#@#Modifica asset",
"Edit base data": "15920#@#Modifica dati di base",
"Edit changelog": "15924#@#Modifica protocollo modifiche",
"Edit channels": "15928#@#Modifica canali",
"Edit comment": "15932#@#Modifica commento",
"Edit Component": "15936#@#Modifica componenti",
"Edit config": "15940#@#Modifica configurazione",
"Edit config template": "15944#@#Modifica modello di configurazione",
"Edit correlation": "15948#@#Modifica correlazione",
"Edit design": "15952#@#Modifica design",
"Edit details": "15956#@#Modifica dettagli",
"Edit device": "15960#@#Modifica del dispositivo",
"Edit Diagram": "15964#@#Modifica diagramma",
"Edit form template": "15968#@#Modifica modello di formulario",
"Edit gateway": "15972#@#Modifica gateway",
"Edit group": "15976#@#Modifica gruppo",
"Edit Hotspot": "15980#@#Modifica hotspot",
"Edit info": "15984#@#Modifica info",
"Edit input": "15988#@#Modifica",
"Edit layout": "15992#@#Modifica layout",
"Edit list": "15996#@#Modifica elenco",
"Edit metadata": "16000#@#Modifica",
"Edit metrics": "16004#@#Modifica metriche",
"Edit name": "16008#@#Modifica nome",
"Edit notification times": "16012#@#Modifica orari di notifica",
"Edit permissions": "16016#@#Modifica notifiche",
"Edit pin": "16020#@#Penna per modifica",
"Edit Report": "16024#@#Modifica rapporto",
"Edit role": "16028#@#Modifica ruolo",
"Edit roles": "16032#@#Modifica ruoli",
"Edit Settings": "16036#@#Modifica impostazioni",
"Edit step": "16040#@#Modifica fase di processo",
"Edit stream": "16044#@#Modifica flusso di dati",
"Edit structural interface": "16048#@#Modifica interfaccia strutturale",
"Edit tags": "16052#@#Modifica tag",
"Edit template": "16056#@#Modifica template",
"Edit template config": "16060#@#Modifica template configurazione",
"Edit this dashboard": "16064#@#Modifica questa dashboard",
"Edit this input": "16068#@#Modificare questa immissione",
"Edit this threshold": "16072#@#Modifica questo valore di soglia",
"Edit triggers": "16076#@#Modifica trigger",
"Edit widget": "16080#@#Modifica widget",
"Edit {name}": "16084#@#{name} modifica",
"Editable": "16088#@#Modificabile",
"Element actions": "16096#@#Elemento azioni",
"Email": "16100#@#E-mail",
"email address": "16104#@#Indirizzo e-mail",
"email addresses": "16108#@#Indirizzi e-mail",
"Email or password is incorrect!": "16112#@#E-mail o password sbagliati!",
"Email:": "16116#@#E-mail:",
"Emergency": "16120#@#Emergenza",
"Empty asset to start from scratch": "16124#@#Svuoto l'asset per cominciare dall'inizio",
"Enable": "16128#@#Attiva",
"Enabled": "16132#@#Attivato",
"End AR session": "16136#@#Termina CH",
"End call": "16140#@#Termina chiamata",
"Enter a number": "16144#@#Immettere un numero",
"Enter basic information": "16148#@#Immettere informazioni di base",
"Enter board name": "16152#@#Immettere boardname",
"Enter code": "16156#@#Immettere codice",
"Enter firmware name": "16160#@#Immettere nome firmware",
"Enter firmware type": "16164#@#Immettere il tipo di firmware",
"Enter full email address to invite a user": "16168#@#Immettere l'indirizzo e-nail completo per invitare un utente",
"Enter name": "16172#@#Immettere nome",
"Enter new ${readableType}": "16176#@#Immettere ${readableType} nuova.",
"Enter QR Code": "16180#@#Immettere codice QR",
"Enter the Code below the QR code to get detailed information": "16184#@#Immettere il codice sotto il codice QR per ottenere informazioni dettagliate.",
"Enter theme name": "16188#@#Immettere il nome del tema",
"Enter theme title": "16192#@#Immettere titolo",
"Enter Url of your website": "16196#@#Immettere l'URL del proprio sito web",
"Enter your {readableType} and click on the button to receive a validation message": "16200#@#Immettere il proprio {readableType} e cliccare sul pulsante per ricevere un messaggio di conferma.",
"error": "16204#@#Errore",
"Error while creating demo config. Please try again later": "16208#@#Errore durante la creazione della configurazione demo. Riprovare pi\u00f9 tardi.",
"Ethernet connection": "16212#@#Connessiore di rete",
"Event": "16216#@#Evento",
"Event analysis": "16220#@#Analisi evento",
"Events with the biggest potential": "16224#@#Eventi con il maggiore potenziale",
"every": "16228#@#ogni",
"Every {amount} {dateUnit}": "16232#@#Ogni {amount} {dateUnit}",
"Every {duration}": "16236#@#Tutti {duration}",
"Example": "16240#@#Esempio",
"Existing data connector": "16244#@#Connettori dati presenti",
"Expiration": "16248#@#Data di scadenza",
"Expires at": "16252#@#Scade il",
"Export": "16256#@#Esportazione",
"Export Asset": "16260#@#Esporta asset",
"Export dashboard": "16264#@#Esporta dashboard",
"Export data": "16268#@#Esporta dati",
"Export data now": "16272#@#Esporta dati adesso",
"Export states": "16276#@#Esporta stato",
"Extracted colors from the logo": "16280#@#Colori estratti dal logo",
"Extracted colors from the website": "16284#@#Colori estratti dal sito web",
"Failed": "16288#@#Non riuscito",
"Fallback": "16292#@#Fallback",
"Feature requests": "16296#@#Richieste di caratteristiche",
"Featureflags": "16300#@#Flag di funzione",
"Features": "16304#@#Funzioni",
"Feedback": "16308#@#Feedback",
"Feedback Management": "16312#@#Amministrazione feedback",
"field": "16316#@#Campo di immissione",
"Field is required": "16320#@#Il campo di immissione \u00e8 necessario",
"File": "16324#@#File",
"Files": "16328#@#File",
"Fill": "16332#@#Compilare",
"Filter": "16336#@#Filtro",
"Finish": "16340#@#Fine",
"Finish Setup": "16344#@#Terminare messa a punto",
"Finished": "16348#@#Concluso",
"Finished uploading": "16352#@#Caricamento concluso",
"First of month": "16356#@#Primo giorno del mese",
"First select an object by clicking it, drag and move to orbit around the object": "16360#@#Selezionare innanzitutto un oggetto cliccandovi sopra, muovere il mouse con il tasto del mouse premuto per ruotare l'oggetto",
"First select an object by tapping it, drag and move to orbit around the object": "16364#@#Selezionare innanzitutto un oggetto toccandolo. Trascinare e spostare per muoversi intorno all'oggetto",
"Firstname": "19900#@#Nome",
"Fixed values": "16372#@#Valori fissi",
"Flip": "16376#@#Rifletti",
"Flip the model around the local x-axis to fix wrong orientations after import": "16380#@#Riflettere il modello intorno all'asse X locale per correggereorientamenti sbagliati dopo l'importazione.",
"Flip X-Axis": "16384#@#Rifletti asse X",
"for 1 stream | for {amount} streams": "16388#@#per 1 stream | per {amount} stream",
"for all streams": "16392#@#per tutti i flussi",
"Forgot your password?": "19908#@#Si \u00e8 dimenticata la password?",
"Format": "16400#@#Formato",
"Forms": "16404#@#Formulari",
"Password": "21084#@#Password",
"Formula": "16412#@#Formula",
"Formular": "16416#@#Formulario",
"Formular not valid!": "16420#@#Formula non valida!",
"Friday": "16424#@#Venerd\u00ec",
"Function code": "16428#@#Codice di funzione",
"Functions": "16432#@#Funzioni",
"Gateway": "16436#@#Gateway",
"Gateway is currently offline!": "16440#@#Il gateway \u00e8 momentaneamente offline!",
"Gateway network configuration is ok!": "16444#@#La configurazione di rete del gateway \u00e8 corretta!",
"Gateway not responsive! Is it running and connected to the internet?": "16448#@#Gateway non raggiungibile! Controllare se il gateway \u00e8 connesso a internet.",
"Gateways": "17188#@#Gateway",
"General": "16456#@#Generale",
"General configuration": "16460#@#Configurazione generale",
"General information": "16464#@#Informazioni generali",
"Get more out of your machine": "16468#@#Ottenere di pi\u00f9 dalla propria macchina",
"Get started here": "16472#@#Iniziare",
"Give the problem a title": "16476#@#Assegnare un titolo al problema",
"Give the request a title": "16480#@#Assegnare un titolo alla richiesta",
"Give your token a unique name to identify it later": "16484#@#Assegnare un nome univoco al token per identificarlo in seguito",
"Go to": "16488#@#Vai a",
"Go to active page": "16492#@#Vai alla pagina attiva",
"Go to asset": "16496#@#Vai all'asset",
"Go to asset overview": "16500#@#Vai alla panoramica dell'asset",
"Go to device": "16504#@#Vai all'asset",
"Go to gateway overview": "16508#@#Vai alla panoramica del gateway",
"Go to hotspot": "16512#@#Vai all'hotspot",
"Go to new account": "16516#@#Vai al nuovo account",
"Good": "16520#@#Buono",
"Granularity": "16524#@#Precisione",
"Group actions": "16528#@#Raggruppa azioni",
"Group name": "16532#@#Nome del gruppo",
"handle": "16536#@#Punto di trascinamento",
"heading": "16540#@#Rubrica",
"Help": "16544#@#Aiuto",
"Help actions": "16548#@#Azioni di aiuto",
"Help requests will be currently sent to 1 user<\/span> | Help requests will be currently sent to {amount} users<\/span>": "16552#@#Le richieste di assistenza vengono inviate attualmente a 1 utente<\/span> | Le richieste di assistenza vengono inviate attualmente a {amount} utente<\/span>",
"Helpcenter": "17192#@#Help Center",
"Helpcenter article": "16560#@#Articolo del centro di aiuto",
"Helpcenter requests": "16564#@#Richieste helpcenter",
"Here is your new report \":reportName\" for the asset :assetName<\/a>.": "16568#@#ecco il nuovo rapporto \":reportName\" per l'impianto :assetName<\/a>.",
"Hide assets": "16572#@#Nascondi asset",
"Hide column": "16576#@#Nascondi colonna",
"Hide messages": "16580#@#Nascondi notifiche",
"Hide page": "16584#@#Nascondi pagina",
"high": "16588#@#alto",
"Historic alarms are not triggered as no data was stored during inactivity": "16592#@#Gli allarmi sotrici non vengono emessi perch\u00e9 non sono stati salvati dati durante l'inattivit\u00e0.",
"History": "16596#@#Cronologia",
"Hold left mouse button and move to look around": "16600#@#Tenere premuto il tasto sinistro del mouse e muovere il mouse per dare un'occhiata",
"Hotspot": "16604#@#Hotspot",
"Hotspot name": "16608#@#Nome dell'hotspot",
"Hotspotname": "16612#@#Nome hotspot",
"Hover for more information": "16616#@#Spostare il puntatore del mouse per ulteriori informazioni",
"How can we get better?": "16620#@#Come possiamo migliorare?",
"How can we gget better?": "16624#@#Come possiamo migliorare?",
"How do I join?": "21052#@#Come posso partecipare?",
"Hysterese": "16632#@#Isteresi",
"Identifier": "16636#@#Identificatore",
"If clicking on the button doesn't work for you, just open the following link in your browser:": "21064#@#Se il clic sul pulsante non funziona, basta aprire il seguente link nel proprio browser:",
"If diasabled": "16644#@#Se disattivata",
"If diasabled, no notifications will be sent": "16648#@#Se questa opzione \u00e8 disattivata, non vengono inviate notifiche.",
"If disabled": "16652#@#Se disattivata",
"If disabled, no notifications will be sent via this channel": "16656#@#Se questa opzione \u00e8 disattivata, non vengono inviate notifiche attraverso questo canale",
"If editing is deactivated, no new data streams can be created and the existing ones cannot be edited.": "16660#@#Se la modifica \u00e8 disattivata, non \u00e8 possibile creare nuovi flussi di dati n\u00e9 modificare quelli presenti.",
"If no change happens": "16664#@#Se non si verificano cambiamenti",
"If so, what shall happen to connected datastreams?": "16668#@#In caso affermativo, cosa bisogna fare con i flussi di dati collegati?",
"If the button below isn't working properly, just open the following link:
:link<\/a>": "16672#@#Se il pulsante sottostante non funziona, basta aprire il seguente indirizzo con il proprio browser:
"If the change was triggert by you, everything is fine. If not, please contact us immediately.": "21024#@#Se si \u00e8 disposta la modifica, \u00e8 tutto a posto. In caso contrario contattarci al pi\u00f9 presto.",
"If the version is set as active": "16680#@#Se la versione \u00e8 impostata come attiva",
"If value is exact": "16684#@#Se il valore \u00e8 esatto",
"If value is greater than": "16688#@#Se il valore \u00e8 maggiore di",
"If value is less then": "16692#@#Se il valore \u00e8 minore di",
"If you did not request this, please ignore this email.": "21028#@#Se non lo si \u00e8 richiesto, ignorare questa e-mail.",
"Image": "16700#@#Immagine",
"Image of the problem (optional)": "16704#@#Immagine del problema (opzionale)",
"Image successfully set!": "16708#@#Immagine impostata correttamente!",
"Images": "16712#@#Immagini",
"Import": "16716#@#Importa",
"Import a tag table from Siemens TIA Portal. This file represents the mapping of your PLCs hardware resources. You can find more informations about how to export this file here<\/a>": "16720#@#Importare una tabella di tag dal portale Siemens TIA. Questo file rappresenta la mappatura delle risorse hardware del proprio PLC. Per ulteriori informazioni sull'esportazione di questo file vedere hier<\/a>.`",
"Import Asset": "16724#@#Importa asset",
"Import data": "16728#@#Importa dati",
"Import states": "16732#@#Importa stato",
"Import streams": "16736#@#Importa flussi di dati",
"Import users": "16740#@#Importa utenti",
"Import XLSX file": "16744#@#Importa file XLSX",
"Import {amount} valid streams": "16748#@#{amount} Importa flussi di dati validi",
"Importance": "16752#@#Urgenza",
"Inactive": "16756#@#Inattivo",
"Info: No parameter defined for this method.": "16760#@#Info: nessun parametro definito per questo metodo",
"Information": "16764#@#Informazione",
"Information could not be loaded. Please check again later": "16768#@#Impossibile caricare le informazioni. Riprovare pi\u00f9 tardi.",
"Information is loading": "16772#@#Caricamento delle informazioni in corso",
"Initializing": "16776#@#Inizializzazione",
"Initiated": "16780#@#Inizializzato",
"Input": "16784#@#Flusso di dati",
"Input type does not match with the currently selected one": "16788#@#Il tipo di immissione non coincide con il tipo attualmente selezionato",
"No": "17456#@#No",
"Yes": "20260#@#S\u00ec",
"Inputs": "16800#@#Ingressi",
"Instead of sharing your password, you can generate a unique token that gives you temporary access to our API. This can be useful if you want to automate certain tasks without needing to enter your login information each time": "16804#@#Invece di dare la propria password, \u00e8 possibile generare un token univoco che garantisce un accesso temporaneo alla nostra API. Ci\u00f2 pu\u00f2 risulatare utile se si desidera automatizzare determinati compiti senza dover immettere ogni volta le proprie informazioni di accesso",
"Interactions are limited while the gateway is not online": "16808#@#Le interazioni solo limitate finch\u00e9 il gateway non \u00e8 online.",
"Internal": "16812#@#Interno",
"Internal data": "16816#@#Dati interni",
"Internet": "16820#@#Internet",
"Interpolated datapoint": "16824#@#Punto di dati interpolato",
"Interval": "16828#@#Intervallo",
"Invert selection": "16832#@#Inverti selezione",
"Invitation": "16836#@#Invito",
"Invitations will be sent automatically when pressing \"Invite users\" button": "16840#@#Gli inviti vengono inviati automaticamente quando si preme il pulsante \"Invitare utenti\".",
"Invite": "16844#@#Invito",
"Invite member": "16848#@#Invitare membro",
"Invite user": "16852#@#Invitare utenti",
"Invite users": "16856#@#Invitare utenti",
"invited you to join an": "16860#@#Invitati a un",
"IP": "16864#@#IP",
"IP Address": "16868#@#Indirizzo IP",
"IP Assignment": "16872#@#Assegnazione IP",
"Is exact": "16876#@#\u00c8 esatto",
"Is managed by": "16880#@#\u00c8 amministrato da",
"is not available anymore": "16884#@#non \u00e8 pi\u00f9 disponibile",
"It looks like you didn\\'t create any asset yet.": "16888#@#Sembra che non sia stato ancora creato nessun asset",
"It looks like you didn\\'t create any asset yet.
Flash an asset with our Firmware": "16892#@#Sembra che non sia stato ancora creato nessun asset.
Caricare un asset con il nostro firmware",
"It looks like you didn\\'t create any template yet": "16896#@#Sembra che non sia stato ancora creato nessun modello.",
"It looks like you didn\\'t create any template yet.": "16900#@#Sembra che non sia stato ancora creato nessun modello",
"It looks like you don't have any gateways yet.
Get in contact with us via for an offer.": "16904#@#Sembra che non si disponga ancora di un gateway.
Mettersi in contatto con noi tramite per ricevere un'offerta.",
"It looks like you don\\'t have any gateways yet.
Get in contact with us via for an offer": "16908#@#Sembra che non si disponga ancora di un gateway.
Mettersi in contatto con noi tramite per ricevere un'offerta.'",
"item total": "16912#@#Elementi totali",
"items total": "16916#@#Elementi in totale",
"Joints": "16920#@#Articolazioni",
"Keep account": "16924#@#Mantieni account",
"Keep Aspect Ratio": "16928#@#Rapporto pagina mantenuto",
"label": "16932#@#Label",
"Language": "16936#@#Lingua",
"Last": "16940#@#Ultimo",
"Last day | Last {amount} days": "16944#@#Ultimo giorno | Ultimi {amount} giorni",
"Last Login": "16948#@#Ultimo accesso",
"Last month | Last {amount} months": "16952#@#Ultimo mese | Ultimi {amount} mesi",
"Last of month": "16956#@#Ultimo giorno del mese",
"Last updated": "16960#@#Aggiornato l'ultima volta",
"Last week | Last {amount} weeks": "16964#@#Ultima settimana | Ultime {amount} settimane",
"Lastname": "19916#@#Cognome",
"Latitude": "16972#@#Grado di latitudine",
"Learn more about base themes": "16976#@#Scoprire di pi\u00f9 sui design di base",
"Leave a message for the reporter": "16980#@#lasciare un messaggio per il relatore",
"Leave object": "16984#@#Usicre dall'oggetto",
"left the call": "16988#@#ha abbandonato la chiamata",
"Level": "16992#@#Level",
"Light Theme": "16996#@#Design chiaro",
"Lindner": "17000#@#Lindner",
"Link": "17004#@#Link",
"Link name (optional": "17008#@#Nome del link (opzionale)",
"Link name (optional)": "17012#@#Nome del link (opzionale)",
"Link to the company website": "17016#@#Link al sito web dell'azienda",
"List of objects": "17020#@#Elenco degli oggetti",
"List order": "17024#@#Disposizione elenco",
"Load": "17028#@#Carica",
"Load older notifications": "17032#@#Carica notifiche precedenti",
"Load read notification": "17036#@#Carica notifiche lette",
"Loading": "17040#@#Carica...",
"Loading connections...": "17044#@#Carica collegamenti...",
"Loading credentials...": "17048#@#Carica informazioni di accesso...",
"Loading dashboards": "17052#@#Caricamento dashboard in corso",
"Loading the model failed. Please check if your model format is supported. If your model consists of multiple files (textures, binaries etc.) use the": "17056#@#Il caricamento del modello non \u00e8 riuscito. Controllare se il formato del modello \u00e8 compatibile. Se il modello \u00e8 costituito da pi\u00f9 file (struttura, dati binari ecc.) utilizzare il",
"Loading...": "21132#@#Caricamento in corso...",
"loadingText": "17064#@#Testo caricamento",
"Local IP": "17068#@#IP locale",
"Locate": "17072#@#Cerca",
"Location:": "17076#@#Posizione:",
"Login now": "21000#@#Effettuare l'accesso ora",
"Logo": "17084#@#Logo",
"Logs": "17088#@#Log",
"Logs could not be loaded": "17092#@#Non \u00e8 stato possibile caricare i protocolli (log)",
"Longitude": "17096#@#Grado di longitudine",
"Look around": "17100#@#Dare un'occhiata",
"Low": "17104#@#Basso",
"Mac address": "17108#@#Indirizzo Mac",
"Mac address:": "17112#@#Indirizzo Mac:",
"Machine": "17116#@#Macchina",
"Make primary": "17120#@#Imposta principale",
"Manage list": "17124#@#Amministrare elenco",
"Manage templates": "17128#@#Amministrare modelli",
"Map": "17132#@#Mappa",
"Map Pins": "17136#@#Pin mappa",
"Mark all read": "17140#@#Segna come letto",
"Mark as read": "17144#@#Segna come letto",
"Mark as technical problem": "17148#@#Segna come problema tecnico",
"Match data": "17152#@#Bilanciare dati",
"Materials": "17156#@#Materiali",
"Max Value": "17160#@#Valore max",
"Media": "17164#@#Mezzi",
"Medium": "17168#@#Medio",
"Members": "17172#@#Membro",
"Memory": "17176#@#RAM",
"Service History": "17196#@#Richieste di assistenza passate",
"Service requests": "17200#@#Richieste di assistenza",
"Themes": "17204#@#Temi",
"Translations": "17208#@#Traduzioni",
"Users": "19952#@#Utente",
"Release Mgmt": "17216#@#Release Mgmt",
"Message": "17220#@#Messaggio",
"Method": "17224#@#Metodo",
"mid": "17228#@#medio",
"Min Value": "17232#@#Valore min",
"Missing configuration": "17236#@#Manca la configurazione",
"Missing image": "17240#@#Manca l'immagine",
"Missing input data": "17244#@#Dati di immissione mancanti",
"Mobile phone": "17248#@#Telefono cellulare",
"Modbus TCP": "17252#@#Modbus TCP",
"Model": "17256#@#Modello",
"Model quality": "17260#@#Qualit\u00e0 del modello",
"Modelname": "17264#@#Nome del modello",
"Module ID": "17268#@#ID modulo",
"Module interface": "17272#@#Interfaccia dei moduli",
"Modules": "17276#@#Moduli",
"Monday": "17280#@#Luned\u00ec",
"month": "17284#@#Mese",
"Monthly": "17288#@#Mensile",
"months": "17292#@#Mesi",
"More": "17296#@#Altro",
"More options": "17300#@#Altre opzioni",
"Move around": "17304#@#Sposta",
"Move asset and data": "17308#@#Sposta asset e dati",
"Move asset only": "17312#@#Sposta asset senza dati",
"Move asset with data": "17316#@#Sposta asset e dati",
"Move downwards": "17320#@#Sposta in basso",
"Move gateway now": "17324#@#Sposta gateway",
"Move gateway to another account": "17328#@#Sposta gateway in un altro account",
"Move only asset": "17332#@#Sposta asset senza dati",
"Move to another account": "17336#@#Passa a un altro account",
"Move to group": "17340#@#Sposta nel gruppo",
"Move upwards": "17344#@#Sposta in alto",
"MQTT credentials for device": "17348#@#Informazioni di accesso MQTT per il dispositivo",
"Multiple selections are not valid. Item has been deselected": "17352#@#Le selezioni multiple non sono valide. L'elemento \u00e8 stato deselezionato.'",
"Must be greater<\/b> or equal<\/b> {number}": "17356#@#Deve essere maggiore<\/b> o pari<\/b> {number} a",
"Must be a number": "17360#@#Deve essere un numero",
"Must be a numerical value or empty": "17364#@#Deve essere un valore numerico o vuoto",
"Must be a valid email address": "17368#@#Deve essere un indirizzo e-mail valido",
"Must be a valid phone number": "17372#@#Deve essere un numero di telefono valido",
"Must be a valid telegram number": "17376#@#Deve essere un numero di telegramma valido",
"Must be at least 8 characters": "17380#@#Deve essere lungo almeno 8 caratteri",
"Must be at least {number}": "17384#@#Deve essere {number} almeno",
"Must not be empty": "17388#@#Non pu\u00f2 essere vuoto",
"Name": "21076#@#Nome",
"Name is required": "17396#@#Il nome \u00e8 necessario",
"Name of the action-button": "17400#@#Nome del pulsante di azione",
"Name:": "17404#@#Nomi:",
"needs help": "17408#@#ha bisogno di aiuto",
"Network connectivity is unknown.": "17412#@#La connessione di rete \u00e8 sconosciuta.",
"Never": "17416#@#Mai",
"new": "17420#@#nuovo",
"New basic asset": "17424#@#Nuovo asset di base",
"New input": "17428#@#Nuovo input",
"New messages": "17432#@#Nuovi messaggi",
"New question from a website visitor!": "20980#@#Nuova domanda da un visitatore del sito web!",
"New request": "17440#@#Nuova richiesta",
"New version": "17444#@#Nuova versione",
"Next": "20236#@#successivo",
"Next step": "17452#@#Passo successivo",
"No 3D Model available": "17460#@#Nessun modello 3D disponibile",
"No access tokens created yet!": "17464#@#Non \u00e8 stato ancora creato un token di accesso!",
"No actions defined yet": "17468#@#Nessuna azione definita",
"No actions logged": "17472#@#Nessuna azione protocollata",
"No active configuration available": "17476#@#Nessuna configurazione attiva disponibile",
"No active or pending requests available": "17480#@#Nessuna richiesta attiva o in attesa presente",
"No alerts defined yet": "17484#@#Non \u00e8 stato ancora definito un allarme",
"No apps loaded yet!": "17488#@#Non sono state ancora caricate applicazioni!",
"No attributes available": "17492#@#Nessun attributo disponibile",
"No binaries uploaded yet": "17496#@#Non sono stati ancora caricati dati binari",
"No cable": "17500#@#Nessun cavo",
"No codes defined yet": "17504#@#Non sono stati ancora definiti codici",
"No comments available": "17508#@#Nessun commento presente",
"No connected devices or Streams found. Start with adding a device or a Stream!": "17512#@#Non sono stati trovati dispositivi o stream collegati. Iniziare aggiungendo un dispositivo o uno stream!'",
"No connection with the discovery service possible!": "17516#@#Collegamento al Discovery Service non possibile!",
"No connections available currently. Please check again later": "17520#@#Attualmente non sono disponibili collegamenti. Riprovare pi\u00f9 tardi'",
"No Dashboards found": "17524#@#Nessuna dashboard trovata",
"No data": "17528#@#Nessun dato",
"No data available": "17532#@#Nessun dato disponibile",
"No data yet": "17536#@#Ancora nessun dato",
"No datastreams defined": "17540#@#Nessun flusso di dati definito",
"No export templates defined yet": "17544#@#Non sono stati ancora creati modelli di esportazione",
"No fields available for definition.": "17548#@#Non sono disponibili campi per la definizione",
"No file selected": "17552#@#Nessun file selezionato",
"No files selected": "17556#@#Nessun file selezionato",
"No filter active": "17560#@#Nessun filtro attivo",
"No forms found": "17564#@#Nessun formulario disponibile",
"No functions available": "17568#@#Nessuna funzione disponibile",
"No gateway": "17572#@#Nessun gateway",
"No gateway connected": "17576#@#Nessun gateway collegato",
"No history service requests": "17580#@#Nessuna cronologia di richieste di assistenza precedenti",
"No info": "17584#@#Nessuna informazione",
"No informations available currently.": "17588#@#Attualmente non sono disponibili informazioni",
"No input streams available currently.": "17592#@#Attualmente non sono disponibili flussi in ingresso.",
"No invitations available": "17596#@#Nessun invito disponibile",
"No IP addresses found. Is the Gateway connected to any network?": "17600#@#Nessun indirizzo IP trovato. Il gateway \u00e8 collegato a una rete?",
"No items available": "17604#@#Nessun elemento disponibile",
"No logs available": "17608#@#Nessun protocollo disponibile",
"No metadata defined yet": "17612#@#Non sono stati ancora definiti metadati",
"No metrics defined yet": "17616#@#Non sono state ancora definite metriche",
"No more notifications available": "17620#@#Non sono pi\u00f9 disponibili notifiche",
"No new messages": "17624#@#Nessun nuovo messaggio",
"No notifications available": "17628#@#Nessuna notifica disponibile",
"No of registers": "17632#@#Numero di schede",
"No options available for this stream type": "17636#@#Per questo tipo di stream non sono disponibili opzioni",
"No recipients invited": "17640#@#Nessun destinatario invitato",
"No relations available": "17644#@#Nessun utente disponibile",
"No static IP configuration found! Please set the gateway IP to {ipFrom}<\/b> and the gateway to {ipTo}<\/b>": "17648#@#Non \u00e8 stata trovata una configurazione IP statica! Impostare l'IP del gateway su {ipFrom}<\/b> e il gateway su {ipTo}<\/b>.",
"No status available": "17652#@#Nessuno stato disponibile",
"No stream available with the type \"{type}\"": "17656#@#Nessun flusso di dati di tipo \"{type}\" disponibile",
"No streamdefinition added yet. Add your first stream now": "17660#@#Non \u00e8 stata ancora aggiunta una definizione dello stream. Aggiungere il primo stream ora",
"No streams defined": "17664#@#Nessun flusso definito",
"No streams selected! Only stream-definitions will be saved for later": "17668#@#Nessun flusso di dati selezionato! Le definizioni vengono salvate per dopo",
"No tags available": "17672#@#Nessun tag disponibile",
"No title set": "17676#@#Nessun titolo definito",
"No translation set": "17680#@#Nessuna traduzione impostata",
"no user scope": "17684#@#Nessuno scope utenti",
"No user selected": "17688#@#Nessun utente selezionato",
"No users": "17692#@#Nessun utente",
"No visualisation available.": "17696#@#Nessun display disponibile.",
"No, cancel": "17700#@#No, annulla",
"No, leave site": "17704#@#No, esci dalla pagina",
"No, not now": "17708#@#No, non adesso",
"No. of streams": "17712#@#Numero di flussi di dati",
"no.actions.found": "17716#@#Test",
"No Data": "17720#@#Nessun dato",
"No inputs found": "17724#@#Nessuna immissione trovata",
"Nobody online": "17728#@#Nessuno online",
"None": "17732#@#Nessuno",
"Not Assigned": "17736#@#Non assegnato",
"Not available": "17740#@#Non disponibile",
"not available anymore": "17744#@#non disponibile",
"Not defined yet": "17748#@#Non ancora definito",
"Not responded": "17752#@#Non risposto",
"Not Selected": "17756#@#Non selezionato",
"Not supported": "17760#@#Non supportato",
"Nothing found for this query! Maybe try something else?": "17764#@#Non \u00e8 stato trovato nulla per questa richiesta! Provare con qualcos'altro?",
"Notification channels": "17768#@#Canali di notifica",
"Notification Logs": "17772#@#Protocollo di notifica (log)",
"Notification times": "17776#@#Orari di notifica",
"Notification Trigger": "17780#@#Causa della notifica",
"Notifications": "17784#@#Notifiche",
"Notifications active": "17788#@#Notifiche attive",
"Notifications inactive": "17792#@#Notifiche inattive",
"Notifications that are sent outside the defined times will be delivered the next possible slot": "17796#@#Le notifiche inviate fuori degli orari stabiliti vengono consegnate nel prossimo momento possibile",
"Number": "17800#@#Numero",
"Number value": "17804#@#Valore numerico",
"Object": "17808#@#Oggetto",
"Objects with geolocation": "17812#@#Oggetti con geolocalizzazione",
"Objects without geolocation": "17816#@#Oggetti senza geolocalizzazione",
"Offline": "17820#@#Offline",
"Offset": "17824#@#Offset",
"Okay": "17828#@#Okay",
"On :created<\/b> you gave us some feedback:
:summary<\/b>": "17832#@#Il :created<\/b> ci hai inviato un feedback:
"on change": "17836#@#in caso di modifica",
"on change (or after {interval})": "17840#@#in caso di modifica (o dopo {interval})",
"on day {dayInMonth}": "17844#@#il giorno {dayInMonth}",
"on the asset": "17848#@#per l'asset",
"on the first day": "17852#@#il primo giorno",
"on the last day": "17856#@#l'ultimo giorno",
"On what channels shall ${selectedUser.firstname} ${selectedUser.lastname} receive this notification?": "17860#@#Su quali canali si desidera ricevere ${selectedUser.firstname} ${selectedUser.lastname} questa comunicazione?",
"On what channels shall {name}<\/b> receive this notification?": "17864#@#Su quali canali si desidera ricevere {name}<\/b> questa notifica?",
"on {days}": "17868#@#a {days}",
"One or more items could not be deleted!": "17872#@#Non \u00e8 stato possibile eliminare uno o pi\u00f9 elementi!",
"One or more items may not be deleted. Please remove them out of the group to be able to delete the group correctly!": "17876#@#Impossibile eliminare uno o pi\u00f9 elementi. Rimuoverli dal gruppo per poter eliminare correttamente il gruppo!",
"Online": "17880#@#Online",
"Online:": "17884#@#Online",
"Only the aquisition of data will be stopped": "17888#@#Viene arrestata solo la raccolta di dati",
"OPC UA": "17892#@#OPC UA",
"OPC UA discovery ready!": "17896#@#OPC UA Discovery pronto!",
"Open": "17900#@#Aperto",
"Open a connection to start": "17904#@#Per iniziare aprire il collegamento ",
"Open connection": "17908#@#Apri collegamento",
"Open Error-log": "17912#@#Apri protocolli degli errori (log)",
"Open Feedback": "20952#@#Apri feedback",
"Open file": "17920#@#Apri file",
"Open in Google Maps": "17924#@#Apri in Google Maps",
"Open link": "17928#@#Apri link",
"Open Log": "17932#@#Apri protocolli (log)",
"Open logs": "17936#@#Apri protocolli (log)",
"Open logs to start": "17940#@#Apri log per iniziare",
"Operating users": "17944#@#Operatore",
"Option is not valid<\/b>: \"{value}\"": "17948#@#L'opzione non \u00e8 valida<\/b>: \"{value}\"",
"Optional text for easier identification": "17952#@#Testo opzionale per agevolare l'identificazione",
"Optionally a mac address": "17956#@#Indirizzo MAC opzionale",
"Options": "17960#@#Opzioni",
"or": "17964#@#oppure",
"Or choose a demoasset to test things out": "17968#@#Oppure selezionare un asset demo per fare una prova",
"Or click here to create your first asset": "17972#@#Oppure cliccare qui per creare il primo asset",
"Or click here to create your first template": "17976#@#Oppure cliccare qui per creare il primo modello",
"Or create a new one": "17980#@#Oppure creare una nuova",
"Or extend an existing one": "17984#@#Oppure ampliare un sistema esistente",
"Or select a custom color": "17988#@#Oppure selezionare un colore personale",
"Or select a file from your device": "17992#@#Oppure selezionare un file dal proprio dispositivo",
"Or start with a board": "17996#@#Oppure iniziare con un board",
"Or upload an entire folder": "18000#@#Oppure caricare un'intera cartella",
"Or use an existing one": "18004#@#Oppure utilizzare una presente",
"Or use one of our sensor templates": "18008#@#Oppure utilizzare uno dei nostri modelli di sensore",
"Orientation": "18012#@#Orientamento",
"Original String": "18016#@#Translation",
"Our support agents are currently not available.": "18020#@#I nostri collaboratori dell'assistenza non sono attualmente disponibili",
"Overflow": "18024#@#Overflow",
"Overview": "18028#@#Panoramica",
"Pages": "18032#@#Pagine",
"pages.actions": "18036#@#Azioni:",
"Panel": "18040#@#Riquadro",
"Parameter": "18044#@#Parametro",
"Password-reset successfull. Please login using your new credentials": "18052#@#La password \u00e8 stata ripristinata correttamente. Effettuare l'accesso con i nuovi dati di accesso.",
"Path": "18056#@#Percorso",
"Path to modal": "18060#@#Percorso del modulo",
"Paused": "18064#@#In pausa",
"pending": "18068#@#in sospeso",
"per page": "18072#@#a pagina",
"Permission by roles": "18076#@#Permesso in base ai ruoli",
"Personal access tokens are often used by developers to access APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or to perform automated tasks. They are usually time-limited and can be revoked at any time, making them a more secure way to access a website or application than sharing your password": "18080#@#I token di accesso personali sono spesso utilizzati dagli sviluppatori per accedere alle API (Application Programming Interfaces) o per svolgere compiti automatizzati. Di solito sono limitati temporalmente e possono essere revocati in qualsiasi momento, pertanto costituiscono un metodo per l'accesso ad un sito web o ad un'applicazione pi\u00f9 sicuro della cessione della propria password",
"Phone number": "18084#@#Numero di telefono",
"phone numbers": "18088#@#Numeri di telefono",
"Pin name": "18092#@#Nome del pin",
"Pin number": "18096#@#Numero di pin",
"Pins": "18100#@#Pin",
"Place model": "18104#@#Posiziona modello",
"Platforms": "18108#@#Piattaforme",
"Please ask your administrator for the necessary permissions": "18112#@#Chiedere al proprio amministratore quali sono i diritti necessari",
"Please assign at least one role to the user before saving": "18116#@#Prima di salvare assegnare almeno un ruolo all'utente",
"Please choose a form": "18120#@#Selezionare un formulario",
"Please choose an asset": "18124#@#Selezionare un asset",
"Please choose an user": "18128#@#Selezionare un utente",
"Please choose one of the templates": "18132#@#Selezionare uno dei seguenti modelli",
"Please click now on the model to place the hotspots": "18136#@#Cliccare ora sul modello per posizionare gli hotspot",
"Please click on the button below to login with your email address. You can change the password anytime in your account settings (On the top right, click on your name -> Account settings).": "18140#@#Cliccare sul pulsante sottostante per effettuare l'accesso con il proprio indirizzo e-mail. \u00c8 possibile modificare la password in qualsiasi momento nelle impostazioni dell'account (cliccare in alto a destra sul proprio nome -> Impostazioni).",
"Please click on the button below to set a password and get started. You can change the password anytime in your account settings (On the top right, click on your name -> Account settings).": "21056#@#Cliccare sul pulsante sottostante per stabilire una password e iniziare. \u00c8 possibile modificare la password in qualsiasi momento nelle impostazioni dell'account (cliccare in alto a destra sul proprio nome -> Impostazioni).",
"Please click on the model you want to edit": "18148#@#Cliccare sul modello che si desidera modificare",
"Please click on the pin you want to configure": "18152#@#Cliccare sul pin che si desidera configurare",
"Please connect an input": "18156#@#Collegare un flusso di dati",
"Please enter a valid email address": "18160#@#Immettere un indirizzo e-mail valido",
"Please enter the code we sent to ${value}. Didn't receive any?": "18164#@#Immettere il codice che abbiamo inviato a ${value} . Non \u00e8 arrivato?",
"Please enter the needed parameters for this device:": "18168#@#Immettere i parametri necessari per questo dispositivo:",
"Please enter your email address": "18172#@#Immettere il proprio indirizzo e-mail",
"Please enter your firstname": "18176#@#Immettere il proprio nome",
"Please enter your lastname": "18180#@#Immettere il proprio cognome",
"Please enter your password": "18184#@#Immettere la propria password",
"Please fill in at least one translation": "18188#@#Immettere almeno una traduzione",
"Please fill in at least one translation to use auto-translate": "18192#@#Immettere almeno una traduzione per utilizzare la traduzione automatica",
"Please fill out all parameters": "18196#@#Compilare tutti i parametri",
"Please focus a form field to edit the details": "18200#@#Mettere a fuoco un campo del formulario per modificare i dettagli",
"Please make sure the PLC is connected to the correct port": "18204#@#Assicurarsi che il PLC sia collegato alla porta corretta",
"Please note: The test-alarm will only be sent to users who have already accepted the invitation to receive the alarm. If you selected yourself as a recipient, you will recieve the test-alarm immediately without accepting an invitation": "18208#@#Si tenga presente che l'allarme di prova viene inviato solo agli utenti che hanno gi\u00e0 accettato l'invito a ricevere l'allarme. Se ci si \u00e8 selezionati come destinatario, si ricever\u00e0 l'allarme di prova subito, senza accettare un invito.",
"Please provide a valid link": "18212#@#Immettere un link valido",
"Please provide an address": "18216#@#Immettere un indirizzo",
"Please resolve all invalid configurations to continue": "18220#@#Per continuare eliminare tutte le configurazioni non valide",
"Please select a stream": "18224#@#Selezionare un flusso di dati",
"Please upload a file": "18228#@#Caricare un file",
"Please use a speaking tag name for easier identification": "18232#@#Utilizzare un nome espressivo per agevolare l'identificazione",
"Please use this form to register.": "18236#@#Utilizzare questo formulario per l'accesso",
"Please write us a message with your problem.": "18240#@#Si prega di scriverci un messaggio con il problema riscontrato",
"Plugged in": "18244#@#Inserito",
"Port": "18248#@#Porta",
"Position:": "18252#@#Posizione:",
"Positioning": "18256#@#Posizionamento",
"Posterimage": "18260#@#Immagine di anteprima",
"Predefined datastreams": "18264#@#Flussi di dati predefiniti",
"Preferred": "18268#@#Preferito",
"Preparing config...": "18272#@#Preparazione della configurazione...",
"Preparing model upload": "18276#@#Preparazione del caricamento del modello",
"Preview": "18280#@#Anteprima",
"Preview for this file type is not available. Please download the file to view it": "18284#@#L'anteprima per questo tipo di file non \u00e8 disponibile. Scaricare il file per visualizzarlo.",
"Preview is not available for STEP files": "18288#@#L'anteprima non \u00e8 disponibile per i file STEP",
"Preview streams": "18292#@#Anteprima dei flussi di dati",
"Preview test config": "18296#@#Anteprima della configurazione di prova",
"Previous": "20240#@#Precedente",
"primary": "18304#@#principale",
"Problem\/Alert": "18308#@#Problema\/avvertenza",
"Problems": "18312#@#Problemi",
"Provider": "18316#@#Offerente",
"Public": "18320#@#Pubblico",
"Push Notifications": "18324#@#Notifiche push",
"Quality": "18328#@#Qualit\u00e0",
"Quality of the models. Changes will apply when reloading the scene for the next time": "18332#@#Qualit\u00e0 dei modelli. Le modifiche verranno acquisiste la prossima volta che si carica la scena",
"Quality of the resulting image": "18336#@#Qualit\u00e0 dell'immagine risultante",
"Random distribution": "18340#@#Distribuzione casuale",
"Read": "18344#@#Lettura",
"Read data from a Modbus device": "18348#@#Lettura di dati da un dispositivo Modbus",
"Read data from a Siemens S7": "18352#@#Lettura di dati da un Siemens S7",
"Read data from an OPC UA server": "18356#@#Lettura di dati da un Server OPC UA",
"Read data from any website": "18360#@#Lettura di dati da un sito web",
"Read data from Lindner machines with a Bosch-Bodas Controller": "18364#@#Lettura di dati da macchine Lindner con un controller Bosch-Bodas",
"Read data from UR cobot": "18368#@#Leggi dati da cobot UR",
"Ready for Deployment": "18372#@#Preparazione alla pubblicazione",
"Recipient": "18376#@#Destinatario",
"Recipient invitation": "18380#@#Invito alla notifica",
"Recipient Invitations": "18384#@#Inviti alla notifica",
"Recipient peer id": "18388#@#Peer-ID del destinatario",
"Recipients": "18392#@#Destinatario",
"Rectangle": "18396#@#Rettangolo",
"Register this device": "18400#@#Registra questo dispositivo",
"Register your current device to receive push notifications": "18404#@#Registrare il dispositivo attuale per ricevere notifiche push",
"Registered at": "18408#@#Registrato il",
"Related asset": "21008#@#Asset correlato",
"Relative": "18416#@#Relativo",
"Release": "18420#@#Pubblicazione",
"Released": "18424#@#Pubblicato",
"Reload App": "18428#@#Ricarica app",
"Reload missing data now": "18432#@#Carica adesso i dati mancanti",
"Remove": "18436#@#Rimuovi",
"Remove Element": "18440#@#Rimuovi elemento",
"Remove model": "18444#@#Rimuovi modello",
"Remove user": "18448#@#Rimuovi utente",
"Render": "18452#@#Rendering",
"Render image": "18456#@#Renderizza immagine",
"Rendering Quality": "18460#@#Qualit\u00e0 del rendering",
"Renderings": "18464#@#Rendering",
"Repeat every": "18468#@#Ripetizione ogni",
"Repeat on": "18472#@#Ripetizione a",
"Repeat your new password": "18476#@#Ripetere la nuova password",
"Replace widget": "18480#@#Sostituisci widget",
"Report a problem": "18484#@#Segnala un problema",
"Report generation started. This can take up to 2 minutes before receiving it via email": "18488#@#\u00c8 iniziata la creazione del rapporto. Possono volerci fino a 2 minuti per riceverlo tramite e-mail.",
"Report history": "18492#@#Andamento del rapporto",
"Reporter": "18496#@#Autore del rapporto",
"Reports": "18500#@#Rapporti",
"Request": "18504#@#Richiesta",
"Request a feature": "18508#@#Richiedi una funzione",
"Request help": "18512#@#Richiedi aiuto",
"Request not available": "18516#@#Richiesta non disponibile",
"Request screenshare": "18520#@#Richiedi divisione schermo",
"Request support": "18524#@#Richiedi aiuto",
"Requests History": "18528#@#Richieste passate",
"Reset": "18532#@#Reimposta",
"Reset password": "20944#@#Reimposta password",
"Reset sorting": "18540#@#Reimposta classificazione",
"reset to default": "18544#@#ripristina i valori predefiniti",
"Reset your password": "18548#@#Reimpostare la propria password",
"Reset-token invalid or expired": "18552#@#Token di reimpostazione non valido o scaduto",
"Resetting password": "18556#@#Reimposta password",
"Responded": "18560#@#Risposto",
"Response": "18564#@#Risposta",
"Ressources": "18568#@#Risorse",
"Result": "18572#@#Risultato",
"Result preview": "18576#@#Anteprima risultato",
"Review feedback": "20932#@#Verifica feedback",
"Revoke": "18584#@#Ritira",
"Revoked": "18588#@#Ritirato",
"Role": "18592#@#Ruolo",
"Roles": "18596#@#Ruoli",
"Rotate page": "18600#@#Ruota pagina",
"Rotation": "18604#@#Rotazione",
"Running instances": "18608#@#Istanze in corso",
"Saturday": "18612#@#Sabato",
"Save": "18616#@#Salva",
"Save article": "18620#@#Salva articolo",
"Save as template": "18624#@#Salva come modello",
"Save layout": "18628#@#Salva layout",
"Save metrics": "18632#@#Salva metriche",
"Save rule": "18636#@#Regola per Save",
"Save scene": "18640#@#Salva scena",
"Save selection as export template": "18644#@#Salva selezione come modello di esportazione",
"Save stream definitions": "18648#@#Salva definizioni del flusso di dati",
"Save the pins": "18652#@#Salva pin",
"Saved": "18656#@#Salvato",
"Saving": "18660#@#Salva...",
"Saving scene...": "18664#@#Salva scena...",
"Saving...": "18668#@#Salva...",
"Sawtooth": "18672#@#Dente di sega",
"Scan QR": "18676#@#Scansionare QR",
"Scan QR code with camera": "18680#@#Scansionare codice QR con la camera",
"Scope": "18684#@#Ambito",
"Screen cannot be shared. Please check if your device and\/or the browser has the permission to share the screen!": "18688#@#Impossibile abilitare o schermo. Controllare se il dispositivo e\/o il browser ha il permesso di abilitare lo schermo!",
"Search": "18692#@#Cerca",
"Search all datastreams": "18696#@#Cerca i tutti i flussi di dati",
"Search for a user": "18700#@#Cerca un utente",
"Search for user": "18704#@#Ricerca di utenti",
"Search or add a tag": "18708#@#Cerca o aggiungi tag",
"search tags...": "18712#@#Cerca tag...",
"Searching for OPC UA variables...
This can take up to 1 minute": "18716#@#Cerca variabili OPC-UA. Pu\u00f2 richiedere fino a 1 minuto.",
"See what notifications will be delivered": "18720#@#Controllare quali notifiche vengono inoltrate.",
"See your requests": "18724#@#Mostra richieste",
"Select": "18728#@#Seleziona",
"Select a board": "18732#@#Selezionare un board",
"Select a connector": "18736#@#Selezionare un connettore",
"Select a datacolumn:": "18740#@#Selezionare una colonna di dati:",
"Select a model from the scene": "18744#@#Selezionare un modello dalla scena",
"Select a part of the model by clicking on it.": "18748#@#Selezionare una parte del modello cliccandovi sopra.",
"Select a reference object": "18752#@#Selezionare un oggetto di riferimento",
"Select a single model file": "18756#@#Selezionare un unico file di modello",
"Select all": "18760#@#Seleziona tutti",
"Select an account": "18764#@#Seleziona un account",
"Select an asset": "18768#@#Seleziona asset",
"Select an element": "18772#@#Selezionare un elemento",
"Select and rotate": "18776#@#Seleziona e ruota",
"Select base theme": "18780#@#Selezionare il design di base",
"Select datasource": "18784#@#Seleziona origine dei dati",
"Select datastream": "18788#@#Seleziona flusso di dati",
"Select Datastreams": "18792#@#Seleziona flussi di dati",
"Select datastreams you want to export": "18796#@#Selezionare i flussi di dati che si desidera esportare",
"Select date": "18800#@#Selezionare una data",
"Select file": "18804#@#Selezionare il file",
"Select files": "18808#@#Selezionare i file",
"Select icon": "18812#@#Selezionare un'icona",
"Select marked": "18816#@#Seleziona evidenziate",
"Select method": "18820#@#Seleziona metodo",
"Select stream": "18824#@#Seleziona flusso di dati",
"Select streams": "18828#@#Seleziona flussi di dati",
"Select Template": "18832#@#Seleziona modello",
"Select the viewing direction first by clicking on the model": "18836#@#Selezionare innanzitutto una prospettiva cliccando sul modello.",
"Select theme": "18840#@#Seleziona tema",
"Select user": "18844#@#Seleziona utente",
"Select widget type": "18848#@#Seleziona tipo di widget",
"Selected": "18852#@#Selezionato",
"Send": "18856#@#Invia",
"Send a testreport": "18860#@#Invia rapporto di prova",
"Send a value to input {input}": "18864#@#Invia un valore allo stream {input}",
"Send after {amount}": "18868#@#Invia a {amount}",
"Send at": "18872#@#Invia alle",
"Send files": "18876#@#Invia file",
"Send mail": "18880#@#Invia mail",
"Send request": "18884#@#Invia richiesta",
"Send RPC": "18888#@#Invia RPC",
"Send test notification": "18892#@#Invia notifica di prova",
"Send value": "18896#@#Invia valore",
"Send value to device": "18900#@#Invia valore a dispositivo",
"Sending...": "18904#@#Invia...",
"Sending configuration": "18908#@#Invio della configurazione",
"Sending interval": "18912#@#Intervallo di invio",
"Sending interval (in ms)": "18916#@#Intervallo di invio (in ms)",
"Sending interval (in seconds)": "18920#@#Intervallo di invio (in secondi)",
"Sensors": "18924#@#Sensori",
"sent a file": "18928#@#File inviato",
"Sent at": "18932#@#Inviato il",
"sent files": "18936#@#File inviati",
"Server:": "18940#@#Server:",
"Service Booklet": "18944#@#Libretto di manutenzione",
"Service Center": "18948#@#Service Center",
"Service Requests": "18952#@#Richieste di assistenza",
"Services": "18956#@#Servizi:",
"Set a design": "18960#@#Stabilisci design",
"Set as 3D model preview": "18964#@#Stabilisci come anteprima modello 3D",
"Set as asset image": "18968#@#Stabilisci come immagine asset",
"Set as image": "18972#@#Stabilisci come immagine",
"Set as image for asset": "18976#@#Stabilisci come immagine per asset",
"set gateway": "18980#@#Selezionare il gateway",
"set interval": "18984#@#Imposta intervallo",
"Set position": "18988#@#Seleziona posizione",
"Settings": "18992#@#Impostazioni",
"Shall this group be collapsible?": "18996#@#Deve essere possibile aprire questo gruppo?",
"Shapes": "19000#@#Forme",
"Share": "19004#@#Dividere",
"Share screen": "19008#@#Dividi schermo",
"Short summary of your problem": "19012#@#Breve riepilogo del problema",
"Show": "19016#@#Mostra",
"Show advanced options": "19020#@#Mostra opzioni avanzate",
"Show asset": "19024#@#Mostra asset",
"Show assets": "19028#@#Mostra asset",
"Show data": "19032#@#Mostra dati",
"Show details": "19036#@#Mostra dettagli",
"Show event in browser": "20588#@#Mostra l'evento nel browser",
"Show form": "19044#@#Mostra formulario",
"Show Helpcenter": "19048#@#Mostra centro di aiuto",
"Show hidden inputs": "19052#@#Mostra immissioni nascoste",
"Show in chart": "19056#@#Mostra nel diagramma",
"Show invitation": "20964#@#Mostra invito",
"Show less": "19064#@#Mostra meno",
"Show logs": "19068#@#Mostra log",
"Show messages": "19072#@#Mostra messaggi",
"Show more": "19076#@#Mostra altro",
"Show MQTT credentials": "19080#@#Mostra informazioni di accesso MQTT",
"Show Name": "19084#@#Mostra nomi",
"Show notifications": "20948#@#Mostra notifiche",
"Show on map": "19092#@#Mostra sulla mappa",
"Show page": "19096#@#Mostra pagina",
"Show progress for": "19100#@#Avanzamento",
"Show report": "19104#@#Mostra rapporto",
"Show Request": "19108#@#Mostra richiesta",
"Show Server Logs": "19112#@#Mostra protocolli server (log)",
"Show the last": "19116#@#Visualizzazione degli ultimi",
"Show user details": "19120#@#Mostra dettagli utente",
"Sign out": "19124#@#Logout",
"Signal": "19128#@#Segnale",
"Signature": "19132#@#Firma",
"Simulate": "19136#@#Simulazione",
"Simulate data": "19140#@#Simula dati",
"Simulate Movement": "19144#@#Simula movimento",
"Simulated data": "19148#@#Dati simulati",
"Since": "19152#@#Da",
"Single objects": "19156#@#Oggetti singoli",
"Single stream definition": "19160#@#Definizione di un unico flusso di dati",
"Sinus": "19164#@#Seno",
"Skip and create asset": "19168#@#Salta e crea asset",
"Slot": "19172#@#Slot",
"Slug": "19176#@#Slug",
"Smaller than": "19180#@#Minore di",
"Some of our features use push-notifications to keep you updated. Prompt Allow to receive notifications": "19184#@#Alcune delle nostre funzioni utilizzano notifiche push per mantenervi al corrente. Permettere il ricevimento di notifiche.",
"Some optional additional information": "19188#@#Alcune informazioni aggiuntive opzionali",
"Some widgets are using datastreams which cannot be matched with available inputs of this asset. Those widgets will be empty and can be replaced afterwards.": "19192#@#Alcuni widget utilizzano flussi di dati che non vanno bene con i flussi di dati di questo asset. Questi widget sono vuoti e potranno essere sostituiti in seguito.",
"Sort after": "19196#@#Ordina secondo",
"Sort Ascending": "19200#@#Ordine ascendente",
"Sort Descending": "19204#@#Ordine discendente",
"Start AR": "19208#@#Modalit\u00e0 AR",
"Start Import": "19212#@#Avvia importazione",
"Start rendering": "19216#@#Avvia rendering",
"Start videocall": "19220#@#Avvia video-colloquio",
"Start with a generic adapter": "19224#@#Iniziare con un adattatore generico",
"Start with a generic protocol": "19228#@#Iniziare con un protocollo generico",
"Start your search with typing at least 3 character": "19232#@#Iniziare la ricerca immettendo almeno 3 caratteri",
"States": "19236#@#Stato",
"Static IP configuration is wrong! Please set the gateway IP to {ipFrom}<\/b> and the gateway to {ipTo}<\/b>.": "19240#@#La configurazione dell'IP statico \u00e8 sbagliata! Impostare l'IP del gateway su {ipFrom}<\/b> e il gateway su {ipTo}<\/b>.",
"Statistics": "19244#@#Statistiche",
"Status": "19248#@#Stato",
"Status:": "19252#@#Stato:",
"Steps": "19256#@#Passi",
"Storage": "19260#@#Memoria",
"stream": "19264#@#Flusso di dati",
"Stream not available anymore": "19268#@#Flusso di dati non pi\u00f9 disponibile",
"Stream not available.": "19272#@#Flusso di dati non disponibile.",
"Streams": "19276#@#Flussi di dati",
"Subject": "19280#@#Oggetto",
"Subject of your problem": "19284#@#Tema del problema",
"Submit": "19288#@#Invia",
"Subnet mask": "19292#@#Maschera di sottorete",
"Subscribing...": "19296#@#Abbonarsi...",
"Success": "19300#@#Operazione riuscita",
"Successfully subscribed to push notifications!": "19304#@#Abbonamento alle notifiche push avvenuto correttamente!",
"Sufficient": "19308#@#Sufficiente",
"Suggest translation": "19312#@#Proporre traduzione",
"Sunday": "19316#@#Domenica",
"Supervisor": "19320#@#Supervisore",
"Support": "21152#@#Servizio di assistenza",
"Switch to account": "19328#@#Passa all'account",
"Sync Token": "19332#@#Token di sincronizzazione",
"Syncronization of data in progress.": "19336#@#Sincronizzazione dati in corso...",
"table": "19340#@#Tabella",
"Tag name already exists. Please use another one": "19344#@#Il nome del tag \u00e8 gi\u00e0 esistente. Utilizzare un altro nome di tag.",
"Tagname already used": "19348#@#Nome tag gi\u00e0 in uso",
"Tags": "19352#@#Tag",
"Target": "19356#@#Destinazione",
"Tasks": "19360#@#Compiti",
"Technology": "19364#@#Tecnologia",
"Temperature": "19368#@#Temperatura",
"Templates": "19372#@#Modelli",
"Terminal": "19376#@#Terminale",
"Test": "19380#@#Test",
"Test alarm": "19384#@#Allarme di prova",
"text": "19388#@#Testo",
"Thank you for submitting the form.": "19392#@#Grazie per aver compilato il formulario.",
"Thank you for your inquiry": "19396#@#Grazie per la richiesta",
"The absolute position of the model in the scene (in meters)": "19400#@#La posizione assoluta del modello nella scena (in metri)",
"The access token can access all data the selected role can": "19404#@#Il token di accesso pu\u00f2 accedere a tutti i dati ai quali ha accesso il ruolo selezionato",
"The code": "19408#@#Il codice",
"The configuration is automatically applied when the gateway is online again.": "19412#@#La configurazione viene applicata automaticamente non appena il gateway \u00e8 nuovamente online.",
"The connections could not be loaded. Please check again later!": "19416#@#Non \u00e8 stato possibile caricare i collegamenti. Riprovare pi\u00f9 tardi!",
"The connector and all associated datastreams will be deleted, already fetched history included.": "19420#@#Vengono eliminati il connettore e tutti i flussi di dati correlati, compresi i dati registrati finora.",
"The data is not available": "19424#@#I dati non sono disponibili",
"The data is not available, when the gateway is offline": "19428#@#I dati non sono disponibili quando il gateway \u00e8 offline.",
"The difference to the last sent value": "19432#@#La differenza rispetto all'ultimo valore inviato",
"The duration to complete one full cycle": "19436#@#La durata per un ciclo completo",
"The following data will be configured:": "19440#@#Vengono configurati i seguenti dati:",
"The gateway is offline": "19444#@#Il gateway \u00e8 offline",
"The host is connected to a network, and appears to be able to reach the full Internet.": "19448#@#L'host \u00e8 collegato a una rete e sembra poter utilizzare l'intero internet.",
"The host is connected to a network, does not appear to be able to reach the full Internet.": "19452#@#L'host \u00e8 collegato a una rete ma non sembra in grado di poter utilizzare l'intero internet.",
"The host is not connected to any network.": "19456#@#L'host non \u00e8 collegato a una rete.",
"The icon needs to be part of the icon-font": "19460#@#L'icona dev'essere parte del font dell'icona",
"The Internet connection is hijacked by a captive portal gateway.": "19464#@#La connessione internet \u00e8 bloccata da un portale di accesso Captives.",
"The issue is fixed": "19468#@#Il problema \u00e8 risolto",
"The key {key}<\/b> is reserved and cannot be used inside streamdefinitions
": "19472#@#Il codice {key}<\/b> \u00e8 riservato e non pi\u00f9 essere utilizzato nelle definizioni dello stream
"The message you want to send": "19476#@#Il messaggio che si desidera inviare",
"The module is not available on the edge device yet. To activate the preview a download is required": "19480#@#Il modulo non \u00e8 ancora disponibile nel terminale. Per attivare l'anteprima \u00e8 necessario un download.",
"The new account uses the Base Theme you have chosen. You can adjust the design in your account at any time. ": "19484#@#Il nuovo account utilizza il design di base selezionato. \u00c8 possibile modificare il design in qualsiasi momento nel proprio account.",
"The password-reset link will be sent to the user": "19488#@#Il link per reimpostare la password viene inviato all'utente",
"The pin number of the board": "19492#@#Il numero di pin del board",
"The primary mail is used by default for new notifications": "19496#@#Per impostazione predefinita, l'e-mail utilizzata per le notifiche \u00e8 quella principale",
"The synchronization of the updated connections can still take up to 10 seconds": "19500#@#La sincronizzazione dei collegamenti aggiornati pu\u00f2 durare fino a 10 secondi.",
"Please enter a valid date.": "19504#@#Immettere una data valida.",
"The user does not have any notification channels activated": "19508#@#L'utente non ha attivato canali di notifica",
"The value that shall be sent to the stream": "19512#@#Il valora al quale inviare lo stream",
"Desktop Logo": "19516#@#Logo del desktop",
"Login Image": "19920#@#Login",
"Mobile Logo": "19524#@#Logo mobile",
"Title": "19532#@#Titolo",
"There are no fields defined yet": "19536#@#Non ci sono ancora campi definiti",
"There are no forms created yet": "19540#@#Non sono ancora stati creati formulari",
"There are no roles defined for this account yet!": "19544#@#Non ci sono ancora ruoli definiti per questo account!",
"There are no widgets on this dashboard yet": "19548#@#Non ci sono ancora widget in questa dashboard.",
"There are still assets connected to this gateway.": "19552#@#Al gateway sono ancora assegnati asset.",
"There is a problem? Please tell us about it!": "19556#@#C'\u00e8 qualche problema? Basta comunicarcelo!",
"There is already a module available. You can close this window and check for the preview": "19560#@#\u00c8 gi\u00e0 disponibile un modulo. Si pu\u00f2 chiudere questa finestra e guardare l'anteprima.",
"There was a problem creating your PDF.": "19564#@#Si \u00e8 verificato un problema durante la creazione del PDF.",
"There was a problem while updating the connections. Please try again later!": "19568#@#C'\u00e8 stato un problema durante l'aggiornamento dei collegamenti. Riprovare pi\u00f9 tardi!",
"There was an error while creating the tag.": "19572#@#Si \u00e8 verificato un errore durante la creazione del tag",
"There was an error while sending the request. Please try again later": "19576#@#Si \u00e8 verificato un errore durante l'invio della richiesta. Riprovare pi\u00f9 tardi.",
"There was an error? Please tell us about it!": "19580#@#Si \u00e8 presentato un errore? Specificare quale!",
"There were changes to your account recently": "21016#@#L'account \u00e8 stato modificato da poco",
"These values define the min and max scaling of the y-axis. Leave empty for automatic scaling": "19588#@#Questi valori definiscono la graduazione minima e massima dell'asse y. Lasciarli vuoti per una graduazione automatica",
"This action also affects the following datastreams!": "19592#@#Questa azione riguarda anche i seguenti flussi di dati!",
"This channel enables you to receive alarms and notifications through Push-Notifications": "19596#@#Questo canale permette di ricevere allarmi e notifiche mediante notifiche push.",
"This channel enables you to receive alarms and notifications through {types}": "19600#@#Questo canale permette di ricevere mediante {types} allarmi e notifiche",
"This channel is not yet enabled": "19604#@#Questo canale non \u00e8 ancora attivato",
"This code is not valid": "19608#@#Questo codice non \u00e8 valido",
"This feature is not yet activated for your account": "19612#@#Questa funzione non \u00e8 ancora attivata per il proprio account",
"This field is required": "19616#@#Questo campo \u00e8 necessario",
"This function is not available": "19620#@#Questa funzione non \u00e8 disponibile",
"This interface is currently deactivated. Please activate it to set a configuration": "19624#@#Questa interfaccia \u00e8 attualmente disattivata. Attivarla per stabilire una configurazione.",
"This is just a preview": "19628#@#Questa \u00e8 solo un'anteprima",
"This is the current configuration on the gateway. Changes after save are reflected every 10 seconds": "19632#@#Questa \u00e8 la configurazione attuale del gateway. Le modifiche dopo il salvataggio vengono acquisite ogni 10 secondi.",
"This joint can move between {from} and {to}": "19636#@#Questa articolazione pu\u00f2 muoversi tra {from} e {to}.",
"This Pin supports": "19640#@#Questo pin supporta",
"This report does not contain any page yet": "19644#@#Questo rapporto non contiene ancora pagine",
"This report is empty.": "19648#@#Questo rapporto non contiene nulla",
"This ticket was created by your customer and was not forwarded to the technical development team. What shall happen with this ticket?": "19652#@#Questi ticket \u00e8 stato creato dal proprio cliente e non \u00e8 stato inoltrato al team di sviluppo tecnico. Cosa bisogna fare con questo ticket?",
"This will be shown above the QR Code": "19656#@#Viene mostrato sopra il codice QR",
"Threshold alarm": "20580#@#Allarme del valore di soglia",
"Thursday": "19664#@#Gioved\u00ec",
"Ticket Number": "19668#@#Numero di ticket",
"Timerange": "19672#@#Intervallo temporale",
"Times": "19676#@#Orari",
"Timestamp": "19680#@#Contrassegno orario",
"title": "19684#@#Titolo",
"Title is required": "19688#@#Il titolo \u00e8 necessario",
"Title of the article": "19692#@#Titolo dell'articolo",
"To be able to receive notifications, some channels must be activated": "19696#@#Per poter ricevere notifiche \u00e8 necessario attivare almeno un canale",
"Toggle time": "19700#@#Selezionare l'orario",
"Too little available memory. Quality is reduced and the model is reloaded": "19704#@#Spazio di memoria insufficiente. La qualit\u00e0 viene ridotta e il modello viene ricaricato.",
"Topic": "19708#@#Tema",
"Translate": "19712#@#Traduci",
"Translate description": "19716#@#Traduci descrizione",
"Translate missing": "19720#@#Traduci mancanti",
"Translations are saved automatically": "19724#@#Le traduzioni vengono salvate automaticamente",
"Trigger": "19728#@#Causa",
"Trying to connect to OPC UA server...": "19732#@#Test dello stabilimento del collegamento al server OPC UA in corso...",
"Tuesday": "19736#@#Marted\u00ec",
"Type of visualisation": "19744#@#Tipo di display",
"Type to filter": "19748#@#Tipo per il filtraggio",
"Type to search": "19752#@#Toccare per cercare",
"UML Diagrams": "19756#@#Diagrammi UML",
"Unit": "19760#@#Unit\u00e0 di misura",
"Unknown": "19764#@#Sconosciuto",
"Unnamed Asset": "19768#@#Asset senza nome",
"Update": "19772#@#Aggiorna",
"Update aborted": "19776#@#Aggiornamento interrotto",
"Update gateway": "19780#@#Aggiorna gateway",
"Update Invitation": "19784#@#Aggiorna invito",
"Update loading screen": "19788#@#Aggiorna schermata di caricamento",
"Update permissions": "19792#@#Aggiorna autorizzazioni",
"Update theme": "19796#@#Aggiorna design",
"Update user tags": "19800#@#Aggiorna tag utente",
"Updated": "19804#@#Aggiornato",
"Updated Connections are sent to the gateway successfully!": "19808#@#I collegamenti aggiornati sono stati inviati correttamente al gateway!",
"Updating...": "19812#@#Aggiorno...",
"Upload": "19816#@#Carica",
"Upload a custom image": "19820#@#Carica immagine personalizzata",
"Upload a new 3D model": "19824#@#Carica nuovo modello 3D",
"Upload a new model to your scene": "19828#@#Caricare un nuovo modello nella scena",
"Upload an image": "19832#@#Caricare un'immagine",
"Upload either a single file or an entire folder": "19836#@#Caricare un unico file o un'intera cartella",
"Upload file": "19840#@#Carica file",
"Upload image": "19844#@#Carica immagine",
"Uploaded files": "19848#@#File caricati",
"Use 2 fingers to move around the scene": "19852#@#Spostarsi nella scena con 2 dita",
"Use Export template": "19856#@#Usa modello di esportazione",
"Use live data": "19860#@#Usa dati live",
"Use the mousewheel to move forwards\/backwards": "19864#@#Usare la rotella del mouse per spostarsi avanti\/indietro",
"Use these settings to define the times you can receive notifications": "19868#@#Con queste impostazioni si pu\u00f2 stabilire in quali orari si desidera ricevere notifiche",
"Use this": "19872#@#Usa",
"Use this settings": "19876#@#Usa queste impostazioni",
"Use WASD to move the camera and arrow down and up to move up and down": "19880#@#Usare WASD per muovere la camera e i tasti freccia in alto e freccia in basso per spostarsi in alto e in basso.",
"User": "19884#@#Utente",
"User can still login into this account": "19888#@#L'utente pu\u00f2 continuare ad accedere a questo account",
"User will receive a registration link": "19892#@#L'utente riceve un link di registrazione",
"E-Mail": "19896#@#E-mail",
"Fullname": "19912#@#Nome completo",
"Welcome": "19924#@#Benvenuti",
"Password again": "19932#@#Ripetere la password",
"Register": "21072#@#Registrarsi",
"Username": "19944#@#Username",
"Username:": "19948#@#Username:",
"Valid ${addressString}": "19956#@#Valido ${addressString}",
"Valid Hex Code (#f012d0)": "19960#@#Codice esadecimale valido (#f012d0)",
"Validating imported streams...": "19964#@#Convalida dei flussi di dati importati...",
"value": "19968#@#Valore",
"Value in {unit}": "19972#@#Valore in {unit}",
"Value range": "19976#@#Intervallo di valori",
"Variables": "19980#@#Variabili",
"Variant": "19984#@#Variante",
"Verification State": "19988#@#Stato della verifica",
"verified": "19992#@#verificato",
"Verified {addressStringPlural}": "19996#@#Verificato {addressStringPlural}",
"Verify": "20000#@#Verifica",
"Verify a new {type}": "20004#@#Verifica {type} nuovi",
"Verify Code": "20008#@#Verifica codice",
"Version": "20012#@#Versione",
"Version number": "20016#@#Numero di versione",
"Versioning": "20020#@#Versioning",
"Versions": "20024#@#Versioni",
"Very good": "20028#@#Molto buono",
"View": "20032#@#Mostra",
"View all images": "20036#@#Mostra tutte le immagini",
"View Changelog": "20040#@#Mostra changelog",
"View Feedback": "20916#@#Mostra feedback",
"View message": "21040#@#Mostra messaggio",
"View model": "20052#@#Mostra modello",
"Visual event correlation": "20056#@#Correlazione visiva degli eventi",
"Visualisation": "20060#@#Visualizzazione",
"Visualize datastream(s) data": "20064#@#Visualizza fulosso\/flussi di dati",
"Waiting for answer": "20068#@#Attendere la risposta",
"Waiting for discovery service! Another {amount} attempts will be done...": "20072#@#Attesa del Discovery Service! Vengono intrapresi altri {amount} tentativi...",
"waiting for position": "20076#@#Attendere la posizione...",
"waiting for position...": "20080#@#Attendere la posizione...",
"Want to see example data?": "20084#@#Visualizzare i dati di esempio?",
"Warning": "20088#@#Avvertenza",
"We are currently working on this issue": "20092#@#Stiamo lavorando a questo problema",
"We are happy to tell you that we fixed the issue. You can test it now.<\/b>
If the problem still exists, please let us know.": "20096#@#Siamo lieti di comunicare che abbiamo risolto il problema. \u00c8 ora possibile fare la prova.<\/b>
Se il problema persiste si prega di comunicarcelo.",
"We are testing it internally and ship it with the next release": "20100#@#Lo proveremo internamente e lo forniremo con la prossima versione.",
"We have good news!": "20912#@#Abbiamo buone notizie!",
"We just got a request to reset your password": "20936#@#Abbiamo appena ricevuto una richiesta di reimpostare la password",
"We just got an request to reset your password": "20984#@#Abbiamo appena ricevuto una richiesta di reimpostare la password",
"We received this issue": "20116#@#Abbiamo ricevuto il problema",
"We sent a password reset mail to the provided email adress": "20120#@#Abbiamo inviato un'e-mail per la reimpostazione della password all'indirizzo e-mail specificato.",
"Web parser": "20124#@#Webparser",
"Wednesday": "20128#@#Mercoled\u00ec",
"week": "20132#@#Settimana",
"weekday": "20136#@#Giorno della settimana",
"Weekly": "20140#@#Settimanalmente",
"weeks": "20144#@#Settimane",
"Welcome to :accountName": "20548#@#Benvenuti su :accountName",
"What are access tokens?": "20152#@#Cosa sono i token di accesso?",
"What kind of action do you want to create": "20156#@#Quale tipo di azione si desidera creare",
"What shall happen with already collected data?": "20160#@#Cosa bisogna fare con i dati gi\u00e0 raccolti?",
"What timegranularity do you need?": "20164#@#Di quale granularit\u00e0 temporale si ha bisogno?",
"What timerange do you want to export?": "20168#@#Quale intervallo temporale si desidera esportare?",
"When a 3D-Model rendering is finished": "20172#@#Quando un rendering 3D \u00e8 concluso",
"When a feedback is commented": "20176#@#Quando viene commentato un feedback",
"When a new report is available": "20180#@#Quando \u00e8 disponibile un nuovo rapporto",
"When a user sends a help request.": "20184#@#Quando un utente invia una richiesta di aiuto.",
"When an invitation for an alarm is revoked": "20188#@#Quando viene revocato un invito per un allarme",
"When deleting this group, these items also get deleted": "20192#@#Se si elimina questo gruppo verranno eliminati anche i seguenti elementi",
"When you get invited to receive alarm Notification...": "20196#@#Quando si viene invitati al ricevimento di notifiche di allarme...",
"When you receive a report about missed notifications": "20200#@#Quando si riceve un rapporto su notifiche perse",
"When you receive an alarm": "20204#@#Quando si riceve un allarme",
"When you receive an invitation": "20208#@#Quando si riceve un invito",
"Where are you from?": "20212#@#Da dove viene?",
"Where do you want to move this asset?": "20216#@#Dove vuole spostare questo asset?",
"Who shall receive this alert?": "20220#@#Chi deve ricevere questo allarme?",
"Widget assistant": "20224#@#Assistente widget",
"Widget content HERE": "20228#@#Contenuto del widget QUI",
"Wifi connection": "20232#@#Connessione wifi",
"Work in progress": "20244#@#In lavorazione",
"Write message": "20248#@#Scrivere un messaggio",
"Write your content here": "20252#@#Scrivere il contenuto qui",
"x of month": "20256#@#x del mese",
"Yes, delete": "20264#@#S\u00ec, eliminare",
"Yes, delete this access token": "20268#@#S\u00ec, eliminare questo token di accesso",
"Yes, delete this action": "20272#@#S\u00ec, eliminare questa azione",
"Yes, delete this alert": "20276#@#S\u00ec, eliminare questo allarme",
"Yes, delete this app": "20280#@#S\u00ec, eliminare questa app",
"Yes, delete this comment": "20284#@#S\u00ec, eliminare questo commento",
"Yes, delete this dashboard": "20288#@#S\u00ec, eliminare la dashboard",
"Yes, delete this dataflow": "20292#@#S\u00ec, eliminare questo flusso di dati",
"Yes, delete this device": "20296#@#S\u00ec, eliminare questo dispositivo",
"Yes, delete this input": "20300#@#S\u00ec, eliminare questa immissione",
"Yes, delete this state": "20304#@#S\u00ec, eliminare questo stato",
"Yes, delete this widget": "20308#@#S\u00ec, eliminare questo widget",
"Yes, delete this {type}": "20312#@#S\u00ec, eliminare il {type} tipo",
"Yes, run action": "20316#@#S\u00ec, eseguire azione",
"Yes, show me the device": "20320#@#S\u00ec, mostrami il dispositivo",
"You": "20324#@#Tu",
"You can add metadata as additional information. These will be added to all notifications": "20328#@#\u00c8 possibile aggiungere metadati come informazioni aggiuntive. Esse vengono aggiunte a tutte le notifiche",
"You can decline an issue if you can resolve the request by yourself and no additional support from the development team is needed": "20332#@#\u00c8 possibile rifiutare un problema quando si \u00e8 in grado di risolvere da soli la richiesta e non \u00e8 necesdsario altro aiuto dal team di sviluppo.",
"You can find your report attached to this email.": "20956#@#Il rapporto si trova nell'e-mail allegata.",
"You can fine tune by dragging the lines": "20340#@#\u00c8 possibile adattare con precisione trascinando le linee",
"You can paste it now anywhere you like!": "20344#@#\u00c8 possibile aggiungerlo in qualsiasi punto desiderato!",
"You can reorder the items with drag & drop by using the handle": "20348#@#Ordinare gli elementi trascinandoli e rilasciandoli con l'ausilio dell'apposito indicatore",
"You can simulate this input for testing purposes": "20352#@#\u00c8 possibile simulare questo ingresso a scopo di test",
"You can solve this request by yourself and close this ticket with a message": "20356#@#\u00c8 possibile risolvere questa richiesta da soli e chiudere questo ticket con un messaggio.",
"You can't access yet": "20360#@#Non \u00e8 ancora possibile accedere",
"You did not create any feedback yet": "20364#@#Non \u00e8 stato ancora creato un feedback",
"You have not verified any {addressStringPlural} yet": "20368#@#Non \u00e8 stato ancora verificato un {addressStringPlural} .",
"You mark this problem as a technical one you can\u2019t solve and it will be redirected to the development team": "20372#@#Si contrassegna questo problema come problema tecnico che non si \u00e8 in grado di risolvere ed esso viene inoltrato al team di sviluppo.",
"You received a recipient invitation": "20376#@#\u00c8 stato ricevuto l'invito di un destinatario",
"You requested to see the screen of {name}": "20380#@#Si desidera visualizzare lo schermo di {name}",
"You were invited to receive alarms for the datastream {inputName}<\/a><\/b> of the device {deviceName}<\/a><\/b>": "20384#@#Si \u00e8 stati invitati a ricevere allarmi per il flusso di dati {inputName}<\/a><\/b> del dispositivo {deviceName}<\/a><\/b>.",
"You were invited to receive the report {reportName}<\/a><\/b> from the device {deviceName}<\/a><\/b>": "20388#@#Si \u00e8 stati invitati a ricevere il rapporto {reportName}<\/a><\/b> dal dispositivo {deviceName}<\/a><\/b>.",
"Your access tokens": "20392#@#I tuoi codici di accesso",
"Your Account": "20396#@#Il tuo account",
"Your active account was changed a few moments ago. If you proceed, your active account will be updated on this device. If you wish to stay on your current account, your current account will be set as the active one.": "20400#@#L'account attivo \u00e8 stato modificato pochi istanti fa. Se si continua, l'account attivo sar\u00e0 aggiornato in questo dispositivo. Se si desidera mantenere l'account attuale, l'account attuale verr\u00e0 stabilito come account attivo.",
"Your browser does not support this method!": "20404#@#Il browser non supporta questo metodo!",
"Your comment": "20408#@#Commento",
"Your current password": "20412#@#Password attuale",
"Your description": "20416#@#Descrizione",
"Your email address": "20420#@#Indirizzo e-mail",
"Your email address can't be longer than 250 characters": "20424#@#L'indirizzo e-mail non pu\u00f2 avere pi\u00f9 di 250 caratteri.",
"Your email address must be minimum 4 characters": "20428#@#L'indirizzo e-mail deve avere almeno 4 caratteri.",
"Your email must be minimum 4 characters": "20432#@#L'e-mail deve avere almeno 4 caratteri",
"Your feedback description": "20436#@#Descrizione del feedback",
"Your finished rendering will be sent to your email address": "20440#@#Il rendering concluso viene inviato al proprio indirizzo e-mail",
"Your firstname must be minimum 3 characters": "20444#@#Il nome deve avere almeno 3 caratteri",
"Your lastname can't be longer than 250 characters": "20448#@#Il cognome non deve avere pi\u00f9 di 250 caratteri.",
"Your lastname must be minimum 3 characters": "20452#@#Il cognome deve avere almeno 3 caratteri.",
"Your model is ready!": "21048#@#Il modello \u00e8 pronto!",
"Your new password": "20988#@#Nuova password",
"Your new password is:": "20996#@#La nuova password \u00e8:",
"Your password": "20468#@#Password",
"Your password must be between 4 and 16 characters": "20472#@#La password deve avere tra 4 e 16 caratteri.",
"Your password must be between 6 and 30 characters": "20476#@#La password deve avere tra 6 e 30 caratteri.",
"Your password reset link": "20564#@#Link per la reimpostazione della password",
"Your password was changed a few moments ago": "21020#@#La password \u00e8 stata modificata pochi istanti fa",
"Your pdf is currently waiting in the queue to be processed": "20488#@#Il PDF si trova attualmente nella coda di modifica.",
"Your rendering is ready!": "20884#@#Il rendering \u00e8 pronto!",
"Your topic": "20496#@#Tema",
"Zoom": "20500#@#Ingrandisci",
"{amount} datastreams active": "20504#@#{amount} Flussi di dati attivi",
"{amount} more": "20508#@#{amount} altro",
"{count} users": "20512#@#{count} Utenti",
"{count} {key} selected": "20516#@#{count} {key} selezionati",
"{ip} is the default IP address and must not be changed by default": "20520#@#{ip} \u00e8 l'indirizzo IP predefinito e non pu\u00f2 essere cambiato per impostazione predefinita.",
"{name} sent a file": "20524#@#{name} ha inviato un file",
"{name} sent files": "20528#@#{name} ha inviato file",
"{name} wants to see your screen.": "20532#@#{name} vuole visualizzare il vostro schermo.",
"{type} is currently deactivated": "20536#@#{type} \u00e8 attualmente attivato",
"It works!": "20540#@#Funziona",
"Feedback commented": "20544#@#Feedback commentato",
"Feedback status changed": "20552#@#Stato del feedback modificato",
"Your password was changed": "20560#@#La password \u00e8 stata modificata",
"Changing the admin role is not allowed!": "20568#@#Non \u00e8 consentito cambiare il ruolo di amministratore!",
"Role successfully created!": "20572#@#Ruolo creato correttamente!",
"Feature set successfully!": "20576#@#Caratteristica impostata correttamente!",
"Just a test": "20592#@#Solo un test",
"Feedback was solved": "20596#@#Il feedback \u00e8 stato attivato",
"Password changed": "20604#@#Password modificata",
"Your password was recently changed": "20608#@#La password \u00e8 stata modificata da poco",
"Push notifications work!": "20612#@#Le notifiche push funzionano!",
"Parameter 'seen' is missing!": "20616#@#Manca il parametro 'visto'!",
"Parameter 'active' is missing!": "20620#@#Manca il parametro 'attivo'!",
"Communicationchannel deleted!": "20624#@#Canale di comunicazione eliminato!",
"No entry found!": "20628#@#Nessuna voce trovata!",
"Communicationchannel changed!": "20632#@#Canale di comunicazione modificato!",
"Channel successfully updated!": "20636#@#Canale aggiornato correttamente!",
"Times successfully updated!": "20640#@#Orari aggiornati correttamente!",
"Changed trigger successfully!": "20644#@#Causa modificata correttamente!",
"Phone number is already in use!": "20648#@#Il numero di telefono \u00e8 gi\u00e0 in uso!",
"Code sent successfully!": "20652#@#Codice inviato correttamente!",
"Error sending code!": "20656#@#Erore durante l'invio del codice!",
"Code does not match!": "20660#@#Il codice non coincide!",
"Email address is already in use!": "20664#@#L'indirizzo e-mail \u00e8 gi\u00e0 in uso!",
"Test notification sent successfully!": "20668#@#Notifica di prova inviata correttamente!",
"Invitation updated successfully!": "20672#@#Invito aggiornato correttamente!",
"Invitation accepted!": "20676#@#Invito accettato!",
"Invitation decline!": "20680#@#Invito respinto!",
"Invitation revoked successfully!": "20684#@#Invito revocato correttamente!",
"Invalid issue type": "20688#@#Tipo precedente non valido",
"The requested feedback does not exis or was removed!": "20692#@#Il feedback richiesto non esiste o \u00e8 stato rimosso!",
"No one to notify, just a internal comment": "20696#@#Nessuno da avvisare, solo un commento interno",
"Issue was successfully closed": "20700#@#Operazione conclusa correttamente",
"Issue was successfully sent to the technical team": "20704#@#L'operazione \u00e8 stata inviata correttamente al team tecnico",
"The affected user was informed about the status change of the issue.": "20708#@#L'utente interessato \u00e8 stato informato del cambiamento di stato dell'operazione.",
"No reporter found. Maybe the ticket was manually created in jira and not submitted by the cloud platform?": "20712#@#Nessun annunciatore trovato. Forse il ticket \u00e8 stato creato manualmente in Jira e non consegnato attravrso la piattaforma di cloud?",
"Invalid or expired link. Please request a new one!": "20716#@#Link non valido o scaduto. Richiederne uno nuovo!",
"Password successfully changed!": "20720#@#Password modificata correttamente!",
"Dashboard successfully deleted!": "20724#@#Dashboard eliminata correttamente!",
"Account successfully updated!": "20728#@#Account aggiornato correttamente!",
"Email field missing!": "20732#@#Manca il campo dell'e-mail!",
"Roles field missing!": "20736#@#Manca il campo del ruolo!",
"The user is already a member of the account!": "20740#@#L'utente \u00e8 gi\u00e0 membro dell'account!",
"User invited!": "20744#@#Utente invitato!",
"User removed!": "20748#@#Utente rimosso!",
"Account successfully created!": "20752#@#Account creato correttamente!",
"Please provide at least one role!": "20756#@#Immettere almeno un ruolo!",
"Roles successfully assigned!": "20760#@#Ruoli assegnati correttamente!",
"Can not delete a role which is still assigned to users!": "20764#@#Impossibile eliminare un ruolo ancora assegnato ad utenti!",
"Role successfully deleted!": "20768#@#Ruolo eliminato correttamente!",
"Account successfully deleted!": "20772#@#Account eliminato correttamente!",
"Please provide an array of users!": "20776#@#Immettere un array di utenti!",
"User list successfully imported!": "20780#@#Elenco utenti importato correttamente!",
"Asset successfully created!": "20784#@#Asset creato correttamente!",
"Template successfully created!": "20788#@#Modello creato correttamente!",
"Connector not found!": "20792#@#Connettore non trovato!",
"Parameter 'architecture' missing!": "20796#@#Manca il parametro 'architettura'!",
"Parameter 'path' missing!": "20800#@#Manca il parametro 'percorso'!",
"Parameter 'platform' missing!": "20804#@#Manca il parametro 'piattaforma'!",
"Binary successfully saved!": "20808#@#Binario salvato correttamente!",
"No parent with slug :slug found.": "20812#@#Nessun parent trovato con slug :slug.",
"Module version successfully created!": "20816#@#Versione modulo creata correttamente!",
"Please provide a valid json config.": "20820#@#Immettere una configurazione JSON valida.",
"Config updated successfully": "20824#@#Configurazione aggiornata correttamente",
"Actions updated successfully": "20828#@#Azioni aggiornate correttamente",
"A valid version number is required": "20832#@#\u00c8 necessario un numero di versione valido",
"Module updated successfully": "20836#@#Modulo aggiornato correttamente",
"Featureflags updated correctly": "20840#@#Flag delle caratteristiche aggiornate correttamente",
"A new feedback was created!": "20844#@#\u00c8 stato creato un nuovo feedback!",
"Your feedback was approved and will now be forwarded to the development team.": "20848#@#Il feedback \u00e8 stato approvato e verr\u00e0 ora inoltrato al team di sviluppo.",
"We started working on your issue. You will receive an update once it is solved.": "20852#@#Abbiamo iniziato l'elaborazione dell'oprazione. Si ricever\u00e0 un agfgiornamento non appena \u00e8 risolto.",
"Your feedback was solved and is currently under testing. We will inform you once it is released.": "20856#@#Il feedback \u00e8 stato risolto e viene attualmente testato. Vi informeremo non appena viene pubblicato.",
"New comment on feedback": "20860#@#Nuovo commento al feedback",
"Mail Verification Code": "20864#@#Codice di conferma e-mail",
"You missed some notifications": "20868#@#Sono state perse alcune notifiche",
"Some notifications arrived while you were away!": "20872#@#Somno arrivate alcune notifiche durante la proipria assenza!",
"Invitation revoked": "20876#@#Invito revocato",
"New invitation": "20880#@#Nuovo invito",
"Your 3D model was rendered successfully!": "20888#@#Il modello 3D \u00e8 stato renderizzato correttamente!",
"Password reset requested": "20892#@#Reset della password richiesto",
"A password reset was requested for your account.": "20896#@#Per il proprio account \u00e8 stato richiesto un reset della password.",
"You got a new help request": "20900#@#\u00c8 stata ricevuta una nuova richiesta di aiuto",
"Your 3D Model is ready!": "20904#@#Il modello 3D \u00e8 pronto!",
"Then processing of your uploaded 3D Model is finished": "20908#@#L'elaborazione del modello 3D caricato \u00e8 conclusa.",
" The latest release includes some untranslated strings": "20968#@#L'ultima versione contiene alcune catene di caratteri non tradotte",
"Please follow the link below and adjust the translations asap": "20972#@#Seguire il link sottostante e adattare le traduzione al pi\u00f9 presto.",
"View Model": "21036#@#Mostra modello",
"We have updates regarding your feedback!": "21044#@#Abbiamo aggiornamenti sul vostro feedback!",
"Additional information": "21068#@#Informazioni aggiuntive",
"E-Mail Address": "21080#@#Indirizzo e-mail",
"Confirm Password": "21088#@#Confermare la password",
"Please confirm your password before continuing.": "21092#@#Confermare la password prima di proseguire.",
"Forgot Your Password?": "21096#@#Password dimenticata?",
"Send Password Reset Link": "21100#@#Invia link per la reimpostazione della passowrd",
"Verify Your Email Address": "21104#@#Confermare l'indirizzo e-mail",
"A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "21108#@#\u00c8 stato inviato un nuovo link di conferma al vostro indirizzo e-mail.",
"Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "21112#@#Prima di proseguire controllare se tra le e-mail ricevute c'\u00e8 un link di conferma.",
"If you did not receive the email": "21116#@#Se non si \u00e8 ricevuta l'e-mail",
"click here to request another": "21120#@#cliccare qui per richiederne una nuova",
"Login": "21124#@#Login",
"Remember Me": "21128#@#Mantenere l'accesso",
"Sign in": "21136#@#Login",
"Home": "21140#@#Pagina iniziale",
"Contact": "21144#@#Contatto",
"Digitalization made easy!": "21148#@#La digitalizzazione resa facile!",
"Cutout the QR code in the desired size": "21156#@#Ritagliare il codice QR alla dimensione desiderata",
"Visit": "21160#@#Visita",
"Stick them on the position shown below:": "21164#@#Incollarlo nella posizione mostrata in basso:",
"Scan them to check if the code can be read successfully": "21168#@#Scansionarlo per verificare che sia possibile leggere correttamente il codice",
"You should be able to see all information for this spot right on your mobilephone.": "21172#@#Dovrebbe essere possibile leggere tutte le informazioni su questo spot direttamente nel proprio cellulare.",
"Toggle navigation": "21176#@#Cambia navigazione",
"Logout": "21180#@#Logout",
":name": "21184#@#ohne Leerzeichen gefolgt von einem Wort ist eine Backend\u00fcbersetzung, darf nicht ge\u00e4ndert werden",
"{name} ": "21188#@#W\u00f6rter in in geschwungenen Klammern eingefasst sind, sind Variablen f\u00fcr den Browser, bitte nicht \u00e4ndern",
"${selectedUser.firstname}": "21192#@#Geschwungene Klammern mit einem $ davor sind ebenso Variablen, diese bitte auch nicht \u00fcbersetzen.",
"": "21196#@#HTML-Tags f\u00fcr GUI - generell, alles was nach HTML Tags aussieht nicht \u00fcbersetzen",
"<\/b>": "21200#@#HTML-Tags f\u00fcr GUI - generell, alles was nach HTML Tags aussieht nicht \u00fcbersetzen",
"1 Benutzer<\/span>": "21204#@#HTML-Tags f\u00fcr GUI - generell, alles was nach HTML Tags aussieht nicht \u00fcbersetzen",
":assetName<\/a>": "21208#@#HTML-Tags f\u00fcr GUI - generell, alles was nach HTML Tags aussieht nicht \u00fcbersetzen",
"Englische Begriffe": "21212#@#Nicht \u00fcbersetzen - bleibt Englisch",
" '+$' ": "21216#@#Nicht \u00fcbersetzen",
"I2C": "21220#@#Nicht \u00fcbersetzen",
"${showMoreParents ? 'less' : 'more'}`": "21224#@#Nicht \u00fcbersetzen",
"org.vue.components.file-diff-view.actions.${allCollapsed ? 'expand-all' : 'collapse-all'}`": "21228#@#Nicht \u00fcbersetzen",
"org.vue.components.project-select-list.titles.${favorite ? 'favorite' : 'other'}`": "21232#@#Nicht \u00fcbersetzen",
"org.vue.vue-webpack.dashboard.webpack-status.${status || 'Idle'}`": "21236#@#Nicht \u00fcbersetzen"
"es": {
"en-GB": "13967#@#es-ES",
"+ add component": "13971#@#+ A\u00f1adir componente",
"+ Add Dashboard": "13975#@#+ A\u00f1adir tablero",
"+ Add Data": "13979#@#+ A\u00f1adir datos",
"+ Add form": "13983#@#+ A\u00f1adir formulario",
"+ add hotspot": "13987#@#+ A\u00f1adir punto de acceso",
"+ add module": "13991#@#+ A\u00f1adir m\u00f3dulo",
"+ Add Report": "13995#@#+ A\u00f1adir informe",
"+ Add UML Diagram": "13999#@#+ A\u00f1adir diagrama UML",
"1 year": "14003#@#1 a\u00f1o",
"30 days": "14007#@#30 d\u00edas",
"3D model": "14011#@#Modelo 3D",
"3D Model processing finished": "14015#@#Procesamiento de modelo 3D concluido",
"3D Models": "14019#@#Modelos 3D",
"3D scene": "14023#@#Escena 3D",
"6 months": "14027#@#6 meses",
"90 days": "14031#@#90 d\u00edas",
":firstname :lastname invited you to join :accountName's account
to access your digital assets.": "14035#@#:firstname :lastname lo ha invitado a unirse a la cuenta :accountName.",
":invitor invited you to join account :accountName": "14039#@#:invitor lo ha invitado a la cuenta :accountName",
":name raised above :value :unit<\/b>": "14043#@#:name ha aumentado a m\u00e1s de :value :unit<\/b>",
"Gateway network configuration is ok!<\/b>": "14047#@#La configuraci\u00f3n de red de gateway es correcta.<\/b>`",
"Please note:<\/b> The test-alarm will only be sent to users who have already accepted the invitation to receive the alarm. If you selected yourself as a recipient, you will recieve the test-alarm immediately without accepting an invitation": "14051#@#Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente<\/b>: La alarma de prueba solo se enviar\u00e1 a los usuarios que ya hayan aceptado la invitaci\u00f3n para recibirla. Si se ha seleccionado a s\u00ed mismo como receptor, recibir\u00e1 inmediatamente la alarma de prueba sin necesidad de aceptar la invitaci\u00f3n",
"Supported:<\/b>": "14055#@#